public static native void create(String key, String div, String theme, String lang, int tabIndex, String instructionVisual, String instructionAudio, String playAgain, String cantHereThis, String visualChalange, String audioChalange, String refreshButton, String helpButton, String incorrectTryAgain) /*-{ $wnd.Recaptcha.create(key, "recaptcha_div", { theme:theme, lang:lang, tabindex:tabIndex, custom_translations:{ instructions_visual : instructionVisual, instructions_audio : instructionAudio, play_again : playAgain, cant_hear_this : cantHereThis, visual_challenge : visualChalange, audio_challenge : audioChalange, refresh_btn : refreshButton, help_btn : helpButton, incorrect_try_again : incorrectTryAgain } }); }-*/;
确定。我发现这篇文章指的是you can add '&error=incorrect-captcha-sol' to the challenge request URL, and the user will get an error code.
不知道如何做到这一点,因为我不是一个js家伙。 :(