
时间:2013-05-06 21:24:19

标签: c# geometry concave-hull




//Main method
public static Vertex[] ConcaveHull(Vertex[] points, int k = 3)
    if (k < 3)
        throw new ArgumentException("K is required to be 3 or more", "k");
    List<Vertex> hull = new List<Vertex>();
    //Clean first, may have lots of duplicates
    Vertex[] clean = RemoveDuplicates(points);
    if (clean.Length < 3)
        throw new ArgumentException("At least 3 dissimilar points reqired", "points");
    if (clean.Length == 3)//This is the hull, its already as small as it can be.
        return clean;
    if (clean.Length < k)
        throw new ArgumentException("K must be equal to or smaller then the amount of dissimilar points", "points");
    Vertex firstPoint = clean[0]; //TODO find mid point
    Vertex currentPoint = firstPoint;
    Vertex[] dataset = RemoveIndex(clean, 0);
    double previousAngle = 0;
    int step = 2;
    int i;
    while (((currentPoint != firstPoint) || (step == 2)) && (dataset.Length > 0))
        if (step == 5)
            dataset = Add(dataset, firstPoint);
        Vertex[] kNearestPoints = nearestPoints(dataset, currentPoint, k);
        Vertex[] cPoints = sortByAngle(kNearestPoints, currentPoint, previousAngle);
        bool its = true;
        i = 0;
        while ((its) && (i < cPoints.Length))
            int lastPoint = 0;
            if (cPoints[0] == firstPoint)
                lastPoint = 1;
            int j = 2;
            its = false;
            while ((!its) && (j < hull.Count - lastPoint))
                its = intersectsQ(hull[step - 1 - 1], cPoints[0], hull[step - i - j - 1], hull[step - j - 1]);
        if (its)
            return ConcaveHull(points, k + 1);
        currentPoint = cPoints[0];
        previousAngle = angle(hull[step - 1], hull[step - 2]);
        dataset = RemoveIndex(dataset, 0);
    bool allInside = true;
    i = dataset.Length;
    while (allInside && i > 0)
        allInside = new Polygon(dataset).Contains(currentPoint); //TODO havent finished ray casting yet.
    if (!allInside)
        return ConcaveHull(points, k + 1);
    return hull.ToArray();

private static Vertex[] Add(Vertex[] vs, Vertex v)
    List<Vertex> n = new List<Vertex>(vs);
    return n.ToArray();

private static Vertex[] RemoveIndex(Vertex[] vs, int index)
    List<Vertex> removed = new List<Vertex>();
    for (int i = 0; i < vs.Length; i++)
        if (i != index)
    return removed.ToArray();

private static Vertex[] RemoveDuplicates(Vertex[] vs)
    List<Vertex> clean = new List<Vertex>();
    VertexComparer vc = new VertexComparer();
    foreach (Vertex v in vs)
        if (!clean.Contains(v, vc))
    return clean.ToArray();

private static Vertex[] nearestPoints(Vertex[] vs, Vertex v, int k)
    Dictionary<double, Vertex> lengths = new Dictionary<double, Vertex>();
    List<Vertex> n = new List<Vertex>();
    double[] sorted = lengths.Keys.OrderBy(d => d).ToArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
    return n.ToArray();

private static Vertex[] sortByAngle(Vertex[] vs, Vertex v, double angle)
    return new Vertex[]{};

private static bool intersectsQ(Vertex v1, Vertex v2, Vertex v3, Vertex v4)
    return intersectsQ(new Edge(v1, v2), new Edge(v3, v4));

private static bool intersectsQ(Edge e1, Edge e2)
    double x1 = e1.A.X;
    double x2 = e1.B.X;
    double x3 = e2.A.X;
    double x4 = e2.B.X;

    double y1 = e1.A.Y;
    double y2 = e1.B.Y;
    double y3 = e2.A.Y;
    double y4 = e2.B.Y;

