Hadoop安装 - Datanode正在运行,但未在JPS中显示

时间:2013-04-15 15:06:03

标签: hadoop cloudera

我在2节点集群上安装了CDH3U5。一切似乎运行良好,如所有服务,Web UI,MR作业,HDFS shell命令。然而,有趣的是,当我启动datanode服务时,它给了我一个OK消息,即datanode正在运行,因为进程说X.但是当我运行JPS时,我看不到该进程的标签“Datanode”。所以输出看起来像 -

17153 TaskTracker
18908 Jps


1 个答案:

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can you check the following and reply?
- web interface for namenode and what does it show there for livenode
- logfiles for datanode to see if any exception
- if datanode is pingable/ssh from namenode and viceversa

If all the above look ok I'm not sure what the problem is but to fix you can 
- stop all hadoop deamons
- delete temp directory pointed in conf/core-site.xml for both NN and DN
- format namenode
- start deamon