
时间:2013-03-21 09:02:52

标签: javascript leaflet


L.circleMarker(points[i],{title: 'unselected'}).bindLabel('Destination').addTo(map);



我指的是此演示版http://leaflet.github.com/Leaflet.label/,用于向圆圈标记添加静态标签,但有些我无法做到这一点。 它可以正常使用标记,但是使用圆圈标记静态标签不起作用。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)

L.CircleMarkerL.Path而不是L.Marker延伸,因此如果您比较https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.label/blob/master/src/Path.Label.jshttps://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.label/blob/master/src/Marker.Label.js,您会发现Path没有L.CircleMarker.include({ bindLabel: function (content, options) { if (!this._label || this._label.options !== options) { this._label = new L.Label(options, this); } this._label.setContent(content); this._labelNoHide = options && options.noHide; if (!this._showLabelAdded) { if (this._labelNoHide) { this .on('remove', this.hideLabel, this) .on('move', this._moveLabel, this); this._showLabel({latlng: this.getLatLng()}); } else { this .on('mouseover', this._showLabel, this) .on('mousemove', this._moveLabel, this) .on('mouseout remove', this._hideLabel, this); if (L.Browser.touch) { this.on('click', this._showLabel, this); } } this._showLabelAdded = true; } return this; }, unbindLabel: function () { if (this._label) { this._hideLabel(); this._label = null; this._showLabelAdded = false; if (this._labelNoHide) { this .off('remove', this._hideLabel, this) .off('move', this._moveLabel, this); } else { this .off('mouseover', this._showLabel, this) .off('mousemove', this._moveLabel, this) .off('mouseout remove', this._hideLabel, this); } } return this; } }); L.circleMarker([53.902257, 27.541640] ,{title: 'unselected'}).addTo(map).bindLabel('Destination', { noHide: true }); 任何选项和这个逻辑你必须自己实现。例如:


答案 1 :(得分:1)



 // First add your GeoJSON layer
 geojson = L.geoJson(myGeoJson,{
        onEachFeature: onEachFeature

 // onEachFeature is called every time a polygon is added
 var polys = [];
 function onEachFeature(layer){
     polys.push(layer); // Push the polygons into an array you can call later

 // Now trigger them after they've been added
      polys[0].fire('click') // clicks on the first polygon
      polys[1].fire('click') // clicks on the second polygon