import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class CatchingCranes extends MovieClip
//Define the variables
var catcher:CloudCatcher;
var nextCrane:Timer;
var objects:Array = new Array();
var score:int = 0;
var timer:Number;
var maxCount:Number = 60;
var totalLives:int = 5;
var CirclesArray:Array = [];
var spacer:int = 5;
var startPosition:int = 415;
var speed:Number = -7.0;
public function CatchingCranes()
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveCranes);
//Function to indicate level progression
public function progressLevels()
status_mc.status_txt.text = "LEVEL ONE";
status_mc.instructions_txt.text = "COLLECT AT LEAST 500 POINTS";
if (score == 500)
status_mc.status_txt.text = "LEVEL TWO";
status_mc.instructions_txt.text = "COLLECT AT LEAST 750 POINTS";
if (score == 750)
status_mc.status_txt.text = "LEVEL THREE";
status_mc.instructions_txt.text = "COLLECT AT LEAST 1000 POINTS";
if (score == 1000)
status_mc.status_txt.text = "CONGRATULATIONS";
status_mc.instructions_txt.text = "YOU NOW HAVE ONE WISH TO MAKE";
if (totalLives == 0)
status_mc.status_txt.text = "GAME OVER";
status_mc.instructions_txt.text = "CLICK TO TRY AGAIN";
//Function to create a timer
public function createTimer()
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000,maxCount);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countdown);
function countdown(event:TimerEvent):void
timer = (maxCount)-myTimer.currentCount;
timer_txt.text = "TIME LEFT: " + String(timer);
if (timer <= 0)
trace("Time's Up");
myTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countdown);
//Function to create the catcher
public function createCatcher()
catcher = new CloudCatcher();
catcher.y = 50;
catcher.x = 350;
//Function to initiate the next crane production
public function setNextCrane()
nextCrane = new Timer(750+Math.random()*1000,1);
nextCrane.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, newCrane);
//Function to create a new crane
public function newCrane(event:Event)
//Array definition holding different kinds of cranes
var goodCranes:Array = ["ColorCrane1","ColorCrane2","ColorCrane3","ColorCrane4","ColorCrane5"];
var evilCranes:Array = ["EvilCrane"];
var silverCranes:Array = ["SilverCrane"];
var goldCranes:Array = ["GoldCrane"];
//Create a random number and check whether or not it is less than 0.9 (90 percent probability)
if (Math.random() < 0.9)
//Create good cranes
var r:int = Math.floor(Math.random() * goodCranes.length);
var classRef:Class = getDefinitionByName(goodCranes[r]) as Class;
var newCrane:MovieClip = new classRef();
newCrane.typestr = "good";
//Create a random number and check whether or not it is more than 0.9 (10 percent probability)
//Check to see if the current lives count is less than or equal to four, if it is
if (totalLives <= 4)
//Create cranes that provide user with an additional life
var p:int = Math.floor(Math.random() * silverCranes.length);
classRef = getDefinitionByName(silverCranes[p]) as Class;
newCrane = new classRef();
newCrane.typstr = "plus";
//Create cranes that are evil
var s:int = Math.floor(Math.random() * evilCranes.length);
classRef = getDefinitionByName(evilCranes[s]) as Class;
newCrane = new classRef();
newCrane.typstr = "bad";
//If lives are equal to five, only create the evil cranes
r = Math.floor(Math.random() * evilCranes.length);
classRef = getDefinitionByName(evilCranes[r]) as Class;
newCrane = new classRef();
newCrane.typstr = "bad";
//Specify the x and y location of the cranes
newCrane.x = Math.random() * 700;
newCrane.y = 500;
//Add crane
addChildAt(newCrane, 0);
//Function to move the cranes up the stage
public function moveCranes(event:Event)
for (var i:int = objects.length-1; i>=0; i--)
//Make the catcher follow the position of the mouse
catcher.x = mouseX;
//Specify the crane's speed
objects[i].y += speed;
//If the object exits the top stage boundaries
if (objects[i].y < 0)
//Remove the child and take it out of the array
//If that object is good
if (objects[i].typestr == "good")
//Remove one life from the user
totalLives = totalLives - 1;
//Check to see if the crane collides with the cloud, if it does
if (objects[i].hitTestObject(catcher))
//And the crane is good
if (objects[i].typestr == "good")
//Add 25 to the score
score += 25;
//And the crane adds a life
if (objects[i].typestr == "plus")
//Add 10 to the score and increase lives by one
score += 10;
totalLives = totalLives + 1;
//And the crane is evil
if (objects[i].typestr == "bad")
//Take out 5 from the score and remove a life
score -= 5;
totalLives = totalLives - 1;
//If the score is less than zero, take it back to zero
if (score < 0)
score = 0;
//Remove the cranes and splice them from the array
//Update the score display text and the lives with the correct values
score_display.text = "Score = " + score;
lives_txt.text = "Lives: " + totalLives;
//Functions to specify next level options and win/loose scenarios
function goToLevelTwo():void
function goToLevelThree():void
function goToWin():void
function goToLoose():void