将更新后的值传递给函数(twitter api max_id问题)

时间:2013-04-29 14:25:42

标签: php function twitter

我正在尝试使用Twitter搜索API,我找到了一个使用app-only auth进行身份验证的php库,我添加了max_id参数,但是,我希望每15分钟运行450次查询(如根据速率限制)我不知道如何传递max_id。所以我首先使用默认的0值运行它,然后它从API的响应中获取max_id结果并再次运行该函数,但这次使用检索到的max_id值并执行450次。我尝试了一些东西,我可以在调用函数后得到max_id结果,但我不知道如何传回它并告诉它用更新后的值调用函数。


function search_for_a_term($bearer_token, $query, $result_type='mixed', $count='15', $max_id='0'){
    $url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json"; // base url
    $q = $query; // query term

    $formed_url ='?q='.$q; // fully formed url
    if($result_type!='mixed'){$formed_url = $formed_url.'&result_type='.$result_type;} // result type - mixed(default), recent, popular
    if($count!='15'){$formed_url = $formed_url.'&count='.$count;} // results per page - defaulted to 15
    $formed_url = $formed_url.'&include_entities=true'; // makes sure the entities are included
    $headers = array( 
        "GET /1.1/search/tweets.json".$formed_url." HTTP/1.1", 
        "Host: api.twitter.com", 
        "User-Agent: jonhurlock Twitter Application-only OAuth App v.1",
        "Authorization: Bearer ".$bearer_token."",
    $ch = curl_init();  // setup a curl
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url.$formed_url);  // set url to send to
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); // set custom headers
    ob_start();  // start ouput buffering
    $output = curl_exec ($ch); // execute the curl
    $retrievedhtml = ob_get_contents(); // grab the retreived html
    ob_end_clean(); //End buffering and clean output 
    curl_close($ch); // close the curl
    $result= json_decode($retrievedhtml, true);
    return $result;

$results=search_for_a_term("mybearertoken", "mysearchterm");

/* would like to get all kinds of info from here and put it into a mysql database */

print $max_id; //this gives me the max_id for that page




$result = search_for_a_term("mybearertoken", "searchterm", $max_id);
 $max_id = $result["search_metadata"]["max_id_str"];
print '    '.$max_id.'    ';
}while($i < 3);

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