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// each row in the table
var RowView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
tagName: "tr"
// This could be a table tag itself, or a container which holds the table.
// You want to use a CompositeView rather than a CollectionView so you can
// render the containing template (the table tag, headers), and also, it works
// if you have an actual collection model (ItineraryList, etc).
var TableView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
itemView: RowView,
collectionEvents: {
"change": "render"
// This would be a simple form wrapper that pulls default values from
// its model. There are some plugins in this space to help with
// forms in backbone (e.g. backbone-forms), but they may or may not
// be worth the bloat, or might be tricky to work with Marionette.
var FormView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
events: {
"submit form": "onFormSubmit"
data: function () {
// here you'd need to extract your form data, using `serializeArray`
// or some such, or look into a form plugin.
return {};
// Clearly this is incomplete. You'd need to handle errors,
// perhaps validation, etc. You probably also want to bind to
// collection:change or something to close the formview on success.
// Re-rendering the table should be handled by the collection change
// event handler on the table view
onFormSubmit: function (e) {
if (this.model.isNew()) {
} else {
// first off, somewhere on page load you'd instantiate and probably fetch
// a collection, and kick off the tableview
var itineraries = new Itineraries();
// For simplicity I'm assuming your app has two regions, form and table,
// you'll probably want to change this.
app.table.show(new TableView({collection: itineraries}));
// in the router (/itineraries/edit/:id) or a click handler...
function editItinerary(id) {
var itinerary = itineraries.get(id);
// then show a view, however you do that. If you're using a typical
// marionette region pattern it might look like
app.form.show(new FormView({
collection: itineraries,
model: itinerary
// once again, a route (/itineraries/new), or a click handler...
function newItinerary() {
app.form.show(new FormView({
collection: itineraries,
model: new Itinerary()