
时间:2013-03-25 03:37:09

标签: excel vba oledb user-defined-functions commandbutton





 Function ValueV(mm As String, yy As String, qtable As String, qcode As String, compare_period As Integer, average_period As Integer, weight As Boolean) As Variant
 'Month Value Formula for Horizontal Data
 'mm - month value 2-digit
 'yy - year value 4-digit
 'qtable - query table name eg. "cpia"
 'qcode - query code for variable eg. "all0100"
 'avgperiod - lag periods to average in calculation eg. 3-avgperiods for quarterly measure, 1-avgperiod for point measure.
 'weight - boolean (true or false) value for weighting values given reference weight. Currently unsupported. Code should be extended to include this feature. (space holder for now)
  Dim lag_value As Variant
  Dim cur_value As Variant
  lag_value = 0
  cur_value = 0

     'STEP-A: Gets the initial Value average or not.
     If compare_period > 0 Then
     'Use this step to pickup initial value when compare_period <> 0 which requires a % change as opposed to a point value.
     'Average_period must be greater than or equal to one (1). One (1) represents the current month which is the same as a point value.
         lmm = fnc.lagdate(mm, yy, compare_period, "mm")                          'lag month (a single month for mValueH)
         lyy = fnc.lagdate(mm, yy, compare_period, "yy")                          'lag year (a single month for mValueH)
         smm = fnc.lagdate(mm, yy, compare_period + average_period - 1, "mm")     'dating backwards to account for average period
         syy = fnc.lagdate(mm, yy, compare_period + average_period - 1, "yy")     'dating backwards to account for average period
         'note, for smm & syy, the average period includes the lmm so we add back one (1)
         'eg. 3-mth average is not 3-lags but current and 2-lags.
         sdate1 = syy & fnc.numtext(smm)
         'start date for query (begining of lag value including average period)

         Set MyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset
         MySql = sql.sqlVSers(lmm, lyy, qtable, qcode, sdate1)
         'MsgBox (MySql)
         MyRecordset.Open MySql, MyConnect, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

         Do Until MyRecordset.EOF     'Loop to end and enter required values
         lag_value = lag_value + MyRecordset(qcode)
         lag_value = lag_value / average_period
     End If

     'STEP-B: Gets the current Value average or not.
         smm = fnc.lagdate(mm, yy, average_period - 1, "mm")           'dating backwards to account for average period
         syy = fnc.lagdate(mm, yy, average_period - 1, "yy")           'dating backwards to account for average period
         sdate1 = syy & fnc.numtext(smm)
         'start date for query (begining of lag value including average period)

         Set MyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset
         MySql = sql.sqlVSers(mm, yy, qtable, qcode, sdate1)
         MyRecordset.Open MySql, MyConnect, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

         Do Until MyRecordset.EOF     'Loop to end and enter required values
         cur_value = cur_value + MyRecordset(qcode)

         cur_value = cur_value / average_period

     'STEP-C: Calculates the Requested % Change or Point Value.
     If compare_period = 0 Then
         ValueV = cur_value
         ValueV = cur_value / lag_value * 100 - 100
     End If

 End Function


Private Sub Workbook_AfterSave(ByVal Success As Boolean)
Dim filePath
filePath = ThisWorkbook.Path
If Right$(filePath, 1) <> "\" Then filePath = filePath & "\"
MyConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & filePath & "rsdata.accdb;"
End Sub



提前致谢。 JR。

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您正试图将UDF用于他们不打算做的事情。他们 设计的内容就像其他单元格公式一样,并且当Excel决定它们需要时会被加工。


  • 重新设计您的应用程序,以便不使用UDF(IMO最佳方式)
  • 修改您的UDF以仅响应您指定的触发器,例如点击按钮(IMO是一个肮脏的想法)
