我想将GPS位置(纬度,经度)转换为x,y坐标。 我找到了许多关于这个主题的链接并应用了它,但它没有给我正确答案!
我按照以下步骤测试答案: (1)首先,我采取两个位置,并使用地图计算它们之间的距离。 (2)然后将两个位置转换为x,y坐标。 (3)然后再次计算x,y坐标中两点之间的距离 并看看它是否在第(1)点给出了相同的结果。
latitude = Math.PI * latitude / 180;
longitude = Math.PI * longitude / 180;
// adjust position by radians
latitude -= 1.570795765134; // subtract 90 degrees (in radians)
// and switch z and y
xPos = (app.radius) * Math.sin(latitude) * Math.cos(longitude);
zPos = (app.radius) * Math.sin(latitude) * Math.sin(longitude);
yPos = (app.radius) * Math.cos(latitude);
答案 0 :(得分:33)
从球体到平面没有等轴测图。将lat / lon坐标从球体转换为平面中的x / y坐标时,您无法希望此操作将保留所有长度。你必须接受某种变形。确实存在许多不同的地图投影,这可以在长度,角度和区域的保留之间实现不同的折衷。对于地球表面的小部分,transverse Mercator很常见。您可能听说过UTM。但有many more。
您引用的公式计算x / y / z,即3D空间中的一个点。但即便如此,你也无法自动获得正确的距离。球体表面上两点之间的最短距离将通过该球体,而地球上的距离大部分是表面之后的测地长度。所以他们会更长。
如果要绘制的地球表面部分相对较小,则可以使用非常简单的近似值。您可以简单地使用水平轴 x 来表示经度λ,垂直轴 y 来表示纬度φ。但是,它们之间的比例不应该是1:1。相反,你应该使用cos(φ 0 )作为宽高比,其中φ 0 表示靠近地图中心的纬度。此外,要从角度(以弧度测量)转换为长度,您需要乘以地球的半径(在此模型中假定为球体)。
这很简单equirectangular projection。在大多数情况下,你只能计算一次cos(φ 0 ),这使后续计算大量的点真的很便宜。
答案 1 :(得分:3)
//top-left reference point
var p0 = {
scrX: 23.69, // Minimum X position on screen
scrY: -0.5, // Minimum Y position on screen
lat: -22.814895, // Latitude
lng: -47.072892 // Longitude
//bottom-right reference point
var p1 = {
scrX: 276, // Maximum X position on screen
scrY: 178.9, // Maximum Y position on screen
lat: -22.816419, // Latitude
lng: -47.070563 // Longitude
var radius = 6.371; //Earth Radius in Km
//## Now I can calculate the global X and Y for each reference point ##\\
// This function converts lat and lng coordinates to GLOBAL X and Y positions
function latlngToGlobalXY(lat, lng){
//Calculates x based on cos of average of the latitudes
let x = radius*lng*Math.cos((p0.lat + p1.lat)/2);
//Calculates y based on latitude
let y = radius*lat;
return {x: x, y: y}
// Calculate global X and Y for top-left reference point
p0.pos = latlngToGlobalXY(p0.lat, p0.lng);
// Calculate global X and Y for bottom-right reference point
p1.pos = latlngToGlobalXY(p1.lat, p1.lng);
* This gives me the X and Y in relation to map for the 2 reference points.
* Now we have the global AND screen areas and then we can relate both for the projection point.
