,Timer.Enabled = True/False
Public Class clsFeedImgBox
Inherits PictureBox
Private iRank As Integer 'rank in whatever feed this file gets put in
Private iRankTarget As Integer 'rank to move to when rank feed event starts
Private iTopStart As Integer 'starting top location before feed event
Private iTopTarget As Integer 'final Top location after feed event
Private WithEvents tMyTimer As New System.Timers.Timer
Private WithEvents oParent As FeedBase 'splitter panel, all location info comes from the parent
Public Sub New(ByRef sender As FeedBase, ByVal rank as Integer)
'set objects
oParent = sender
'set .Image property to pre-made thumbnail
Image.FromFile(ThumbPath) 'ThumbPath is a property which is set by this point (some code has been removed)
'setup initial position
'set autosize
Me.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
'set Image Scroll timer interval to 20 fps (1000 / 20 = 50)
tMyTimer.Interval = 50
End Sub
Public Sub scroll(ByVal newRank As Integer)
'setPanelLocation(newRank) <== this works, timed movements don't
iRankTarget = newRank
iTopStart = Me.Top
iTopTarget = oParent.ImgTop(newRank) 'gets an integer for the new Top location
End Sub
Private Sub myScrollStep() Handles tMyTimer.Elapsed
'tMyTimer.Enabled = False 'this idea with the enabled = True at the end didn't work
iTickCount += 1
Dim iScrollPerc As Integer 'scroll % between Start and End * 100
iScrollPerc = oParent.ScrollStep(iTickCount, Rank) 'this part works
Console.WriteLine(strThumbName & " scrollPerc: " & iScrollPerc.ToString)
If iScrollPerc >= 100 Then
'scroll event complete
Console.WriteLine(strThumbName & " SetFinalLocation")
Me.setPanelLocation(iRankTarget) '<== This line doesn't work here, but works when called by other means
'stop Feed updates
'reset iTickCount for next movement
iTickCount = 0
'scrolling still going
Dim newTop As Integer
newTop = Math.Round(iTopTarget - (((100 - iScrollPerc) * (iTopTarget - iTopStart)) / 100)) 'this part works
'Console.WriteLine(strThumbName & " TopTarget: " & newTop)
Me.Top = newTop 'Nothing happens here
End If
'Me.Left = oParent.ImgLeft
'Me.Width = oParent.ImgWidth
'Me.Height = oParent.ImgHeight 'that didn't work
'Me.Refresh() 'this didn't work
'Invalidate() 'this didn't do much good either
'Me.Update() 'Aaaaand no cigar, time for StackOverflow
'tMyTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Public Sub setPanelLocation(ByVal rank As Integer)
iRank = rank
End Sub
Public Sub MyRePaint()
'repaint image box with everything in it's current rank
Me.Left = oParent.ImgLeft
Me.Top = oParent.ImgTop(iRank)
Me.Width = oParent.ImgWidth
Me.Height = oParent.ImgHeight
End Sub
End Class
是什么给出的? VB.NET必须有一些内部工作方式可以帮助我解决这个问题。我正在使用VS 2012和Win8