    var x = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / ((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4));
    var y = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / ((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4));
    if (double.IsNaN(x) || double.IsNaN(y))
        return false;
        if (x1 >= x2)
            if (!(x2 <= x && x <= x1)) { return false; }
            if (!(x1 <= x && x <= x2)) { return false; }
        if (y1 >= y2)
            if (!(y2 <= y && y <= y1)) { return false; }
            if (!(y1 <= y && y <= y2)) { return false; }
        if (x3 >= x4)
            if (!(x4 <= x && x <= x3)) { return false; }
            if (!(x3 <= x && x <= x4)) { return false; }
        if (y3 >= y4)
            if (!(y4 <= y && y <= y3)) { return false; }
            if (!(y3 <= y && y <= y4)) { return false; }
    return true;

private static double angle(Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
    // TODO fix
    Vertex v3 = new Vertex(v1.X, 0);
    if (Orientation(v3, v1, v2) == 0)
        return 180;

    double b = EuclideanDistance(v3, v1);
    double a = EuclideanDistance(v1, v2);
    double c = EuclideanDistance(v3, v2);
    double angle = Math.Acos((Math.Pow(a, 2) + Math.Pow(b, 2) - Math.Pow(c, 2)) / (2 * a * b));

    if (Orientation(v3, v1, v2) < 0)
        angle = 360 - angle;

    return angle;

private static double EuclideanDistance(Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
    return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((v1.X - v2.X), 2) + Math.Pow((v1.Y - v2.Y), 2));

public static double Orientation(Vertex p1, Vertex p2, Vertex p)
    double Orin = (p2.X - p1.X) * (p.Y - p1.Y) - (p.X - p1.X) * (p2.Y - p1.Y);
    if (Orin > 0)
        return -1;//Left
    if (Orin < 0)
        return 1;//Right
    return 0;//Colinier



public class Polygon

    private Vertex[] vs;

    public Polygon(Vertex[] Vertexes)
        vs = Vertexes;

    public Polygon(Bounds bounds)
        vs = bounds.ToArray();

    public Vertex[] ToArray()
        return vs;

    public IEnumerable<Edge> Edges()
        if (vs.Length > 1)
            Vertex P = vs[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < vs.Length; i++)
                yield return new Edge(P, vs[i]);
                P = vs[i];
            yield return new Edge(P, vs[0]);

    public bool Contains(Vertex v)
        return RayCasting.RayCast(this, v);

public class Edge
    public Vertex A = new Vertex(0, 0);
    public Vertex B = new Vertex(0, 0);
    public Edge() { }
    public Edge(Vertex a, Vertex b)
        A = a;
        B = b;
    public Edge(double ax, double ay, double bx, double by)
        A = new Vertex(ax, ay);
        B = new Vertex(bx, by);

public class Bounds
    public Vertex TopLeft;
    public Vertex TopRight;
    public Vertex BottomLeft;
    public Vertex BottomRight;
    public Bounds() { }

    public Bounds(Vertex TL, Vertex TR, Vertex BL, Vertex BR)
        TopLeft = TL;
        TopRight = TR;
        BottomLeft = BL;
        BottomRight = BR;

    public Vertex[] ToArray()
        return new Vertex[] { TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft };


public class Vertex
    public double X = 0;
    public double Y = 0;
    public Vertex() { }
    public Vertex(double x, double y)
        X = x;
        Y = y;

    public static Vertex[] Convert(string vs)
        vs = vs.Replace("[", "");
        vs = vs.Replace("]", "");
        string[] spl = vs.Split(';');
        List<Vertex> nvs = new List<Vertex>();
        foreach (string s in spl)
                nvs.Add(new Vertex(s));

        return nvs.ToArray();

    public static string Stringify(Vertex[] vs)
        string res = "[";
        foreach (Vertex v in vs)
            res += v.ToString();
            res += ";";
        res = res.RemoveLastCharacter();
        res += "]";
        return res;

    public static string ToString(Vertex[] array)
        string res = "[";
        foreach (Vertex v in array)
            res += v.ToString() + ",";
        return res.RemoveLastCharacter() + "]";

