
时间:2013-04-05 02:59:16

标签: python math graphics

我正在寻求实现文章"Antialiasing of Curves by Discrete Pre-filtering" by A.E. Fabris and A.R. Forrest.中描述的贝塞尔曲线算法。但是我错过了这个难题的核心部分:Corthout和Pol的曲线点限制算法。它在光栅成像和数字印刷术一书中概述。



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# test15.py

import wx
import math
import cProfile

class Brush(object):
    def __init__(self, size):
        self._brushsize = size
        self.__halfbrush = self._brushsize / 2
    # returns true if inside or touching box
    def insidebox(self, box):
        minp = box[0]
        maxp = box[1]
        if maxp.x < -self.__halfbrush:
            return False
        if minp.x > self.__halfbrush:
            return False
        if maxp.y < -self.__halfbrush:
            return False
        if minp.y > self.__halfbrush:
            return False
        return True

    def at(self, p):
        px = p.x * p.x # 0.027
        py = p.y * p.y 
        d = math.sqrt(px + py)
        return  d < self.__halfbrush

    def getSize(self):
        return self._brushsize

class BezierPoint(object):
    SCALEFACTOR = 4 # we divide each pixel into 4x4 matrix

    def newRealPoint(nbs, x,y):
        return BezierPoint(x,y)

    def __init__(self,x,y):

    def __str__(self):
        return  self.x+ 'x' + self.y

#recalls = 0

class QuadBezier(object): # cubic bezier
    COVERED = 0x01
    NOT_COVERED = 0x02

    def newRealPoint(nbs, x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4):
        b = QuadBezier(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4)
        b.p1 = BezierPoint.newRealPoint( x1, y1)
        b.p2 = BezierPoint.newRealPoint( x2, y2)
        b.p3 = BezierPoint.newRealPoint( x3, y3)
        b.p4 = BezierPoint.newRealPoint( x4, y4)
        b._minx = min(b.p1.x,b.p2.x,b.p3.x,b.p4.x)
        b._maxx = max(b.p1.x,b.p2.x,b.p3.x,b.p4.x)
        b._miny = min(b.p1.y,b.p2.y,b.p3.y,b.p4.y)
        b._maxy = max(b.p1.y,b.p2.y,b.p3.y,b.p4.y)
        return b

    def __init__(self,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4):
        self.p1 = BezierPoint(x1,y1)
        self.p2 = BezierPoint(x2,y2)
        self.p3 = BezierPoint(x3,y3)
        self.p4 = BezierPoint(x4,y4)
        self._minx = min(x1,x2,x3,x4)
        self._maxx = max(x1,x2,x3,x4)
        self._miny = min(y1,y2,y3,y4)
        self._maxy = max(y1,y2,y3,y4)

    def __str__(self):
        s = 'p1 = ' + str(self.p1.x) +'x'+ str(self.p1.y) +' p2 = '+str(self.p2.x) +'x'+str(self.p2.y)
        s = s + ' p3 = ' + str(self.p3.x) +'x'+ str(self.p3.y) +' p4 = '+str(self.p4.x) +'x'+str(self.p4.y)
        return  s

    def subdivide(self, left=True):
        # http://antigrain.com/research/adaptive_bezier/
        # according to the paper, we control vertices need to be performed at
        # higher precision than the discrete space will allow to for any accuracy loss 
        x1 = self.p1.x << 2 
        x2 = self.p2.x << 2 
        x3 = self.p3.x << 2
        x4 = self.p4.x << 2
        y1 = self.p1.y << 2
        y2 = self.p2.y << 2
        y3 = self.p3.y << 2
        y4 = self.p4.y << 2
        x12   = (x1 + x2) >> 1
        y12   = (y1 + y2) >> 1
        x23   = (x2 + x3) >> 1
        y23   = (y2 + y3) >> 1
        x34   = (x3 + x4) >> 1
        y34   = (y3 + y4) >> 1
        x123  = (x12 + x23) >> 1
        y123  = (y12 + y23) >> 1
        x234  = (x23 + x34) >> 1
        y234  = (y23 + y34) >> 1
        x1234 = (x123 + x234) >> 1
        y1234 = (y123 + y234) >> 1

        if left:
            return QuadBezier(x1 >> 2, y1 >> 2, x12 >> 2, y12 >> 2, x123 >> 2, y123 >> 2, x1234 >> 2, y1234 >> 2)
        return QuadBezier(x1234 >> 2, y1234 >> 2, x234 >> 2, y234 >> 2, x34 >> 2, y34 >> 2, x4 >> 2, y4 >> 2)

    def getboundingbox(self):
        return BezierPoint(self._minx,self._miny), BezierPoint(self._maxx,self._maxy)

