scala 2.10类型不匹配使用谷歌番石榴的CacheBuilder

时间:2013-04-24 15:39:06

标签: scala guava

我正在为scala 2.10.1中的一些实体编写通用缓存。目前,我正在使用google Guava的CacheBuilder,因为scala生态系统中的选项不多。


trait CachedEntity[E <: KeyedEntity[K],K] {

  def lookup(id:K):E

  def getElem(id:K):Option[E] = Try(elemCache.get(id)).toOption

  val elemCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(10).expireAfterWrite(1,TimeUnit.MINUTES).build(
    new CacheLoader[K,E] {
      def load(key:K) = {
        println("Looking Up key:" + key + "in Class:" + this.getClass.getName)
trait LongKeyed[E<: KeyedEntity[Long],Long] extends CachedEntity[E,Long]


[error] KEHCaching.scala:16: type mismatch;
[error]  found   : id.type (with underlying type K)
[error]  required: Object with K
[error]   def getElem(id:K):Option[E] = Try(elemCache.get(id)).toOption
[error]                                                   ^
[error] one error found


trait CachedEntity[E <: KeyedEntity[K],K <:Object] {


[error] KEHCaching.scala:27: type arguments [E,Long] do not conform to trait CachedEntity's type parameter bounds [E <: org.squeryl.KeyedEntity[K],K <: Object]
[error] trait LongKeyed[E<: KeyedEntity[Long],Long] extends CachedEntity[E,Long]
[error]                                                     ^
[error] one error found

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

CacheBuilder需要Object / AnyRef。 您可以使用java.lang.Long而不是scala.Long,如下所示; Scala会根据需要自动装箱/取消装箱。

import scala.util.Try
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.lang.{Long => JLong}

trait KeyedEntity[K]

trait CachedEntity[E <: KeyedEntity[K], K <: AnyRef] {

  def lookup(id:K):E

  def getElem(id:K):Option[E] = Try(elemCache.get(id)).toOption

  val elemCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(10).expireAfterWrite(1,TimeUnit.MINUTES).build(
    new CacheLoader[K,E] {
      def load(key:K) = {
        println("Looking Up key:" + key + "in Class:" + this.getClass.getName)

trait LongKeyed[E <: KeyedEntity[JLong]] extends CachedEntity[E,JLong]

答案 1 :(得分:1)


trait CachedEntity[E <: KeyedEntity[K], K] {

  def lookup(id:K):E

  def getElem(id:K):Option[E] = Try(elemCache.get(id)).toOption

  val elemCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(
    new CacheLoader[K,E] {
      def load(key:K) = {
        println("Looking Up key:" + key + "in Class:" + this.getClass.getName)

trait LongKeyed[E<: KeyedEntity[Long]] extends CachedEntity[E,Long]

case class MyEntity(id:Long, value:String) extends KeyedEntity[Long]

class MyEntityCache extends LongKeyed[MyEntity]{
  def lookup(id:Long) = MyEntity(id, "foo") 

object CachedEntityTest{
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val cache = new MyEntityCache
    val entity = cache.getElem(1)

//Faking this for purposes of code sample...
trait KeyedEntity[K]