    //When x < y return -1
    //When x == y return 0
    //When x > y return 1
    public static int Compare(Vertex x, Vertex y)
        //To find lowest
        if (x.X < y.X)
            return -1;
        else if (x.X == y.X)
            if (x.Y < y.Y)
                return -1;
            else if (x.Y == y.Y)
                return 0;
                return 1;
            return 1;
    public static int CompareY(Vertex a, Vertex b)
        if (a.Y < b.Y)
            return -1;
        if (a.Y == b.Y)
            return 0;
        return 1;

    public static int CompareX(Vertex a, Vertex b)
        if (a.X < b.X)
            return -1;
        if (a.X == b.X)
            return 0;
        return 1;

    public double distance (Vertex b){
        double dX = b.X - this.X;
        double dY = b.Y - this.Y;
        return Math.Sqrt((dX*dX) + (dY*dY));

    public double slope (Vertex b){
        double dX = b.X - this.X;
        double dY = b.Y - this.Y;
        return dY / dX;

    public static int Compare(Vertex u, Vertex a, Vertex b)
        if (a.X == b.X && a.Y == b.Y) return 0;

        Vertex upper = new Vertex();
        Vertex p1 = new Vertex();
        Vertex p2 = new Vertex();
        upper.X = (u.X + 180) * 360;
        upper.Y = (u.Y + 90) * 180;
        p1.X = (a.X + 180) * 360;
        p1.Y = (a.Y + 90) * 180;
        p2.X = (b.X + 180) * 360;
        p2.Y = (b.Y + 90) * 180;
        if(p1 == upper) return -1;
        if(p2 == upper) return 1;

        double m1 = upper.slope(p1);
        double m2 = upper.slope(p2);

        if (m1 == m2)
            return p1.distance(upper) < p2.distance(upper) ? -1 : 1;

        if (m1 <= 0 && m2 > 0) return -1;

        if (m1 > 0 && m2 <= 0) return -1;

        return m1 > m2 ? -1 : 1;

    public static Vertex UpperLeft(Vertex[] vs)
        Vertex top = vs[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < vs.Length; i++)
            Vertex temp = vs[i];
            if (temp.Y > top.Y || (temp.Y == top.Y && temp.X < top.X))
                top = temp;
        return top;


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



private static double Angle(Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
    return Math.Atan2(v2.Y - v1.Y, v2.X - v1.X);

将为您提供从v1v2的角度,以-pi和+ pi之间的弧度表示。不要混合度和弧度。我的建议是始终使用弧度,并且只在必要时转换为度,以便人类可读输出。

private static Vertex[] SortByAngle(Vertex[] vs, Vertex v, double angle)
    List<Vertex> vertList = new List<Vertex>(vs);
    vertList.Sort((v1, v2) => AngleDifference(angle, Angle(v, v1)).CompareTo(AngleDifference(angle, Angle(v, v2))));
    return vertList.ToArray();

使用List.Sort对顶点point与其自身和angle之间的最大角度差异进行排序。 v1v2的顺序在输入元组中交换以降序排序,即最大差异。角度之间的差异计算如下:

private static double AngleDifference(double a, double b)
    while (a < b - Math.PI) a += Math.PI * 2;
    while (b < a - Math.PI) b += Math.PI * 2;

    return Math.Abs(a - b);


答案 1 :(得分:2)

private static Vertex[] nearestPoints(Vertex[] vs, Vertex v, int k)
    Dictionary<double, Vertex> lengths = new Dictionary<double, Vertex>();
    List<Vertex> n = new List<Vertex>();
    double[] sorted = lengths.Keys.OrderBy(d => d).ToArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
    return n.ToArray();



答案 2 :(得分:0)



Calculating the angle between two lines without having to calculate the slope? (Java)


答案 3 :(得分:0)


private List<Vector> sortClockwiseFromCentroid(List<Vector> points, Vector center)
        points = points.OrderBy(x => Math.Atan2(x.X - center.X, x.Y - center.Y)).ToList();
        return points;