
时间:2013-05-13 14:34:15

标签: mysql r


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

# preparation
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user="####", pass="###", host="", db="###")

# fetching the data and calculating fit    
tab <- dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT ID, dep, indep1, indep2 FROM table WHERE !(ISNULL(ID) OR ISNULL(dep) OR ISNULL(indep1) OR ISNULL(indep2))")
regression = glm(tab$dep ~ tab$indep1 + tab$indep2, gaussian)

# preparing data for insertion
insert <- data.frame(tab$ID, fitted.values(regression)
colnames(insert) <- c('ID', 'dep')

# table hassle (inserting data, combining with previous table, deleting old and fitresult renaming combined back to original name
if (dbExistsTable(con, '_result') {
    dbRemoveTable(con, '_result');
dbWriteTable(con, '_result', insert)
dbSendQuery(con, 'CREATE TABLE temporary SELECT table.*, _result.dep FROM table LEFT JOIN result USING (ID)')
dbRemoveTable(con, 'table')
dbRemoveTable(con, '_result')
dbSendQuery(con, 'RENAME TABLE temporary TO table')