
时间:2013-05-15 23:39:16

标签: if-statement batch-file wmic


set getprocesslistlocal=wmic process get name,processid,workingsetsize
echo Type the name of the remote machine to view processes of (or type local for local machine), and press Enter.
set /P remotemachine=
if %remotemachine%==local (
) else (
echo Type the user name to access %remotemachine% with, then press Enter.
set /P remoteuser=
echo Type the password for %remoteuser% on %remotemachine%, then press Enter. ^(Will be displayed in plaintext^)
set /P remotepassword=
wmic /node:%remotemachine% /user:%remoteuser% /password:%remotepass% process get name,processid
echo End of list.
echo Type the process id to terminate and hit Enter.
set /P killid=
if %remotemachine%==local (
wmic process where processid="%killid%" call terminate
) else (
wmic /node %remotemachine% /user:%remoteuser% /password:%remotepass% process where processid="%killid%" call terminate
echo Process id %killid% terminated.

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



解析语句时会发生使用%var%的正常扩展,并且会立即解析整个IF / ELSE构造。因此,您的ELSE块会看到在执行设置值的SET / P语句之前存在的%remoteuser%%remotepass%的值。显然不是你想要的。

使用延迟扩展可以轻松解决问题。必须首先使用SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion启用延迟扩展,然后使用!var!而不是%var%在执行时扩展变量。

你也必须与你的变量名一致,正如Michael Burr在他的回答中指出的那样。


@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set getprocesslistlocal=wmic process get name,processid,workingsetsize
echo Type the name of the remote machine to view processes of (or type local for local machine), and press Enter.
set /P remotemachine=
if %remotemachine%==local (
) else (
  echo Type the user name to access %remotemachine% with, then press Enter.
  set /P remoteuser=
  echo Type the password for !remoteuser! on %remotemachine%, then press Enter. ^(Will be displayed in plaintext^)
  set /P remotepass=
  wmic /node:%remotemachine% /user:!remoteuser! /password:!remotepass! process get name,processid
echo End of list.
echo Type the process id to terminate and hit Enter.
set /P killid=
if %remotemachine%==local (
  wmic process where processid="%killid%" call terminate
) else (
  wmic /node %remotemachine% /user:%remoteuser% /password:%remotepass% process where processid="%killid%" call terminate
echo Process id %killid% terminated.

有关延迟扩展的更多信息,请在命令提示符下键入HELP SETSET /?,然后开始阅读与开始的段落相同的一半。最后,支持延迟环境变量扩展已添加。“

答案 1 :(得分:1)


set /P remotepassword=
rem    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
wmic /node:%remotemachine% /user:%remoteuser% /password:%remotepass% process get name,processid
rem                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^

答案 2 :(得分:1)


setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
) else (
echo Type the user name to access %remotemachine% with, then press Enter.
set /P remoteuser=
echo Type the password for !remoteuser! on %remotemachine%, then press Enter. ^(Will be displayed in plaintext^)
set /P remotepassword=
wmic /node:%remotemachine% /user:!remoteuser! /password:!remotepass! process get name,processid