
时间:2013-03-25 06:07:10

标签: perl csv merge


我在文件夹中有一些文本(10-18)文件,我想要读取所有文件并合并所有文件,这些文件在Names列中具有公共变量以及所有文件的Area列。 例如 : file 1.txt

aa 12 54 222
ab 23 2 343
aaa 32 34 34
bba 54 76 65

file 2.txt

名称Sim Area Cas
ab 45 45 56
abc 76 87 98
bba 54 87 87
aaa 33 43 54

file 3.txt

命名Sim Area Cas

aaa 43 54 65
ab 544 76 87
ac 54 65 76


名称Area1 Area2 area3
aaa 32 43 54
ab 23 45 76



use strict;
use warnings;

my $input_dir = 'C:/Users/Desktop/mr/';
my $output_dir = 'C:/Users/Desktop/test_output/';

opendir SD, $input_dir || die 'cannot open the input directory $!';
my @files_list = readdir(SD);

    foreach my $each_file(@files_list)
        if ($each_file!~/^\./)               
            #print "$each_file\n"; exit;
            open (IN, $input_dir.$each_file) || die 'cannot open the inputfile $!';
            open (OUT, ">$output_dir$each_file") || die 'cannot open the outputfile $!';

        print OUT "Name\tArea\n"; 

            my %hash; my %area; my %remaning_data;

            while(my $line=<IN>){
            chomp $line;

            my @line_split=split(/\t/,$line);
            # print $_,"\n" foreach(@line_split);

            my $name=$line_split[0]; 
             my $area=$line_split[1]; 

任何人都可以提供有关如何完成此操作的指导吗? 提前谢谢。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

perl -lane '$X{$F[0]}.=" $F[2]";END{foreach(keys %X){if(scalar(split / /,$X{$_})==4){print $_,$X{$_}}}}' file1 file2 file3


> perl -lane '$X{$F[0]}.=" $F[2]";END{foreach(keys %X){if(scalar(split / /,$X{$_})==4){print $_,$X{$_}}}}' file1 file2 file3
ab 2 45 76
aaa 34 43 54

答案 1 :(得分:0)


use strict;
use warnings;

my $inputDir = '/tmp/input';
my $outputDir = '/tmp/out';

opendir my $readdir, $inputDir || die 'cannot open the input directory $!';
my @files_list = readdir($readdir);

my %areas;
foreach my $file (@files_list) {
    next if $file =~ /^\.+$/; # skip ..
    open (my $fh, "<$inputDir/$file");
    while (my $s = <$fh>) {
        if ($s =~ /(\w+)\s+[\d\.]+\s+([\d\.]+)/) {
            my ($name,$area) = ($1, $2); # parse name and area
            push(@{$areas{$name}}, $area); # add area to the hash of arrays
    close ($fh);

open (my $out, ">$outputDir/outfile");
foreach my $key (keys %areas) {
    print $out "$key ";
    print $out join " ", @{$areas{$key}};
    print $out "\n";
close ($out);