
时间:2013-04-04 21:12:39

标签: cuda atomic shared volatile

我有一个CUDA内核需要在 volatile 共享整数内存上使用原子函数。但是,当我尝试将共享内存声明为volatile并在原子函数中使用它时,我收到一条错误消息。

下面是一些重现错误的极简主义代码。请注意,以下内核不执行任何操作,并且可怕地滥用您为什么要将共享内存声明为volatile(甚至根本不使用共享内存)。但它 重现错误。

代码在共享内存上使用原子函数,因此,要运行它,您可能需要使用“arch12”或更高版本进行编译(在Visual Studio 2010中,右键单击您的项目并转到“属性 - >配置属性” - > CUDA C / C ++ - > Device“并在”代码生成“行中输入”compute_12,sm_12“。否则代码应按原样编译。

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>

static int const X_THRDS_PER_BLK = 32;
static int const Y_THRDS_PER_BLK = 8;

__global__ void KernelWithSharedMemoryAndAtomicFunction(int * d_array, int numTotX, int numTotY)
              __shared__ int s_blk[Y_THRDS_PER_BLK][X_THRDS_PER_BLK]; // compiles
   //volatile __shared__ int s_blk[Y_THRDS_PER_BLK][X_THRDS_PER_BLK]; // will not compile

   int tx = threadIdx.x;
   int ty = threadIdx.y;

   int mx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
   int my = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
   int mi = my*numTotX + mx;

   if (mx < numTotX && my < numTotY)
      s_blk[ty][tx] = d_array[mi];


      atomicMin(&s_blk[ty][tx], 4); // will compile with volatile shared memory only if this line is commented out


      d_array[mi] = s_blk[ty][tx];

int main(void)
   // Declare and initialize some array on host
   int const NUM_TOT_X = 4*X_THRDS_PER_BLK;
   int const NUM_TOT_Y = 6*Y_THRDS_PER_BLK;

   int * h_array = (int *)malloc(NUM_TOT_X*NUM_TOT_Y*sizeof(int));

   for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOT_X*NUM_TOT_Y; ++i) h_array[i] = i;

   // Copy array to device
   int * d_array;
   cudaMalloc((void **)&d_array, NUM_TOT_X*NUM_TOT_Y*sizeof(int));

   cudaMemcpy(d_array, h_array, NUM_TOT_X*NUM_TOT_Y*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

   // Declare block and thread variables
   dim3 thdsPerBlk;
   dim3 blks;

   thdsPerBlk.x = X_THRDS_PER_BLK;
   thdsPerBlk.y = Y_THRDS_PER_BLK;
   thdsPerBlk.z = 1;

   blks.x = (NUM_TOT_X + X_THRDS_PER_BLK - 1)/X_THRDS_PER_BLK;
   blks.y = (NUM_TOT_Y + Y_THRDS_PER_BLK - 1)/Y_THRDS_PER_BLK;
   blks.z = 1;

   // Run kernel
   KernelWithSharedMemoryAndAtomicFunction<<<blks, thdsPerBlk>>>(d_array, NUM_TOT_X, NUM_TOT_Y);

   // Cleanup
   free    (h_array);

   return 0;


error : no instance of overloaded function "atomicMin" matches the argument list





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

atomicMin(&s_blk[ty][tx], 4);

atomicMin((int *)&s_blk[ty][tx], 4);