// This function converts lat and lng coordinates to SCREEN X and Y positions
function latlngToScreenXY(lat, lng){
//Calculate global X and Y for projection point
let pos = latlngToGlobalXY(lat, lng);
//Calculate the percentage of Global X position in relation to total global width
pos.perX = ((pos.x-p0.pos.x)/(p1.pos.x - p0.pos.x));
//Calculate the percentage of Global Y position in relation to total global height
pos.perY = ((pos.y-p0.pos.y)/(p1.pos.y - p0.pos.y));
//Returns the screen position based on reference points
return {
x: p0.scrX + (p1.scrX - p0.scrX)*pos.perX,
y: p0.scrY + (p1.scrY - p0.scrY)*pos.perY
//# The usage is like this #\\
var pos = latlngToScreenXY(-22.815319, -47.071718);
$point = $("#point-to-project");
$point.css("left", pos.x+"em");
$point.css("top", pos.y+"em");
PS:我将转换后的位置应用于id为“ point-to-project”的html元素。为了在您的项目上使用这段代码,您应该创建此元素(样式为绝对位置)或更改“使用”块。
答案 2 :(得分:2)
由于在我搜索相同问题时此页面显示在Google顶部,因此我想提供更实用的答案。 MVG的答案是正确的,但只是理论上的。
我为javascript中的fitbit ionic开发了一个轨迹绘图应用程序。下面的代码是我解决问题的方式。
var gpsFix = false;
var circumferenceAtLat = 0;
function locationSuccess(pos){
gpsFix = true;
circumferenceAtLat = Math.cos(pos.coords.latitude*0.01745329251)*111305;
let x = Math.round((this.segments[i].start.x - this.bounds.minX)*this.scale);
let y = Math.round(this.bounds.maxY - this.segments[i].start.y)*this.scale; //heights needs to be inverted
let redraw = false;
//x or y bounds?
this.bounds.maxX = (position.x-this.bounds.minX)*1.1+this.bounds.minX; //increase by 10%
redraw = true;
this.bounds.minX = this.bounds.maxX-(this.bounds.maxX-position.x)*1.1;
redraw = true;
this.bounds.maxY = (position.y-this.bounds.minY)*1.1+this.bounds.minY; //increase by 10%
redraw = true;
this.bounds.minY = this.bounds.maxY-(this.bounds.maxY-position.y)*1.1;
redraw = true;
function reDraw(){
let xScale = device.screen.width / (this.bounds.maxX-this.bounds.minX);
let yScale = device.screen.height / (this.bounds.maxY-this.bounds.minY);
if(xScale<yScale) this.scale = xScale;
else this.scale = yScale;
//Loop trough your object to redraw all of them
答案 3 :(得分:0)
import utm
u = utm.from_latlon(12.917091, 77.573586)
结果将是(779260.623156606,1429369.8665238516,43,'P') 前两个可以视为x,y坐标,43P是UTM区域,对于小区域(宽度最大668 km)可以忽略。
答案 4 :(得分:0)
radius = 6371 #Earth Radius in KM
class referencePoint:
def __init__(self, scrX, scrY, lat, lng):
self.scrX = scrX
self.scrY = scrY
self.lat = lat
self.lng = lng
# Calculate global X and Y for top-left reference point
p0 = referencePoint(0, 0, 52.526470, 13.403215)
# Calculate global X and Y for bottom-right reference point
p1 = referencePoint(2244, 2060, 52.525035, 13.405809)
# This function converts lat and lng coordinates to GLOBAL X and Y positions
def latlngToGlobalXY(lat, lng):
# Calculates x based on cos of average of the latitudes
x = radius*lng*math.cos((p0.lat + p1.lat)/2)
# Calculates y based on latitude
y = radius*lat
return {'x': x, 'y': y}
# This function converts lat and lng coordinates to SCREEN X and Y positions
def latlngToScreenXY(lat, lng):
# Calculate global X and Y for projection point
pos = latlngToGlobalXY(lat, lng)
# Calculate the percentage of Global X position in relation to total global width
perX = ((pos['x']-p0.pos['x'])/(p1.pos['x'] - p0.pos['x']))
# Calculate the percentage of Global Y position in relation to total global height
perY = ((pos['y']-p0.pos['y'])/(p1.pos['y'] - p0.pos['y']))
# Returns the screen position based on reference points
return {
'x': p0.scrX + (p1.scrX - p0.scrX)*perX,
'y': p0.scrY + (p1.scrY - p0.scrY)*perY
pos = latlngToScreenXY(52.525607, 13.404572);
pos ['x]和pos ['y]包含经纬度(52.525607,13.404572)的转换后的x和y坐标