
时间:2013-03-26 19:59:54

标签: css html show-hide


我正在学习html \ css,通常会在这里进行一些搜索来解决大多数问题。我似乎无法通过下面的页面解决问题。基本上我想要一个围绕div的圆圈中的几个图像,其中包含隐藏的文本。当我在图像上悬停(或者稍后点击)时,关联的文本应显示 - 然后隐藏\更改下一个图像悬停时(想想人物和个人资料)

到目前为止,该页面按照我的需要进行操作 - 全屏显示。当我使浏览器窗口变小时,文本保持不变并且所有其他元素都移动。我知道我有位置:固定在图像.hover,这就是问题所在。但是如果我改变它会破坏:固定到任何其他值?



我希望你理解我的挫折并且不要给我太多的时间:-)我之前从未遇到过定位问题 - 直到尝试显示\隐藏div。

<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">



#image {


#image .hover {
    display:none ;


#image:hover .hover {


    margin :0px auto ; 
    text-align: center ;







<div id="wrapper">

    <div id="banner"></div>

    <div id="content">

        <div id="image" style="left: 383px; top: 31px; width: 135px; height: 192px;">
            <img src="images/img-placeholder.jpg" alt="" height="176" width="127"/>

            <div class="hover" style="left: 440px; top: 480px; width: 388px; height: 440px">
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>



        <div id="image" style="left: 97px; top: -83px; width: 135px; height: 192px;">
            <img src="images/img-placeholder.jpg" alt="" height="176" width="127"/>

            <div class="hover" style="left: 440px; top: 480px; width: 388px; height: 440px">

                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>



        <div id="image" style="left: 652px; top: -272px; width: 135px; height: 192px;">
            <img src="images/img-placeholder.jpg" alt="" height="176" width="127"/>

            <div class="hover" style="left:  440px; top: 480px; width: 388px; height: 440px">

                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>



        <div id="image" style="left: 91px; top: 50px; width: 135px; height: 192px;">
            <img src="images/img-placeholder.jpg" alt="" height="176" width="127"/>

            <div class="hover" style="left: 440px; top: 480px; width: 388px; height: 440px">

                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>


        <div id="image" style="left: 370px; top: -80px; width: 135px; height: 192px;">
            <img src="images/img-placeholder.jpg" alt="" height="176" width="127"/>

            <div class="hover" style="left:  440px; top:480px; width: 388px; height: 440px">

                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>



        <div id="image" style="left: 650px; top: -318px; width: 135px; height: 192px;">
            <img src="images/img-placeholder.jpg" alt="" height="176" width="127"/>

            <div class="hover" style="left:  440px; top: 480px;width: 388px; height: 440px">

            <p>Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>
                <p>Eight Lines of text here Eight Lines of text here</p>






1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



这是一篇很好的帖子,可以帮助您入门: Using jQuery to center a DIV on the screen

如果你不想使用JS ......


#box{margin: auto; background: #000; position: relative; z-index: 1; width: 300px; height: 300px;}
#subbox{background: #ccc; position: absolute; width: 50px; height: 50px; z-index: 3; top: 10px; left: 10px;}
#special{background: #ccc; width: 90px; height: 90px; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; margin: -45px 0 0 -45px; z-index: 5;}

