
时间:2013-03-29 10:51:17

标签: assembly x86 gas

没有很多GAS汇编教程,所以我非常失败。 这只是一个简单的程序,用于在用户输入基数和指数后计算结果。但它不起作用,我认为我的比较声明有问题。 非常感谢您的帮助!谢谢! :)

.section .data
    input1: .ascii "Input base number: \0"
    input1Len: .long .-input1
    input2: .ascii "Input exponent: \0"
    input2Len: .long .-input2
    newline: .ascii "\n\0"
    newlineLen: .long .-newline
    output: .ascii "result = "
    outputLen: .long .-output

.section .bss
    .lcomm base, 1
    .lcomm exponent, 1
    .lcomm result, 1
    .lcomm one, 1

.section .text
.globl _start

#prompt 1st number
movl $4,%eax
movl $1,%ebx
movl $input1,%ecx
movl input1Len, %edx
int $0x80

#get 1st input number
movl $3, %eax
movl $1, %ebx
movl $base, %ecx
int $0x80

#write 1st input number
movl $4,%eax
movl $1,%ebx
movl $base,%ecx
int $0x80

#prompt 2nd number
movl $4,%eax
movl $1,%ebx
movl $input2,%ecx
movl input2Len, %edx
int $0x80   

#get 2nd input number
movl $3, %eax
movl $1, %ebx
movl $exponent, %ecx
int $0x80

#write 2nd input number
movl $4,%eax
movl $1,%ebx
movl $exponent,%ecx
int $0x80

#move base to result
movl (base), %eax
movl %eax, (result)

#check if exponent==1
movl (exponent), %ecx
subl $0x30, %ecx
cmpl $1, %ecx


    movl (base), %eax
    movl (result), %ebx
    subl $0x30, %eax
    subl $0x30, %ebx

    #multiply result and base, then update result
    imull %eax, %ebx
    movl %ebx, (result)
    addl $0x30, %ebx
    movl %ebx, (result) 

    #subtract 1 from ecx, which is the exponent
    subl $1, %ecx

    #compare if ecx is greater than 1
    cmpl $1, %ecx
    jg while


    #write output
    movl $4,%eax
    movl $1,%ebx
    movl $output,%ecx
    movl outputLen, %edx
    int $0x80

    movl $4,%eax
    movl $1,%ebx
    movl $result,%ecx
    movl $1, %edx
    int $0x80

    movl $4,%eax
    movl $1,%ebx
    movl $newline,%ecx
    movl newlineLen, %edx
    int $0x80

    movl $1, %eax
    movl %ecx, %ebx
    int $0x80   

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  # trailing \0 will write an unwanted \0 in the output 
  # you will give the length in the write call anyway
input1: .ascii "Input base number: \0"  

  # as calculated here
input1Len: .long .-input1  

  # you want to read those with movl (base), %eax ...
  # later on !! register size is 4 bytes
  # either resize or use movb (base), %al later on ...
.section .bss 
    .lcomm base, 1
    .lcomm exponent, 1
    .lcomm result, 1

    #get 1st input number
    movl $3, %eax
    movl $1, %ebx
    movl $base, %ecx
      # you should give length 2 in %edx here
      # ... otherwise the old value will be used
      # 2 seems the right choice as it will also read the \n following
    int $0x80 

    #write 1st input number
    movl $4,%eax
    movl $1,%ebx
    movl $base,%ecx
      # you should give length 1 in %edx here
      # ... otherwise the old value will be used 
    int $0x80

   # there's a lot of copying values back and forth
   # going on here ... 
   # better load registers once 
   # => here
    movl (base), %eax
    movl (result), %ebx

   # perform your operations ...

    jg while

   # ... and reassign them
   # => here

   # you'll be in big trouble here 
   # if anything else but
   # --------------------
   #  base=any  exponent=0
   #  base=0    exponent=any
   #  base=1    exponent=any
   #  base=2    exponent=0, 1, 2, 3
   #  base=3    exponent=0, 1, 2
   # --- is given
   #  you'll have to calculate the decimal
   #  representation first ... simply adding 0x30 won't do !!

其他提示:检查1的指数并使用result初始化base可能不是最佳选择。如果其0 result应为1



我不会完全详细说明,因为在stackoverflow上已有一个很好的条目(参见:Assembly Language - How to Do Modulo?),而是试着给你一些简短的提示。


123 / 10 = 12 remainder 3
 12 / 10 =  1 remainder 2
  1 / 10 =  0 remainder 1

一旦分割结果达到0,此算法就会停止。数字的十进制表示只是剩余部分的串联。向上阅读你得到“1”。 “2”。 “3”=“123”这正是您要找的代表。

如上所述,x86上的除法可以由div指令执行。 32位版本将读取来自寄存器%edx%eax的输入,解释为64位数字%edx:%eax和另一个参数。前两个寄存器%eax%edx的使用是隐含的,无法更改。


将此用于上述算法似乎很简单,因为如果没有小的并发症,这正是所需的两个值。这种复杂的形式是以相反的顺序给出数字 - 因此,只需直接打印它们就可以像"321"而不是"123"一样打印上面的例子。




    .section .bss
.lcomm base, 1  
.lcomm exponent, 1  
.lcomm len, 4
.lcomm string, 10

    # ... perform all the read operations of your example here

    # ebx: base
    # ecx: exponent
    # eax: result

    # base
    xor %ebx, %ebx
    movb (base), %bl
    subl $0x30, %ebx

    # exponent
    xor %ecx, %ecx
    movb (exponent), %cl
    subl $0x30, %ecx

    # result
    xor %eax, %eax  # initilize = 0
    # base == 0 ?
    cmpl $0, %ebx
    je prepare
    movl $1, %eax  # initilize = 1

    # exponent == 0 ?
    cmpl $0, %ecx
    je prepare

    # multiply
    imull %ebx, %eax

    subl $1, %ecx   
    jmp while

    # eax: result
    # edx: remainder
    # ecx: string
    # ebx: divisor

    movl $0x000a, %ebx
    movl %esp, %ebp
    xor %edx, %edx
    divl %ebx   # edx:eax / ebx =>  q: eax  mod: edx

    addl $0x30, %edx

    push %edx

    cmpl $0, %eax
    jne divide

    # eax: current digit
    # ebx: string buffer
    # ecx: length  
    mov $string, %ebx
    mov $0, %ecx

    pop %eax
    movb %al, (%ebx, %ecx)
    inc %ecx
    cmp %ebp, %esp
    jne reverse

    mov %ecx, (len)

    # ... print all the other stuff of your example here

    # write result
    movl $4,%eax
    movl $1,%ebx
    movl $string, %ecx   
    movl (len), %edx
    int $0x80