
时间:2013-04-16 09:26:45

标签: java servlets ant




<property name="name" value="servlet"/>
<property name="project.code" value="servlet"/>
<property name="project.name" value="servlet"/>
<property name="version" value="1.00.00"/>

<!--*** Source properties ***-->
<property name="src" location="src"/>
<property name="src-main" location="${src}/main"/>  
<property name="src-main.java" location="${src-main}/java"/>
<property name="src-main.resources" location="${src-main}/resources"/>
<property name="src-main.webapp" location="${src-main}/webapp"/>
<property name="src-test" location="${src}/test"/>      
<property name="src-test.java" location="${src-test}/java"/>
<property name="src-test.resources" location="${src-test}/resources"/>

<property name="lib" location="lib"/>

<!--*** Target properties ***-->
<property name="target" location="target"/>
<property name="build" location="${target}/build"/>
<property name="build.classes" location="${build}/classes"/>
<property name="deploy" location="${target}/deploy"/>
<property name="ide" location="${target}/ide"/>

<!--*** Tomcat Properties ***-->
<property name="tomcat-webapps" location="C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.37-windows-x64\apache-tomcat-7.0.37\webapps"/>

<!--*** Deploy properties ***-->
<property name="tomcat.deploy.dir" location="${tomcat-webapps}"/>

    <!--*** Classpath settings ***-->
<path id="classpath">
    <fileset dir="${lib}">
        <include name="**/*.jar"/>

    <pathelement path="${build}/classes"/>

  * Target: Help (Default)
<target name="help" description="Gives help on all tasks in this build file">
    <echo>Run "ant -projecthelp" or "ant -p" for a list of valid targets for this ant buildfile."</echo>

  * Target: createTempDirs
<target name="init:create-temp-dirs" description="Creates all relevant temporary directoriees. Typically only used the first time these directories need to be created.">
    <mkdir dir="${target}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${deploy}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${ide}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${ide}/classes"/>

  * Target: Clean
<target name="clean" description="Deletes all relevant files and directories eg. build classes, build directories.">
    <!-- Kill the build directory -->
    <delete dir="${build}" />

    <!-- Delete backup files, if necessary -->

    <!-- Delete all temporary files, if necessary -->

  * Target: prepare
<target name="prepare" depends="init:create-temp-dirs" description="Creates all relevant dirs, expand jars, etc.">
    <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>

  * Target: java
<target name="_compile" depends="prepare" >
    <javac srcdir="${src-main.java}" destdir="${build.classes}">
        <classpath refid="classpath"/>
        <include name="**/*.java"/>
    <!-- copy all relevant confirguration files -->
    <copy todir="${build.classes}/resources">
        <fileset dir="${src-main}/resources"/>
    <!-- copy all file in root java directory. -->
    <copy todir="${build.classes}">
        <fileset dir="${src-main.java}" includes="*.*"/>

<target name="compile" depends="clean, _compile" 
          description="Does a clean Java compile ie. all previous built classes are first deleted and then a full recompile takes place." />
<target name="compile:fast" depends="_compile"
        description="Does a Java compile only on changed files. Previously compiled files are left untouched." />

  * Target: war related
<property name="deploy.warfile.name" value="${deploy}/${project.name}.war"/>

<!-- Do a WAR build from the given build directory. No Hibernate build is done. -->
<target name="war:build" description="Creates the War file for this project.">
    <!--<delete file="${deploy.warfile.name}" />-->
    <war destfile="${deploy.warfile.name}" webxml="${src-main.webapp}/WEB-INF/web.xml">
        <classes dir="${build.classes}" />
        <webinf dir="${src-main.webapp}/WEB-INF" />
        <fileset dir="${src-main.webapp}" excludes="WEB-INF/**/*.*" />
        <lib dir="${lib}" includes="**/*.jar" excludes="servlet*.jar, jsp*.jar, javax*.jar" />

<!-- Do a WAR Build and Deploy To Tomcat -->
<target name="war:deploy" depends="war:build" description="Builds the war file (war:build) and deploys it to Tomcat.">
    <copy file="${deploy.warfile.name}" todir="${tomcat.deploy.dir}" />

enter image description here

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

请分享您的 build.xml 。我认为你创建war文件的任务不是在战争中复制jar文件。

<target name="war" depends="build" description="War up the compiled classes into ${package.file.war}">
    <war destfile="${package.file.war}">
        <fileset dir="build" includes="**" excludes="**/*.java"/>       



答案 1 :(得分:0)


中没有mysql-connector jar文件






您可以在MySQL\MySQL Tools for 5.0\java\lib文件夹
