在ng-view / other iscroll实现之外的页脚

时间:2013-04-12 14:01:35

标签: angularjs iscroll iscroll4

我正在使用phonegap& amp; twitter bootstrap(使用angularui-bootstrap)。 使用CSS完成固定页眉​​和页脚的花费了很多时间我决定去 使用“iscroll”解决方案。

问题是我的页脚是动态的,并从控制器获取范围变量。 “iscroll”功能通过angularjs指令绑定到div = id =“wrapper”。

目前,我正在每个模板的末尾使用ng-include,但使用此解决方案 我将有多个id =“wrapper”的div。


<div id="footer"></div>
<div ng-view>
<!-- below goes data from template via controller -->
<div id="wrapper" ng-iscroll>
<!-- here goes scrollable content -->
Offer 1
Offer 2
</div><!-- end of scrollable div>
<div id="footer">Some footer data.. if wrapper displays offer list, show "refresh button, and next/previous offers page buttons, and "add new offer button".
 If it displays "new offer" phase.. show "offer list" button....etc</div>
</div><!-- end of ng-view div -->



<div id="footer"></div>
<div id="wrapper" ng-iscroll>
<div ng-view>
<!-- below goes data from template via controller -->
<!-- here goes scrollable content -->
Offer 1
Offer 2
<div id="footer">Some footer data.. if wrapper displays offer list, show "refresh button, and next/previous offers page buttons, and "add new offer button".
 If it displays "new offer" phase.. show "offer list" button....etc</div>
<!-- end of scrollable div>
</div><!-- end of ng-view div -->



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