请以id 431
中的season 1998
season lic id qtty vessel grossTon
1998 16350 431 40 435 57
1998 16353 431 28 303 22.54
(16350& 16353)和两个不同的vessels
(435& 303)。在这个具体案例中预期的结果是:
season lic id qtty vessel grossTon
1998 16350 431 68 435 79.54
。在上面的示例中,我手动选择了lic 16350
和vessel 435
原始数据(* =要合并的行数)
season lic id qtty vessel grossTon
1998 15593 411 40 2643 31.5
1999 27271 411 40 2643 31.5
2000 35758 411 40 2643 31.5
2001 45047 411 50 2643 31.5
2002 56291 411 55 2643 31.5
2003 66991 411 55 2643 31.5
2004 80581 411 55 2643 31.5
2005 95058 411 52 NA NA
2006 113379 411 50 10911 4.65
2007 120894 411 50 10911 4.65
2008 130033 411 50 2483 8.5
2009 139201 411 46 2296 50
2010 148833 411 46 2296 50
2011 158395 411 46 2296 50
1998 16350 431 40 435 57 # *
1998 16353 431 28 303 22.54 # *
2000 37491 436 50 2021 19.11
2001 47019 436 50 2021 19.11
2002 57588 436 51 2021 19.11
2003 69128 436 51 2021 19.11
2004 82400 436 52 2021 19.11
2005 95599 436 50 2021 19.11
2006 113126 436 50 2021 19.11
2007 122387 436 50 2021 19.11
2008 131126 436 50 2021 19.11
2009 140417 436 50 2021 19.11
2010 150673 436 50 2021 19.11
2011 159776 436 50 2021 19.11
的上一行和后续行。像这样:(* =合并后产生的行)
season lic id qtty vessel grossTon
1998 15593 411 40 2643 31.5
1999 27271 411 40 2643 31.5
2000 35758 411 40 2643 31.5
2001 45047 411 50 2643 31.5
2002 56291 411 55 2643 31.5
2003 66991 411 55 2643 31.5
2004 80581 411 55 2643 31.5
2005 95058 411 52 NA NA
2006 113379 411 50 10911 4.65
2007 120894 411 50 10911 4.65
2008 130033 411 50 2483 8.5
2009 139201 411 46 2296 50
2010 148833 411 46 2296 50
2011 158395 411 46 2296 50
1998 16350 431 68 435 79.54 #*
2000 37491 436 50 2021 19.11
2001 47019 436 50 2021 19.11
2002 57588 436 51 2021 19.11
2003 69128 436 51 2021 19.11
2004 82400 436 52 2021 19.11
2005 95599 436 50 2021 19.11
2006 113126 436 50 2021 19.11
2007 122387 436 50 2021 19.11
2008 131126 436 50 2021 19.11
2009 140417 436 50 2021 19.11
2010 150673 436 50 2021 19.11
2011 159776 436 50 2021 19.11
答案 0 :(得分:11)
DT <- data.table(DF) # DF is your original data
DT[, lapply(.SD, sum), by=list(season, lic, id, vessel)]
DT[, lapply(.SD, sum), by=list(season, lic, id, vessel)][season==1998]
season lic id vessel qtty grossTon
1: 1998 15593 411 2643 40 31.50
2: 1998 16350 431 435 68 114.00
3: 1998 16353 431 303 68 45.08
season lic id vessel qtty grossTon
1: 1998 15593 411 2643 40 31.50
2: 1999 27271 411 2643 40 31.50
3: 2000 35758 411 2643 40 31.50
4: 2001 45047 411 2643 50 31.50
5: 2002 56291 411 2643 55 31.50
6: 2003 66991 411 2643 55 31.50
7: 2004 80581 411 2643 55 31.50
8: 2005 95058 411 NA 52 NA
9: 2006 113379 411 10911 50 4.65
10: 2007 120894 411 10911 50 4.65
11: 2008 130033 411 2483 50 8.50
12: 2009 139201 411 2296 46 50.00
13: 2010 148833 411 2296 46 50.00
14: 2011 158395 411 2296 46 50.00
15: 1998 16350 431 435 68 114.00
16: 1998 16353 431 303 68 45.08
17: 1999 28641 431 303 68 45.08
18: 1999 28644 431 435 68 114.00
19: 2000 37491 436 2021 50 19.11
20: 2001 47019 436 2021 50 19.11
21: 2002 57588 436 2021 51 19.11
22: 2003 69128 436 2021 51 19.11
23: 2004 82400 436 2021 52 19.11
24: 2005 95599 436 2021 50 19.11
25: 2006 113126 436 2021 50 19.11
26: 2007 122387 436 2021 50 19.11
27: 2008 131126 436 2021 50 19.11
28: 2009 140417 436 2021 50 19.11
29: 2010 150673 436 2021 50 19.11
30: 2011 159776 436 2021 50 19.11
season lic id vessel qtty grossTon
答案 1 :(得分:4)
Df_agg <- aggregate(. ~ season + lic + id + vessel, data = DF, sum)
# DF is your data
# we use season + lic + id + vessel as the grouping elements
Df_agg[with(Df_agg, order(lic)), ]
# check the output (sort for convenience), identical to Ricardo Saporta's output
season lic id vessel qtty grossTon
21 1998 15593 411 2643 40 31.50
3 1998 16350 431 435 68 114.00
1 1998 16353 431 303 68 45.08
22 1999 27271 411 2643 40 31.50
2 1999 28641 431 303 68 45.08
4 1999 28644 431 435 68 114.00
23 2000 35758 411 2643 40 31.50
5 2000 37491 436 2021 50 19.11
24 2001 45047 411 2643 50 31.50
6 2001 47019 436 2021 50 19.11
25 2002 56291 411 2643 55 31.50
7 2002 57588 436 2021 51 19.11
26 2003 66991 411 2643 55 31.50
8 2003 69128 436 2021 51 19.11
27 2004 80581 411 2643 55 31.50
9 2004 82400 436 2021 52 19.11
10 2005 95599 436 2021 50 19.11
11 2006 113126 436 2021 50 19.11
28 2006 113379 411 10911 50 4.65
29 2007 120894 411 10911 50 4.65
12 2007 122387 436 2021 50 19.11
20 2008 130033 411 2483 50 8.50
13 2008 131126 436 2021 50 19.11
17 2009 139201 411 2296 46 50.00
14 2009 140417 436 2021 50 19.11
18 2010 148833 411 2296 46 50.00
15 2010 150673 436 2021 50 19.11
19 2011 158395 411 2296 46 50.00
16 2011 159776 436 2021 50 19.11
检查1998年,与RS相同,似乎OP在所需输出中有误差,57 + 57!= 79.54但= = 114
Df_agg[Df_agg$season == 1998,]
season lic id vessel qtty grossTon
21 1998 15593 411 2643 40 31.50
3 1998 16350 431 435 68 114.00
1 1998 16353 431 303 68 45.08