我需要为下面的复杂对象编写undo / redo函数。
class DataContainer implements Serializable{
private PublicationType type;
private HashMap<Enum, String> fields;
private HashMap<Enum, String> oFields;
private HashMap<String, String> userFields;
private String name;
public DataContainer(PublicationType type, HashMap<Enum, String> fields, HashMap<Enum, String> oFields, HashMap<String, String> userFields, String name) {
this.type = type;
this.fields = fields;
this.oFields = oFields;
this.userFields = userFields;
this.name = name;
public class ChangeManager<K> {
int size = 0;
Node<K> root;
Node<K> current;
int maxsize;
public ChangeManager(K item) {
root = new Node<>(null, null, item);
current = root;
public ChangeManager(K item, int maxsize) {
root = new Node<>(null, null, item);
current = root;
this.maxsize = maxsize+1;
public void addChange(K item){
Node<K> tep = current;
current = new Node<>(tep, null, item);
tep.nastepny = current;
if(maxsize>1 &&maxsize<size){
root = root.nastepny;
root.poprzedni = null;
public void setMaxsize(int maxsize) {
this.maxsize = maxsize+1;
public boolean canUndo(){
if(current.poprzedni!=null)return true;
return false;
public boolean canRedo(){
if(current.nastepny!=null)return true;
return false;
public K undo(){
current = current.poprzedni;
return current.obiekt;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Nothing to undo");
public K redo(){
current = current.nastepny;
return current.obiekt;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Nothing to redo");
public int getSize(){
return size;
public void trimToSize(int trim) {
if (trim < size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size - trim; i++) {
root = root.nastepny;
root.poprzedni = null;
private class Node<K>{
Node<K> poprzedni;
Node<K> nastepny;
K obiekt;
public Node(Node<K> poprzedni, Node<K> nastepny, K obiekt) {
this.poprzedni = poprzedni;
this.nastepny = nastepny;
this.obiekt = obiekt;
它适用于简单的String或Integer值,但它不适用于复杂对象。 它似乎包含一个引用而不是该对象。 是否有某种方法可以使其工作或使撤消/重做功能更容易。