使用Sencha构建一个简单的应用程序,而不是在Android 4上运行

时间:2013-05-10 18:48:35

标签: android-emulator sencha-touch sencha-cmd

我希望有人帮助我验证我使用Sencha Touch和Sencha Cmd构建简单移动应用程序所做的工作。

我一直试图构建Android应用程序一段时间,我无法让它在Android 4.0模拟器或手机上运行,​​而且根本没有运气。



Sencha generate app MyTouch22 ../projects/MyTouch22


步骤2:修改打包文件(packager.json)以符合Android 4.0(级别14),如下所示。

 * @cfg  applicationName
 * @required
 * This is the name of your application, which is displayed on the device when the app is installed. On IOS, this should match
 * the name of your application in the Apple Provisioning Portal.
"applicationName":"My Touch22",

 * @cfg  applicationId
 * This is the name namespace for your application. On IOS, this should match the name of your application in the Apple Provisioning Portal.

 * @cfg  versionString
 * @required
 * This is the version of your application.

 * @cfg  versionCode
 * @required
 * This is the integer version code of your application, or you can refer to it as a build number. Used only for Android builds.

 * @cfg  icon
 * For iOS, please refer to their documentation about icon sizes:
 * https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/userexperience/conceptual/mobilehig/IconsImages/IconsImages.html
 * For Android, please refer to the Google Launcher icons guide:
 * http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/icon_design_launcher.html
 * iOS uses 57, 72, 114 and 144; Android uses 36, 48 and 72; if you package for Android you can ignore iOS icons and vice verca
"icon": {

 * @cfg  inputPath
 * @required
 * This is location of your Sencha Touch 2 application, relative to this configuration file.

 * @cfg  outputPath
 * @required
 * This is where the built application file with be saved. Make sure that output path is not in your input path, you may get into endless recursive copying 

 * @cfg  configuration
 * @required
 * This is configuration for your application. `Debug` should always be used unless you are submitting your app to an online
 * store - in which case `Release` should be specified.

 * @cfg  platform
 * @required
 * This is the platform where you will be running your application. Available options are:
 *  - iOSSimulator
 *  - iOS
 *  - Android
 *  - AndroidEmulator

 * @cfg  certificatePath
 * This is the location of your certificate.
 * This is required when you are developing for Android or you are developing on Windows.
"certificatePath": "C:\\Sencha Architect\\keystore\\test-mytouch22.keystore",

 * @cfg  sdkPath
 * This is the path to the Android SDK, if you are developing an Android application.
"sdkPath": "C:\\Android Development\\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130219\\sdk",  

 * @cfg  androidAPILevel
 * This is android API level, the version of Android SDK to use, you can read more about it here: http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/api-levels.html.
 * Be sure to install corresponding platform API in android SDK manager (android_sdk/tools/android)

 * @cfg {Array[String]} permissions
 * Array of permissions that is used by an application (Android only) 
 * Full list of permissions for Android application can be found here: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission.html#ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES

 * @cfg {Array[String]} orientations
 * @required
 * This is orientations that this application can run.
"orientations": [


sencha app package build packager_android.json

第4步:运行我的android 4.0模拟器

android -avd Android_4_Phone


adb install MyTouch22.apk

按照上面提到的步骤,我卡在加载屏幕上。当我重新完成Android 3.0(11级)的整个过程,并使用Android模拟器时,它工作文件。但是,当我将工作版APK文件(Android 3.0)部署到Android 4.0模拟器中时,我在加载页面遇到了同样的问题。

我使用的工具是Sencha Touch 2.2和Sencha Cmd。


  1. http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2.2.0/#!/guide/native_packaging
  2. http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2.2.0/#!/guide/command_app

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


1)`sencha generate app Appname ../Appname`
2)open ../Appname and do ur code..make it 100% working on browser
3)open packager.json and fill the necessary fields..the comment shows how to fill it
4)change API level to 7 in it.
5)install android sdk in ur computer and assign it to `sdkPath` variable
6)cd to app directory (Appname)
7)compass compile resources/saas
(Here you have to install ruby if its not installed, just search with the error in google you will get solution)
8)then `sencha app build native`

它会将apk文件部署到Appname / build / Appname / native