    def area (self):
        m1,m2 = self.getboundingbox()
        return m2.x-m1.x, m2.y-m1.y

    def minus (self, p):
        px = p.x 
        py = p.y 
        return QuadBezier(self.p1.x - px, self.p1.y - py, 
                          self.p2.x - px, self.p2.y - py, 
                          self.p3.x - px, self.p3.y - py, 
                          self.p4.x - px, self.p4.y - py)

    def draw(self, img,pd, stackofbrushes):
        mmin,mmax = self.getboundingbox()
        numberofbrushes = len(stackofbrushes)
        largestbrushsize = stackofbrushes[numberofbrushes-1].getSize()
        print 'largestbrushsize = ', largestbrushsize
        xstart,xend = int(math.floor(mmin.x/BezierPoint.SCALEFACTOR-largestbrushsize)), int(math.ceil(mmax.x/BezierPoint.SCALEFACTOR+largestbrushsize))
        ystart,yend = int(math.floor(mmin.y/BezierPoint.SCALEFACTOR-largestbrushsize)), int(math.ceil(mmax.y/BezierPoint.SCALEFACTOR+largestbrushsize))
        print (xend - xstart) * 4, (yend - ystart) * 4, ' total area = ', ((xend - xstart) * 4) * ((yend - ystart) * 4)
        # for each pixel in the image
        for x in xrange(xstart, xend):
            for y in xrange(ystart, yend):
                pixel = BezierPoint(x*BezierPoint.SCALEFACTOR+2,y*BezierPoint.SCALEFACTOR+2) # todo: fix me
                covered, height = self.antialisedDilate(stackofbrushes, pixel, numberofbrushes)
                if covered == QuadBezier.COVERED:
                    #print height

    def antialisedDilate(self, stackofbrushes, p, numberofbrushes):
        mstroke = self.minus(p)  # centre the stroke
        h = 0
        n = numberofbrushes - 1
        for i in range(n,-1,-1):
            if mstroke.stroke(stackofbrushes[i]) == QuadBezier.COVERED:
                h = i
                if h == 0:
                    return QuadBezier.NOT_COVERED, 0
                return QuadBezier.COVERED, h
        return QuadBezier.COVERED, h

    def baseCase(self):
        """ returns true if the curve is primitive, that is that the length of the curve is <= 1 of the discrete space selected 
        p1,p2 = self.getboundingbox()
        mx,my = p2.x-p1.x, p2.y-p1.y
        #print mx,my
        distance = 2
        if mx >= -distance and mx <= distance:
            if my > -distance and my <= distance:
                return True
        return False

    def stroke(self, b):
        """ http://pdf.aminer.org/000/593/297/antialiasing_of_curves_by_discrete_pre_filtering.pdf
        # NotInDilatedBBox
        if not b.insidebox(self.getboundingbox()):
            return QuadBezier.NOT_COVERED
        if self.baseCase():
            return QuadBezier.NOT_COVERED
        if b.at(self.p1):
            return QuadBezier.COVERED
        if b.at(self.p4):
            return QuadBezier.COVERED

        left = self.subdivide(True)
        if (left.stroke(b)==QuadBezier.COVERED):
            return QuadBezier.COVERED
        right = self.subdivide(False)
        if (right.stroke(b)==QuadBezier.COVERED):
            return QuadBezier.COVERED

        return QuadBezier.NOT_COVERED

pd = None
pixels = None
def timer ():
    stackofbrushes = [Brush(6.0), Brush(7.0), Brush(9.0), Brush(11.0), Brush(13.0), Brush(15.0)] # largest last

    for i in xrange(6):
        yplus = i * 20
        bezier = QuadBezier.newRealPoint(40.0,50.0+yplus, 80.0,46.0+yplus, 120.0,46.0+yplus, 160.0,50.0+yplus)
        bezier.draw(pixels, pd, stackofbrushes)

class MyToolBar(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(700, 700))

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnExit, id=4)
        bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(700,700)
        # we're using the undocumented native pixel data because the memorydx object introduces artifacts on MacOS
        global pd
        global pixels

        pd = wx.NativePixelData(bmp, wx.Point(0,0), wx.Size(700,700))
        width,height = pd.GetWidth(), pd.GetHeight()
        pixels = pd.GetPixels()
        for x in xrange(width):
            for y in xrange(height):


        wx.StaticBitmap(self, wx.ID_ANY, bmp)

    def OnExit(self, event):

class MyApp(wx.App):
    def OnInit(self):
        frame = MyToolBar(None, -1, 'Antialiasing of Curves by Discrete Pre-filtering')
        return True

app = MyApp(0)