Windows Azure主题中的SQL筛选器问题

时间:2013-05-02 07:39:19

标签: azure


BrokeredMessage message = new BrokeredMessage("Response Message#"+ (++counter) +" Body");

// Set additional custom app-specific property
message.Properties["MsgGUID"] = RequestMessageID; //assign msgGUID read from the Azure Queue

// Send message to the topic

想要实现的是当我向工作者角色发送消息时,消息将包含随机生成的字符串。 worker角色将该字符串视为我的ID并创建一个代理消息,其“MsgGUID”属性将保存该ID。我的SQL过滤器如下所示:

SqlFilter CompareGUIDFilter = new SqlFilter("MsgGUID = '" + messageID + "'");//Filter based on the Requested GUID i.e. msgGUID

if (!nameSpaceManager.SubscriptionExists("TestTopic", "RequestMessageGUIDSubscriber"))
                /*Subscriber with Filter as Receive only those Messages from the Topic that are 
                requested by the controller from another RequestQueue(Azure Queue) with GUID as messageID*/
                nameSpaceManager.CreateSubscription("TestTopic", "RequestMessageGUIDSubscriber", CompareGUIDFilter);



public string GetRandomString(int length)
            Random r = new Random();
            string result = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                result += allowedchars.Substring(r.Next(0,allowedchars.Length),1);
            return result;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)
