
时间:2013-04-17 14:29:39

标签: .net wcf c#-4.0 servicemodelex



  1. 我无法重新设计现有基础架构
  2. 我无法使用可分享会话
  3. 要求:

    1. 我需要能够在客户端服务之间进行通信(例如,如果用户点击某个项目并想要共享该项目,则无论出于何种原因,客户端可能无法处理“共享”功能,需要将其传递给另一个客户端来处理 - 这必须通过服务完成)
    2. 客户之间的沟通必须由服务进行。
    3. 为了最初工作,我在两个客户端之间直接设置了一个IPC通道(netNamedPipeBinding),但我被告知要通过服务器发送所有内容。在大多数情况下,这种情况下的“服务器”与客户端在同一台机器上运行,所以我想出了这个非常粗略的概念验证尝试(见下面的代码块)。

      问题:当为订阅服务调用方法时,当前服务的操作上下文(在其中调用该方法)为null - 这使得服务无需任何方式回调客户端



          public static class SubscriptionManager<TEventArgs> 
          where TEventArgs : class
          private static ConcurrentDictionary<int, Action<TEventArgs>> _subscribers =
             new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Action<TEventArgs>>();
          // sessionId is NOT the WCF SessionId
          public static void FireEvent( int sessionId, TEventArgs eventArgs ) 
              var subscribers = _subscribers.Where( s => s.Key == sessionId );
              var actions = subscribers.Select( keyValuePair => keyValuePair.Value );
              foreach ( var action in actions )
                  action.BeginInvoke( eventArgs, action.EndInvoke, null );
          public static void Subscribe(int sessionId, Action<TEventArgs> eventHandler)
              _subscribers.TryAdd(sessionId, eventHandler);
          public static Action<TEventArgs> Unsubscribe(int sessionId)
              Action<TEventArgs> eventHandler;
              _subscribers.TryRemove(sessionId, out eventHandler);
              return eventHandler;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

首先,我实施的模式似乎可归类为Mediator Pattern



我开始在他的ThreadPoolBehavior库中使用WCF同步上下文和Juval Lowy的ServiceModelEx类,但我与Ninject WCF Extensions阻碍的实现相关联。这个。


public static void FireEvent( int sessionId, TData eventData, InstanceContext context )
    var subscribers = Subscribers.Where( s => s.Key == sessionId );

    var eventArguments = subscribers.Select( kvp => kvp.Value );

    foreach ( var argument in eventArguments )
        // set data associated with the event
        argument.SetData( eventData );

        NinjectInstanceProvider instanceProvider = null;
        Object instance = null;

            // get a "synchronized instance" of the service of type defined by event args
            instanceProvider = new NinjectInstanceProvider( argument.ServiceType );
            instance = instanceProvider.GetInstance( context );

            // get the method from our "synchronized instance"
            // filter by argument types so we don't run into any issues with ambiguity
            var argumentTypes = new[] { typeof ( TEventArgs ) };
            var method = instance.GetType().GetMethod( argument.Callback, argumentTypes );

            // our method arguments
            var arguments = new object[] { argument };

            // invoke the method on our "synchronized instance"
            method.Invoke( instance, arguments );

            // release the instance
            instanceProvider.ReleaseInstance( context, instance );
            // log
            if( provider != null )
                if( instance != null ) { instanceProvider.ReleaseInstance( context, instance ); }