
时间:2013-04-17 23:23:35

标签: java


我这次给出的作业让我感到困惑“编写一个方法来确定两个字符串的位置数量不同。例如,”Peace“和”Piece“在两个位置上有所不同。该方法被声明为int compare(String word1,String word2);如果字符串相同,则返回0.如果两个字符串的长度不同,则返回-1。

附加“编写一个主要方法来测试方法。主要方法应该告诉字符串有多少,位置不同,或者它们是否相同,或者如果长度不同,请说明长度。从控制台获取字符串。 到目前为止,这就是我所处的地方,我正在寻找有人帮我在DUMDUM术语中解决这个问题,如果他们能够我不需要解决方案,只有帮助理解它。

package arraysandstrings;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class differStrings {
    public static void main (String agrs[]){
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner (System.in);
        System.out.print("Enter a word");
        String word1;
        String word2;
        word1 = scanner.next();
        System.out.print("Enter another word");
        word2 = scanner.next();
        int count = 0;
        int length = word1.length();

        for(int x = 0; x >= length; x = x+1) {
            if (word1.charAt(x) == word2.charAt(x)) {
                count = count + 1;
                System.out.print (count);


   package arraysandstrings;
   import java.util.Scanner;

 public class differStrings {
 public static void main (String agrs[]){
 Scanner scanner = new Scanner (System.in);
 System.out.println("Enter a word");
 String word1 = scanner.next();

System.out.println("Enter another word");
String word2 = scanner.next();
int count = 0;
int word1Length = word1.length();
int word2Length = word2.length();

if (word1Length != word2Length) {
      System.out.println ("Words are a diffrent length");
      System.out.println (word1 + "Has" + word1.length() + " chars");
      System.out.println (word2 + "Has" + word2.length() + " chars");

for(int x = 0; x < word1Length; x = x+1) {

       if (word1.charAt(x) != word2.charAt(x)) {
        count = count + 1;

 System.out.println (count+" different chars");



 System.out.println (count+" different chars");


   if (word1Length != word2Length) {
      System.out.println ("Words are a diffrent length");
      System.out.println (word1 + "Has" + word1.length() + " chars");
      System.out.println (word2 + "Has" + word2.length() + " chars");

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

for(int x = 0; x >= length; x = x+1) {


for(int x = 0; x < length; x = x+1) {

答案 1 :(得分:0)







以下示例是对您的程序进行带注释的重写。我做的一个改变是使用一个函数来执行不匹配字符的计数。函数countNonMatchChars ()是一个静态函数,以解决Java的面向对象特性。此函数是实用程序类型函数,而不是类的一部分。任何想要使用它的人都应该可以使用它。

而不是使用var = var + 1;的语法递增变量而不是像var++;中那样使用++的postincrement运算符。

package arraysandstrings;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class so_strings_main {

    // function to compare two strings and count the number
    // of characters that do not match.
    // this function returns an integer indicating the number
    // of characters that did not match or a negative one if the
    // strings are not equal in length.
    // "john"  "john"   returns 0
    // "john1" "john2"  returns 1
    // "mary1" "john1"  returns 4
    // "john"  "john1"  returns -1 (lengths are not equal)
    public static int countNonMatchChars (String s1, String s2)
        // initialize the count to negative one indicating strings unequal in length
        // get the lengths of the two strings to see if any comparison is needed
        int count = -1;
        int word1Length = s1.length();
        int word2Length = s2.length();

        if (word1Length == word2Length) {
            // the lengths of the two strings are equal so we now do our comparison
            // we start count off at zero.  as we find unmatched characters, we
            // will increment our count.  if no unmatched characters found then
            // we will return a count of zero.
            count = 0;
            for(int iLoop = 0; iLoop < word1Length; iLoop++) {
                if (s1.charAt(iLoop) != s2.charAt(iLoop)) {
                    // the characters at this position in the string do not match
                    // increment our count of non-matching characters
        // return the count of non-matching characters we have found.
        return count;

    public static void main (String agrs[]){
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner (System.in);
        System.out.println("Count non-matching characters in two strings.");
        System.out.println("Enter first word");
        String word1 = scanner.next();

        System.out.println("Enter second word");
        String word2 = scanner.next();
        int count = countNonMatchChars (word1, word2);

        if (count < 0) {
            System.out.println ("Words are a diffrent length");
            System.out.println ("   " + word1 + " Has " + word1.length() + " chars");
            System.out.println ("   " + word2 + " Has " + word2.length() + " chars");
        } else {
            System.out.println (count + " different chars");

答案 2 :(得分:0)


package arraysandstrings;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class differStrings {
  public static void main (String agrs[]){
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner (System.in);
    System.out.println("Enter a word");
    String word1 = scanner.next();
    System.out.println("Enter another word");
    String word2 = scanner.next();
    int count = 0;
    int length = word1.length();

    for(int x = 0; x < length; x = x+1) {
        if (word1.charAt(x) != word2.charAt(x)) {
            count = count + 1;
    System.out.println (count+" different chars");
