详细解释' git远程节目'

时间:2013-03-25 22:54:31

标签: git branch git-branch git-remote remote-branch

老实说,我找不到git remote show输出的任何详细文档(当然不在man page上)



这里我有两个遥控器, klas origin 以及它们产生的输出:

> git remote show klas
* remote klas
  Fetch URL: ..\klasrepo
  Push  URL: ..\klasrepo
  HEAD branch: master
  Remote branches:
    experiment  tracked
    feature     tracked
    master      tracked
    pu          tracked
    stashbranch tracked
  Local branch configured for 'git pull':
    pu merges with remote pu
  Local refs configured for 'git push':
    experiment pushes to experiment (fast-forwardable)
    feature    pushes to feature    (fast-forwardable)
    master     pushes to master     (fast-forwardable)
    pu         pushes to pu         (up to date)
> git remote show origin
* remote origin
  Fetch URL: C:/Temp/git/.\barerepo.git
  Push  URL: C:/Temp/git/.\barerepo.git
  HEAD branch: experiment
  Remote branches:
    experiment tracked
    master     tracked
  Local branches configured for 'git pull':
    experiment  merges with remote experiment
    master     rebases onto remote master
  Local refs configured for 'git push':
    experiment pushes to experiment (up to date)
    master     pushes to master     (fast-forwardable)

请注意实验列在两者 local refs configured for 'git push'下。那是什么意思?我已将实验配置为分别跟踪 origin / master origin / experiment (和 pu 跟踪 klas / pu )。

我的本​​地功能分支未设置为跟踪任何内容,但仍列在local refs configured for 'git push'下(唯一的连接似乎是相同的名称,另一个非跟踪分支,< em> foo ,未提及)。在功能上的git push提供了fatal: The current branch feature has no upstream branch. - 几乎不是“快速转发”。

似乎local refs configured for 'git push'下列出的本地分支的标准是,恰好存在一个具有相同名称的远程分支?


> git branch -vva
  experiment                0cf7b2a [origin/experiment] added rand content 82 to .\rand_content.txt
* feature                   4b25f46 added rand content 62 to bar.txt
  foo                       40aee50 added rand content 17 to .\rand_content.txt
  master                    4b25f46 [origin/master] added rand content 62 to bar.txt
  pu                        44ad10b [klas/pu] added rand content 51 to doo.txt
  remotes/klas/experiment   1f4e89b app
  remotes/klas/feature      884e953 added rand content 80 to bar.txt
  remotes/klas/master       57877c1 added in tobias repo
  remotes/klas/pu           44ad10b added rand content 51 to doo.txt
  remotes/klas/stashbranch  8678cf0 added rand content 44 to .\rand_content.txt
  remotes/origin/HEAD       -> origin/master
  remotes/origin/experiment 0cf7b2a added rand content 82 to .\rand_content.txt
  remotes/origin/master     4b25f46 added rand content 62 to bar.txt
> git config --list --local | select-string 'branch|remote'
> git --version
git version 1.8.1.msysgit.1

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

这似乎是Git 1.8.1中的一个错误。

略读Git源代码(特别是remote.cbuiltin/remote.c),“为'git push'配置的本地引用”下的列表计算如下:

  1. 收集配置的推送refspecs:
    • 阅读.git/remotes/<remotename>(过时的配置文件;请参阅git help repository-layout
    • 阅读.git/branches/<branchname>(另一个过时的配置文件)
    • 检查remote.<remotename>.push配置项
  2. 如果步骤#1没有找到任何内容,请使用:作为唯一推送refspec
  3. 找到与收集的push refspecs匹配的所有{local,remote}分支组合
  4. 请注意,上述算法不关注branch.<branchname>.remotebranch.<branchname>.mergepush.default

    在典型的使用模式下,上述算法中的步骤#1将永远不会找到任何已配置的refspec,因此将使用:。 refspec是一个简单的匹配refspec,因此如果在本地和远程存储库中都有一个名为git remote show <remotename>的分支,则典型用法<branchname> pushes to <branchname>将始终打印<branchname>