
时间:2013-04-23 14:35:24

标签: excel excel-formula


    Xval    Yval    ParA    ParB
    22      5       10      0.25
    27      7       10      0.5
    26      6       20      0.25
    25      8       20      0.5

我可能想要创建两个图表 - 一个是ParA的每个值都有一个系列,另一个是ParB的每个值都有一个系列。我想做的是能够论坛定义系列数据,说像(sudocode)

Series1x = Xval, IF(ParA==10)
Series1y = Yval, IF(ParA==10)
Series2x = Xval, IF(ParA==20)
Series2y = Yval, IF(ParA==20)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


我在宏中创建了一些Names,然后设置了系列值& XValues到那些范围,虽然这不是严格必要的。

screenshot of "series 2" after the update macro

Sub UpdateChart()
    Dim cht As Chart
    Dim srs As Series
    Dim s1xVals As Range
    Dim s1Vals As Range
    Dim s1Test As Double
    Dim s2Test As Double
    Dim nmAddress As String
    Dim nm1 As Name
    Dim nm2 As Name
    Dim parAVals As Range

    Set parAVals = GetRange("Define the ParA range?")

    Set s1xVals = GetRange("X Values?")
    Set s1Vals = GetRange("Y Values?")
    s1Test = Application.InputBox("What filter value for ParA?", "Series 1 Filter")
    s2Test = Application.InputBox("What filter value for ParA?", "Series 2 Filter")

    'Get the address of all cells matching the filter rule for series 1.'
    nmAddress = GetAddress(s1xVals, parAVals, s1Test)

    'Add the name to the workbook:'
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Srs1_XValues", RefersTo:=Range(nmAddress), Visible:=True
    'Repeat for the Y Values'
    nmAddress = GetAddress(s1Vals, parAVals, s1Test)
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Srs1_YValues", RefersTo:=Range(nmAddress), Visible:=True

    'Repeat for series 2:'
    nmAddress = GetAddress(s1xVals, parAVals, s2Test)
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Srs2_XValues", RefersTo:=Range(nmAddress), Visible:=True
    nmAddress = GetAddress(s1Vals, parAVals, s2Test)
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Srs2_YValues", RefersTo:=Range(nmAddress), Visible:=True

    Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart '## Modify as needed.'

    'remove any existing data in the chart, or modify as needed.'
    For Each srs In cht.SeriesCollection

    'Add the first series:'
    Set srs = cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
        srs.XValues = Range("srs1_XValues")
        srs.Values = Range("srs1_YValues")
        srs.Name = "Series 1 Name"          '## modify as needed.'

    'Add the second series:'
    Set srs = cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
        srs.XValues = Range("srs2_xValues")
        srs.Values = Range("srs2_YValues")
        srs.Name = "Series 2 Name"          '## modify as needed.'

End Sub

Function GetAddress(srsVals As Range, filterVals As Range, filterCriteria As Double)

    Dim cl As Range
    Dim c As Long: c = 1
    Dim tmpAddress As String

    For Each cl In filterVals
        If cl.Value = filterCriteria Then
            Debug.Print srsVals.Cells(c).Value
            'Create a string value of cell address matching criteria'
            If tmpAddress = vbNullString Then
                tmpAddress = srsVals.Cells(c).Address
                tmpAddress = tmpAddress & "," & srsVals.Cells(c).Address
            End If
        End If
        c = c + 1

    GetAddress = tmpAddress

End Function

Private Function GetRange(msg As String) As Range

    Set GetRange = Application.InputBox(msg, Type:=8)

End Function





Sub UpdateChartNoNames()
    Dim cht As Chart
    Dim srs As Series
    Dim s1xVals As Range
    Dim s1Vals As Range
    Dim s1Test As Double
    Dim s2Test As Double
    Dim parAVals As Range

    Set parAVals = GetRange("Define the ParA range?")
    Set s1xVals = GetRange("X Values?")
    Set s1Vals = GetRange("Y Values?")

    '## Alternatively, you could set these ranges without using the inputbox:'
    'Set parAvals = Range("C2:C300")    '
    'Set s1XVals = Range("A2:A300")     '
    'Set s1Vals = Range("B2:B300")      '

    s1Test = Application.InputBox("What filter value for ParA?", "Series 1 Filter")
    s2Test = Application.InputBox("What filter value for ParA?", "Series 2 Filter")

    Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart '## Modify as needed.'

    'remove any existing data in the chart, or modify as needed.'
    For Each srs In cht.SeriesCollection

    'Add the first series:'
    Set srs = cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
        srs.XValues = GetValues(s1xVals, parAVals, s1Test)
        srs.Values = GetValues(s1Vals, parAVals, s1Test)
        srs.Name = "Series 1 Name"          '## modify as needed.'

    'Add the second series:'
    Set srs = cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
        srs.XValues = GetValues(s1xVals, parAVals, s2Test)
        srs.Values = GetValues(s1Vals, parAVals, s2Test)
        srs.Name = "Series 2 Name"          '## modify as needed.'

End Sub

Function GetValues(srsVals As Range, filterVals As Range, filterCriteria As Double) As Variant

    Dim cl As Range
    Dim c As Long: c = 0
    Dim tmpVar As Variant

    ReDim tmpVar(0)
    For Each cl In filterVals
        If cl.Value = filterCriteria Then
            'Debug.Print srsVals.Cells(c).Value'
            'Create a string value of cell address matching criteria'
            ReDim Preserve tmpVar(c)
            tmpVar(c) = srsVals.Cells(c).Value
            c = c + 1
        End If

    GetValues = tmpVar

End Function

Private Function GetRange(msg As String) As Range

    Set GetRange = Application.InputBox(msg, Type:=8)

End Function