
时间:2013-04-10 11:57:03

标签: c algorithm dynamic-programming



int calc_budget(int b, int i){
    // If we have reached the end
    if(i >= nParty){
            tbl[b][i] = 0;
            return tbl[b][i];

    //If remaining capacity is not able to hold the ith capacity, move on to next element
    if(budget[i] > b){
            if(tbl[b][i+1] == 0){
                    tbl[b][i+1] = calc_budget(b,i+1);
            return tbl[b][i+1];
    else{   //If the ith capacity can be accomodated
            //Do not include this item
            if(tbl[b][i+1] == 0){
                    tbl[b][i] = calc_budget(b,i+1);

            // Include this item and consider the next item
            if(tbl[b-budget[i]][i+1] == 0){
                    tbl[b-budget[i]][i] = fun[i] + calc_budget(b-budget[i], i+1);

            // We have the results for includinng ith item as well as excluding ith item. Return the best ( max here )
            return max(tbl[b][i], tbl[b-budget[i]][i]);


Objective of the problem: To find the maximum fun by optimally using the given max budget


budget[3] = {19,12,19}
fun[3] = {2,4,5}
allowed budget: 30

程序的正确答案应该是5.我正在返回7.我在尝试调试时绘制了递归树。我的发现:在选择项目0(右子树)时,val = 2 +(11,1)。这(11,1)将导致max((11,2)和0)。 (11,2)是5所以最终的结果是2 + 5 = 7.在这种DP技术中,我的算法不应该选择11,2作为预算的总和超过给定的一个。但这是我为递归DP找到的基本骨架。这个算法有缺陷还是我弄错了。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

问题是,在通话calc_budget(b, i)期间,您为除tbl之外的其他索引编写[b][i]字段。我将尝试使用calc_budget(b, i)的递归定义来解释该问题。

我们首先定义递归关系。让F(b, i)成为各方i, ..., n和最高预算b的最大乐趣。然后,

F(b, n+1) = 0
F(b, i)   = F(b, i+1) // if budget[i] > b
          = max( F(b, i+1), fun[i] + F(b - budget[i], i+1) ) // otherwise

到目前为止一直很好。calc_budget(b, i)应该准确计算这个数字,它应该使用tbl作为已计算值的缓存。换句话说,在第一次拨打电话calc_budget(b, i)后,tbl[b][i] == F(b, i)必须为真。


initialize tbl[b][i] = -1 for all b, i.

def calc_budget(b, i):
    if tbl[b][i] != -1: return tbl[b][i]

    if i == n + 1:
        tbl[b][n+1] = 0
        if budget[i] > b:
            tbl[b][i] = calc_budget(b, i+1)
            tbl[b][i] = max( 
                            calc_budget(b, i+1), 
                            fun[i] + calc_budget(b - budget[i], i+1)

    return tbl[b][i]

我希望您现在同意,因为tbl实际上只是已经计算过的值的缓存,所以写例如,这似乎很奇怪。 tbl[b-budget[i]][i]致电calc_budget(b, i)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

首先,我认为0不足以表明天气已经计算过子问题,因为有些子问题的答案实际上是0。 其次,你的代码中有一个错误,你应该在返回值之前设置tbl [b] [i]的值。 试试这个:

// We have the results for includinng ith item as well as excluding ith item. Return the best ( max here )    
tbl[b][i]=max(tbl[b][i], tbl[b-budget[i]][i]);
return tbl[b][i];
