预期css“标题”与文本“Ruby on Rails教程示例应用程序|

时间:2013-03-31 06:09:04

标签: ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 rspec railstutorial.org

我正在通过迈克尔·哈特尔的Ruby on Rails Tutorial工作,我一直在进行一项我无法弄清楚的失败测试。 如果您需要code at github



1) Static pages should have the right links on the layout
[31mFailure/Error:[0m [31mpage.should have_selector 'title', text: full_
title('About Us')[0m
[31mexpected css "title" with text "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App |
About Us" to return something[0m    
[36m     # ./spec/requests/static_pages_spec.rb:52:in `block (2 levels) in <top
Finished in 0.3432 seconds
[31m15 examples, 1 failure[0m

Failed examples:
[31mrspec ./spec/requests/static_pages_spec.rb:49[0m [36m# Static pages shoul
d have the right links on the layout[0m

规格/请求/ static_pages_spec.rb

require 'spec_helper'

describe "Static pages" do

subject { page }

shared_examples_for "all static pages" do
 it { should have_selector('h1',    text: heading) }
 it { should have_selector('title', text: full_title(page_title)) }

describe "Home page" do
before { visit root_path }

let(:heading)    { 'Sample App' }
let(:page_title) { '' }

it_should_behave_like "all static pages"
it { should_not have_selector 'title', text: '| Home' }

describe "Help page" do
before { visit help_path }

let(:heading)    { 'Help' }
let(:page_title) { '' }

it_should_behave_like "all static pages"  

describe "About page" do
before { visit about_path }

let(:heading)    { 'About Us' }
let(:page_title) { '' }

it_should_behave_like "all static pages"

describe "Contact page" do
before { visit contact_path }

let(:heading)    { 'Contact' }
let(:page_title) { '' }

it_should_behave_like "all static pages"

it "should have the right links on the layout" do
visit root_path
click_link "About"
page.should have_selector 'title', text: full_title('About Us')
click_link "Help"
page.should have_selector 'title', text: full_title('Help')
click_link "Contact"
page.should have_selector 'title', text: full_title('Contact')
click_link "Home"
click_link "Sign up now!"
page.should have_selector 'title', text: full_title('Sign Up')
click_link "sample app"
page.should_not have_selector 'title', text: full_title(' | Home')

应用/助手/ application_helper.rb

module ApplicationHelper
def full_title(page_title)
    base_title = "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"
    if page_title.empty?
        "#{base_title} | #{page_title}"

应用\视图\ static_pages \ home.html.erb

<div class="center hero-unit">
<h1>Welcome to the Sample App</h1>

<h2>This is the home page for the
<a href="http://railstutorial.org/">Ruby on Rails Tutorial</a>
sample application.</h2>

<%= link_to "Sign up now!", signup_path, class: "btn btn-large btn-primary" %>

<%= link_to image_tag("rails.png", alt: "Rails"), 'http://rubyonrails.org/' %>

应用/视图/布局/ _footer.html.erb

<footer class= "footer">
    <a href="http://railstutorial.org/">Rails Tutorial</a> by Michael Hartl
        <li><%= link_to "About",    about_path %></li>
        <li><%= link_to "Contact",  contact_path %></li>
        <li><a href="http://news.railstutorial.org/">News</a></li>

应用/视图/布局/ _header.html.erb

<header class="navbar navbar-fixed-top navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="container">
  <%= link_to "sample app", root_path, id: "logo" %>
    <ul class="nav pull-right">
      <li><%= link_to "Home",   root_path %></li>
      <li><%= link_to "Help",    help_path %></li>
      <li><%= link_to "Sign in", signup_path %></li>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


问题是,在 app / views / layouts / application.html.erb 文件中,您有以下行:

<title><%= full_title(yield(:title)) %></title>

但在your views under app/views/static_pages中,您provide:titleyield。例如,在 app / views / static_pages / about.html.erb 文件中,您需要添加以下行:

<% provide(:title, 'About Us') %>

您还需要将相关行添加到 app / views / static_pages 下的其他视图中,以便让测试通过。有关详细信息,请参阅the views under the static_pages directory in Rails Tutorial github repo