将A与B进行比较,然后将B与A进行比较 打印在A而不是B中找到的文件列表,反之亦然
将A与C进行比较,然后将C与A进行比较 打印在A中找到但不在C中的文件列表,反之亦然
将B与C和C与B进行比较 打印在B中找到但不在C中的文件列表,反之亦然
然后我必须从这些比较中获取值并将它们与文件D进行比较 仅打印文件D中找不到的文件
sub compare {
my ($nf, $of, $inf, $infw) = @_;
open NF, $nf or die $!;
my @note_file = <NF>;
close NF;
open OF, $of or die $!;
my @order_file = <OF>;
close OF;
open INF, $inf or die $!;
my @invoice_file = <INF>;
close INF;
open INFW, $infw or die $!;
my @invoicefw_file = <INFW>;
close INFW;
my $lc1 = List::Compare->new(\@note_file,\@order_file);
my @unique_in_note_file = $lc1->get_unique;
my @unique_in_order_file = $lc1->get_complement;
print "The following files exist only in the Brighton-Note file and not in the Brighton-Order file : " . "\n\n" . join("\n", @unique_in_note_file) . "\n" if(scalar(@unique_in_note_file) > 0);
print "The following files exist only in the Brighton-Order file and not in the Brighton-Note file : " . "\n\n" . join("\n", @unique_in_order_file) . "\n" if(scalar(@unique_in_order_file) > 0);
my $lc2 = List::Compare->new(\@note_file,\@invoice_file);
@unique_in_note_file = $lc2->get_unique;
my @unique_in_invoice_file = $lc2->get_complement;
print "The following files exist only in the Brighton-Note file and not in the Web-Sales file : " . "\n\n" . join("\n", @unique_in_note_file) . "\n" if(scalar(@unique_in_note_file) > 0);
print "The following files exist only in the Web-Sales file and not in th Brighton-Note file : " . "\n\n" . join("\n", @unique_in_invoice_file) . "\n" if(scalar(@unique_in_invoice_file) > 0);
my $lc3 = List::Compare->new(\@order_file, \@invoice_file);
@unique_in_order_file = $lc3->get_unique;
@unique_in_invoice_file = $lc3->get_complement;
print "The following files exist only in the Brighton-Order file and not in the Web-Sales file : " . "\n\n" . join("\n", @unique_in_order_file) . "\n" if(scalar(@unique_in_order_file) > 0);
print "The following files exist only in the Web-Sales file and not in th Brighton-Order file : " . "\n\n" . join("\n", @unique_in_invoice_file) . "\n" if(scalar(@unique_in_invoice_file) > 0);
my $lc4 = List::Compare->new(\@unique_in_note_file,\@invoicefw_file);
my @unique_in_notefw_file = $lc4->get_unique;
my @unique_in_invoicefw_file = $lc4->get_complement;
print "The following files exist only in the Brighton-Note file and not in the Web-SalesFW file : " . "\n\n" . join("\n", @unique_in_notefw_file) . "\n" if(scalar(@unique_in_notefw_file) > 0);
print "The following files exist only in the Web-SalesFW file and not in th Brighton-Note file : " . "\n\n" . join("\n", @unique_in_invoicefw_file) . "\n" if(scalar(@unique_in_invoicefw_file) > 0);
my $lc5 = List::Compare->new(\@unique_in_order_file,\@invoicefw_file);
my @unique_in_orderfw_file = $lc5->get_unique;
@unique_in_invoicefw_file = $lc5->get_complement;
print "The following files exist only in the Brighton-Order file and not in the Web-SalesFW file : " . "\n\n" . join("\n", @unique_in_orderfw_file) . "\n" if(scalar(@unique_in_orderfw_file) > 0);
print "The following files exist only in the Web-SalesFW file and not in th Brighton-Order file : " . "\n\n" . join("\n", @unique_in_invoicefw_file) . "\n" if(scalar(@unique_in_invoicefw_file) > 0);
答案 0 :(得分:4)
my %items;
while (<$file1>) {
while (<$file2>) {