public int getCount()
public Object getItem(int position)
public long getItemId(int position)
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
以及当我们将get_the_return_value_of getView()
答案 0 :(得分:12)
private ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> mProjectsList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
public int getCount() - &gt;为您提供适配器中存在的总元素(类似于数组的大小)
public int getCount() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return mProjectsList.size();
public Object getItem(int position) - &gt;告诉我点击了哪个项目,只需按照指定位置的方式返回此处。它实际上返回了你点击它的所有属性的整个biwe,这就是为什么我们只返回我们点击的位置的视图,以告诉BASEADAPTER类该视图被cliked
public Object getItem(int position) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return mProjectsList.get(position);
public long getItemId(int position)会在您点击某个列表项时提供您要返回的主ID。当你实际点击列表视图的某个项目时,它返回两个长格式的主键和int格式的位置..
我们通常在数据库中将主键指定为“_id”,因此当我们使用简单适配器而不是扩展baseadapter类时,它会自动以长格式返回_id字段作为主ID。 但是我们必须在BaseAdapter中手动指定我们想要返回的内容
public long getItemId(int position) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return Long.parseLong(mProjectsList.get(position).get("ID")) ;
// retuning my Primary id from the arraylist by
public View getView(int position,View convertView,ViewGroup parent) actaully创建绑定自定义布局的视图
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//**position** index of the item whose view we want.
//**convertView** the old view to reuse, if possible. Note: You should
//check that this view is non-null and of an appropriate type before using. If it is
//not possible to convert this view to display the correct data, this method can create a
//new view.
// (Lets see if you have total 100 elements in listview , but
//currently only 10 are visible in screen. So it will create only 10 items at a time as
//only those are visible.
//and when you will scroll that listView it will use these same 10
//Views(elemnts in rows to display new data, instead of creating 10 more new views, which
//obviously will be efficeient)
//While alternatively if we dont extend base adapter (but rather
//use simple binding using simpleadapter) it will then generates whole list of 100 Views
//in one short whic will be time consuimng/ memory consuming depending uopn the amount of
//data to be bind
//**parent** the parent that this view will eventually be attached to
View rowView = convertView;
if (rowView == null) { //always required to be checked as mentioned in google docs
// this line checks for if initially row View is null then we have to create the Row View. Once it will be created then it will always Surpass this check and we will keep on reusing this rowView (thats what actually we are looking for)
LayoutInflater inflater = mActivitycontext.getLayoutInflater(); // creating instance of layout inflater to inflate our custom layout
rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.projectslist_row, null); //assigend our custom row layout to convertview whic is to be reused
ViewHolder viewHolder = new ViewHolder(); // ViewHolder is a custom class in which we are storing are UI elaments of Row
viewHolder.mprojectslistRowView = (TextView) rowView.findViewById(R.id.projectslist_row); //assigned the id of actual textView thats on our custom layout to the instance of TextView in our static class
ViewHolder holder = (ViewHolder) rowView.getTag();
String projectName = mProjectsList.get(position).get("ProjectName"); // here i am fetching data from my HashMap ArrayList
holder.mprojectslistRowView.setText(projectName); // here i am just assigning what to show in my text view
return rowView;
I created this as inner class
static class ViewHolder
// create instances for all UI elemnts of your Row layout (here i am showing only text data as row of my list view so only instance of TextView has been created)
// It is a statci class hence will keep this instance alive all the time and thats Why we will be able to reuse it again and again.
TextView mprojectslistRowView;
您必须将此适配器绑定到Control,因为我们在此处覆盖了这些方法 一切都将自动处理。