
时间:2013-04-19 00:50:45

标签: wpf xaml binding treeview hierarchicaldatatemplate


Entity Snapshot

因此,要使用部件号MasterPartNumber.pn将MasterPartNumber中的程序集存储起来,我使用导航属性ParentBOMs,该属性由关系给出: MasterPartNumber.pnID = MasterPartsList.parentPnID。 这给了我父汇编下的所有子pnID。

要获取该程序集的子部件号,我使用由ChildPn定义的MasterPartsList.pnID = MasterPartNumber.pnID导航属性。


My TreeView HierarchicalDataTemplate绑定是:

<TreeView x:Name="AssemblyTreeView"
          ItemsSource="{Binding BOMItems}">
    <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MasterPartNumber}"
                              ItemsSource="{Binding ParentBOMs.ChildPn}">
      <TextBlock Text="{Binding pn}" />

我认为这是正确的。 我可以单步执行调试器,看看是否为每个包含子信息的项填充了整个BOMItem导航属性(ParentBOM.ChildPn.pn)。


What I should get:

Root Assembly
--Sub Assembly
----Sub Assembly
------Child (n-levels deep)


Root Assembly


Known possible sources of the problem:
1. Entity Framework is lazy loading, and just hasn't loaded the navigation properties I see in
   the debugger being populated. (No, set LazyLoading to false.)
2. My HierarchicalDataTemplate isn't probing for children just on the fact that it has children
   -- aka it only understands to switch the binding path when a new DataType is available, or 
   something like that. (Not likely, because I've seen HierarchcialDataTemplates for self-referencing entities of a single entity type.)

What I have right:
1. I can cascade down the binding route I told my TreeView to take in the debugger. 
    Parent `pn` is populated as well as its `ParentBOMs.ChildPn.pn`. 


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


您可能必须为要呈现的域类型创建包装器VM类型。说.. MasterPartVM。您现在可以使用2条路线的逻辑定义属性,例如儿童。您的层次结构数据模板将始终使用此属性扩展到下一级别。

这将使您在实施MasterPartVM.Children时找到合适的孩子的责任 - 您似乎已经确定了这一点。如果我误解了这个问题,请告诉我。



public class MyPart
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public bool IsRoot { get; set; }
        public string[] ChildNames { get; set; }
        public IList<MyPart> Children { 
            get {
                if (IsRoot)
                    return ChildNames.Select(c => new MyPart { Name = c, ChildNames =new[]{c} }).ToList();
                    return new List<MyPart>{new MyPart { Name = "No more children" }};
        } }

MyPartsCollection = new ObservableCollection<MyPart>();
            MyPartsCollection.Add(new MyPart
                Name = "Root1",
                IsRoot = true,
                ChildNames = new []{"Item1", "Item2", "Item3"}
<TreeView ItemsSource="{Binding MyPartsCollection}">
    <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyPart}"
                              ItemsSource="{Binding Children}">
      <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />