
时间:2013-04-15 14:52:34

标签: c++ pointers dynamic-allocation

我正在尝试使用在我的tic tac toe游戏中使用指针动态分配数组。我对指针的工作原理有点困惑。我们使用cplusplus.com网站作为我们的教科书,我认为关于指针的部分对我来说有点混乱。是否有可能得到它的解释并可能有助于我的tic tac toe游戏?这是我的代码:

//Sophia Ali
// TicTacToe (CS-509 Assignment 5)

using namespace std;

enum Status { WIN, DRAW, CONTINUE, QUIT };

void showBoard( const char board[], int boardSize );
// show current state of board
Status checkGameState( const char board[] );
// returns WIN or CONTINUE
int getHumanSquare( const char board[] );
int getComputerSquare( const char board[] );
bool checkBadSquare( const char board[], int squareNum );
// checks to see if a chosen square is already taken; returns true if
// already taken; used by get*Square functions above.
int getrandint( int min, int max );

int main()
    char board[] = "123456789";   // 10 element char board
    const int boardSize = 10;
    Status gameState = CONTINUE;
    int gametype, squareChoice, turnNum = 0;
    char currentSymbol;           // 'o' or 'x'

    cout << "\n This is a Tic Tac Toe program. Choose the type of game: "
         << "\n (1) human o vs. human x    (2) human o vs. dumb computer x"
         << "\n\n -> ";
    cin  >> gametype;

    /* Show the current state of Tic Tac Toe board. */
    showBoard( board, boardSize );

       Main game loop
    while ( gameState == CONTINUE )
        /* Increment turnNum by 1. */

        /* If turnNum equal to 10
              Set gameState to DRAW.
              Break out of while loop. */
        if ( turnNum == 10 )
            gameState = DRAW;

        /* If we are on an odd-numbered turn
              Print "It's o's turn."
              Set currentSymbol to 'o'.
              Call getHumanSquare function to get squareChoice.
           Else (we are on an even-numbered turn)
              Print "It's x's turn."
              Set currentSymbol to 'x'.
              If the gametype is 1 (human vs. human)
                 Call getHumanSquare function to get squareChoice.
              Else (gametype is 2 (human vs. computer))
                 Call getComputerSquare function to get squareChoice.*/

        // Get current player's square choice and insert into board
        if ( turnNum%2 != 0)
            cout << "\n It's o's turn.";
            currentSymbol = 'o';
            squareChoice = getHumanSquare( board );
            cout << "\n It's x's turn.";
            currentSymbol = 'x';
            if ( gametype == 1 )
                squareChoice = getHumanSquare( board );
                squareChoice = getComputerSquare( board );
        /* If squareChoice is -1 (human player quit)
              Set gameState to QUIT.
              Insert currentSymbol into board at (squareChoice - 1).
              Show the current state of the Tic Tac Toe board.
              Call checkGameState function to determine the gameState. */
        if ( squareChoice == -1 )
            gameState = QUIT;
            board[ squareChoice - 1 ] = currentSymbol;
            showBoard( board, boardSize );
            gameState = checkGameState( board );

    }     // end while

    /* If gameState is WIN
              print "Player " currentSymbol " is the winner." */
    /* If gameState is DRAW
              print "It's a draw." */
    if ( gameState == WIN )
        cout << "Player " <<currentSymbol << " is the winner.";
    if ( gameState == DRAW )
        cout << "It's a draw.";

    return 0;

} // end main


void showBoard( const char board [], int size )
    cout << endl;

    for ( int i = 0; i < size ; i++ )
        cout << board[ i ] << " ";
        if ( ( i + 1 ) % 3 == 0 )
            cout << endl;

    cout << endl;


Status checkGameState( const char board[] )
    // Board       Array
    // 1 2 3       0 1 2
    // 4 5 6  -->  3 4 5
    // 7 8 9       6 7 8
    // Diagonal winners
    if ( board[ 0 ] == board[ 4 ] && board[ 0 ] == board[ 8 ] )
        return WIN;
    else if ( board[ 2 ] == board[ 4 ] && board[ 4 ] == board[ 6 ] )
        return WIN;
    // Horizontal winners
    else if ( board[ 0 ] == board[ 1 ] && board[ 1 ] == board[ 2 ] )
        return WIN;
    else if ( board[ 3 ] == board[ 4 ] && board[ 4 ] == board[ 5 ] )
        return WIN;
    else if ( board[ 6 ] == board[ 7 ] && board[ 7 ] == board[ 8 ] )
        return WIN;
    // Vertical winners
    else if ( board[ 0 ] == board[ 3 ] && board[ 3 ] == board[ 6 ] )
        return WIN;
    else if ( board[ 1 ] == board[ 4 ] && board[ 4 ] == board[ 7 ] )
        return WIN;
    else if ( board[ 2 ] == board[ 5 ] && board[ 5 ] == board[ 8 ] )
        return WIN;
        return CONTINUE;


int getHumanSquare( const char board[] )
    int squareNum;

    cout << "\n Input the number of an empty square: (-1 to quit) ";
    cin  >> squareNum;

    while ( checkBadSquare( board, squareNum ) == true )
        cout << "\n Bad input. Choose another square: ";
        cin >> squareNum;

    return squareNum;


int getComputerSquare( const char board[] )
    int squareNum;

    squareNum = getrandint( 1, 9 );

    while ( checkBadSquare( board, squareNum ) == true )
        squareNum = getrandint( 1, 9 );

    return squareNum;


bool checkBadSquare( const char board[], int squareNum )
    int realSquareNum = squareNum - 1; // count from 0

    if ( squareNum == -1 )
        return false;  // Let quit code pass as a valid square
    else if ( squareNum > 9 )
        return true;   // Square numbers out of range are invalid
    else if ( board[ realSquareNum ] == 'o' || board[ realSquareNum ] == 'x' )
        return true;   // Occupied squares are invalid
        return false;  // Valid square number


int getrandint( int min, int max )
    int scale, shift;
    scale = max - min + 1;
    shift = min;
    return rand() % scale + shift;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这是一个静态分配的数组,编译器知道“123456789”初始值设定项的大小。数组的大小为10,因为编译器将为C字符串的'\ 0'终结符添加额外的空间。

char board[] = "123456789";


char* board = new char[10];
strcpy(board, "123456789");

