
时间:2009-10-27 02:13:01

标签: clojure sequence lazy-evaluation


  1. 创建与守护程序的连接。
  2. 加入小组。
  3. 接收一条或多条消息。
  4. 离开小组。
  5. 与守护程序断开连接。
  6. 根据我见过的一些习惯使用elsewhere,我能够使用Spread的Java API和Clojure的互操作形式来编写一些工作函数:

    (defn connect-to-daemon
      "Open a connection"
      (let [connection (SpreadConnection.)
            {:keys [host port user]} daemon-spec]
        (doto connection
          (.connect (InetAddress/getByName host) port user false false))))
    (defn join-group
      "Join a group on a connection"
      [cxn group-name]
      (doto (SpreadGroup.)
        (.join cxn group-name)))
    (defn with-daemon*
      "Execute a function with a connection to the specified daemon"
      [daemon-spec func]
      (let [daemon (merge *spread-daemon* daemon-spec)
            cxn (connect-to-daemon daemon-spec)]
         (binding [*spread-daemon* (assoc daemon :connection cxn)]
          (.disconnect cxn)))))
    (defn with-group*
      "Execute a function while joined to a group"
      [group-name func]
      (let [cxn (:connection *spread-daemon*)
            grp (join-group cxn group-name)]
         (binding [*spread-group* grp]
          (.leave grp)))))
    (defn receive-message
      "Receive a single message. If none are available, this will block indefinitely."
      (let [cxn (:connection *spread-daemon*)]
        (.receive cxn)))



    (with-daemon {:host "localhost" :port 4803}
      (with-group "aGroup"
        (... looping ...
          (let [msg (receive-message)] 


    (def message-seq (messages-from {:host "localhost" :port 4803} "aGroup"))
    (take 5 message-seq)


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

This文章介绍了如何使用clojure-contrib fill-queue完成该操作。关于清理 - 关于填充队列的一个好处就是你可以提供一个阻塞函数,如果出现错误或某些条件,它会自行清理。您还可以保留对资源的引用以在外部控制它。序列将终止。因此,根据您的语义要求,您必须选择适合的策略。

答案 1 :(得分:3)


(ns your-namespace
  (:use clojure.contrib.seq-utils))

(defn messages-from [daemon-spec group-name]
  (let [cnx (connect-to-deamon daemon-spec))
        group (connect-to-group cnx group-name)]
    (fill-queue (fn [fill]
                  (if done? 
                        (.leave group)
                        (.disconnect cnx)
                        (throw (RuntimeException. "Finished messages"))
                      (fill (.receive cnx))))))

设置完成?要终止列表时为true。此外,(.receive cnx)中抛出的任何异常也将终止列表。