在NASM中实现cat> fileName命令

时间:2013-04-09 22:36:27

标签: linux assembly x86 nasm i386

我尝试使用系统调用在Ubuntu 11.04中的NASM中实现cat>filename命令。我的程序编译成功并成功运行(似乎是这样)。但每当我尝试触发cat filename命令时,它就会显示"没有这样的文件或目录"但我看到该文件驻留在目录中。如果我尝试通过双击打开文件,则显示我"您没有打开文件所需的权限。"你能帮我找一下代码中的错误吗?


section .data
   msg:     dd "%d",10,0    
   msg1:    db "cat>",0
   length:  equ $-msg1
section .bss
   a    resb 100
       len1 equ $-a
   b    resd 1
   c    resb 100       
   len2 equ $-c
section .txt
  global main
  mov eax,4   ;;it will print cat>
  mov ebx,1
  mov ecx,msg1
  mov edx,length
  int 80h
  mov eax,3   ;;it will take the file name as input
  mov ebx,0
  mov ecx,a
  mov edx,len1
  int 80h

  mov eax,5   ;;it will create the file by giving owner read/write/exec permission
  mov ebx,a
  mov ecx,0100  
  mov edx,1c0h
  int 80h

  cmp eax,0
  jge inputAndWrite
  jmp errorSegment

  mov [b],eax   

  mov eax,3   ;;take the input lines
  mov ebx,0
  mov ecx,c
  mov edx,len2
  int 80h

  mov edx,eax   ;;write the input lines in the file
  mov eax,4
  mov ebx,[b]
  mov ecx,c
  int 80h   

  jmp done  
  jmp done
  mov eax, 1 
  xor ebx, ebx 
  int 80h 

P.S。通过RageD的建议重新编辑上述代码。然而,我创建的文件不包含来自" inputAndWrite"的任何输入行。分割。我正在寻找你的建议。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


;; This is file creation
mov eax, 5
mov ebx, a
mov ecx, 01h ; Edited here for completeness - forgot to update this initially (see edit)
mov edx, 1c0h

对于你的参考,linux系统调用的快速指南(可能有些过时,但大部分是正确的)是使用Linux System Call Table。它非常有助于记住如何设置寄存器等等。


.section bss
a resb 100
len1 equ $ - a
b resd 1
c resb 100
len2 equ $ - c



;; Write to file
mov edx, eax ;; Amount of data to write
mov eax, 4 ;; Write syscall
mov ebx, [b] ;; File descriptor to write out to (I think this is where you stored this, I don't remember exactly)
mov ecx, c ;; Buffer to write out


;; Exit
mov eax, 1 ;; Exit is syscall 1
xor ebx, ebx ;; This is the return value
int 80h ;; Interrupt


;; Null-terminate the last character - this assumes it directly follows the read call
;; and so the contents of eax are the amount of bytes read
mov ebx, eax ;; How many bytes read (or offset to current null-terminator)
sub ebx, 1 ;; Offset in array to the last valid character
add ebx, a ;; Add the memory address (i.e. in C this looks like a[OFFSET])
mov BYTE [ebx], 0 ;; Null-terminated


;; Close fd
mov eax, 6 ;; close() is syscall 6
mov ebx, [b] ;; File descriptor to close
int 80h



; Open file
mov eax, 5
mov ebx, a
mov ecx, 01h
mov edx, 1c0h
int 80h
