java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException:(m = null)无法获取监视器

时间:2009-10-12 10:50:01

标签: java multithreading locking pool


java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException: (m=null) Failed to get monitor for (tIdx=60)
        at java.lang.Object.wait(
        at ...


    public Object takeObject() {
        Object obj = internalTakeObject();
        while (obj == null) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            obj = internalTakeObject();
        return obj;

    private Object internalTakeObject() {
        Object obj = null;
        synchronized (available) {
            if (available.size() > 0) {
                obj = available.keySet().iterator().next();
                synchronized (taken) {
                    taken.put(obj, Boolean.valueOf(true));
        return obj;

    public void returnObject(Object obj) {
        synchronized (taken) {
        synchronized (available) {
            if (available.size() < size) {
                available.put(obj, Boolean.valueOf(true));



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:68)


特别是“当前线程必须拥有此对象的监视器。”和“[throws] IllegalMonitorStateException - 如果当前线程不是对象监视器的所有者。”也就是说,您需要在要调用的对象上进行同步等待。


synchronized (available) {

答案 1 :(得分:7)


答案 2 :(得分:0)


答案 3 :(得分:0)

您正在从中获取“ IllegalMonitorStateException”


因为当前调用wait()方法的线程不是对象监视器的所有者,即 由“可用”对象引用引用。


  1. 通过执行该对象的同步实例方法。
  2. 通过执行在对象上同步的同步块的主体。
  3. 对于类类型的对象,通过执行该类的同步静态方法来实现。



  1. 通过执行该对象的同步实例方法。

    import static java.lang.System.out;
    public class SynchronizedInstanceMethodClass {
        synchronized void synchronizedInstanceMethod() { // threadOne acquire the monitor for "this" and continue.
                try {
                    out.println("EVENT #1 threadOne is about to strat waiting on the "
                            +"monitor it already has - [\"this\"]....");
                    this.wait(); // The threadOne already have the monitor for "this", 
                                //  just release the monitor and go and wait threadOne.
                    out.println("EVENT #3 Notify received and continue execution...");
                } catch (InterruptedException interruptedException) {
        synchronized void notifierForAllThreads() { // threadTwo acquire the monitor for "this", 
                                                   // which was released by threadOne when it went to waiting and contine.
                out.println("EVENT #2 threadTwo is about to notify all threads(including threadOne) "
                        +"   waiting on the monitor of -[\"this\"]....");
                this.notifyAll(); // threadTwo who owns the monitor on "this" notifies all 
                                 // threads waiting on "this" and releases the monitor
        public static void main(String [] args) {
            SynchronizedInstanceMethodClass mc  = new SynchronizedInstanceMethodClass();
            Thread threadOne = new Thread(() -> {mc.synchronizedInstanceMethod();});
            Thread threadTwo = new Thread(() -> {mc.notifierForAllThreads();});
            threadOne.start(); // Start the waiting of Thread one
            threadTwo.start(); // Notify the waiting threadOne
  2. 通过执行在对象上同步的同步块的主体。

    import static java.lang.System.out;
    public class SynchronizedBlockClass {
        void synchronizedBlockInstanceMethod() {
            synchronized (this) { // threadOne acquire the monitor for "this" and continue.
                try {
                    out.println("EVENT #1 threadOne is about to strat waiting on the "
                                +"monitor it already has - [\"this\"]....");
                    this.wait(); // The threadOne already have the monitor for "this", 
                                //  just release the monitor and go and wait threadOne.
                    out.println("EVENT #3 Notify received and continue execution...");
                } catch (InterruptedException interruptedException) {
        void synchronizedBlockNotifierForAllThreads() {
            synchronized (this) { // threadTwo acquire the monitor for "this", 
                                 // which was released by threadOne when it went to waiting and continue.
                    out.println("EVENT #2 threadTwo is about to notify all threads(including threadOne) "
                            +"   waiting on the monitor of -[\"this\"]....");
                    this.notifyAll(); // threadTwo who owns the monitor on "this" notifies all 
                                     // threads waiting on "this" and releases the monitor
        public static void main(String [] args) {
            SynchronizedBlockClass mc  = new SynchronizedBlockClass();
            Thread threadOne = new Thread(() -> {mc.synchronizedBlockInstanceMethod();});
            Thread threadTwo = new Thread(() -> {mc.synchronizedBlockNotifierForAllThreads();});
            threadOne.start(); // Start the waiting of Thread one
            threadTwo.start(); // Notify the waiting threadOne
  3. 对于类类型的对象,通过执行该类的同步静态方法来实现。

    import static java.lang.System.out;
    public class StaticClassReferenceClass {
        void synchronizedBlockInstanceMethod() {
            synchronized (StaticClassReferenceClass.class) { // threadOne acquire the monitor for class literal and continue.
                try {
                    out.println("EVENT #1 threadOne is about to strat waiting on the "
                                +"monitor it already has - [StaticClassReferenceClass.class]....");
                    StaticClassReferenceClass.class.wait(); // The threadOne already have the monitor for the class literal, 
                                //  So it just release the monitor and go and wait.
                    out.println("EVENT #3 Notify received and continue execution...");
                } catch (InterruptedException interruptedException) {
        void synchronizedBlockNotifierForAllThreads() {
            synchronized (StaticClassReferenceClass.class) { // threadTwo acquire the monitor for the class literal, 
                                 // which was released by threadOne when it went to waiting.
                    out.println("EVENT #2 threadTwo is about to notify all threads(including threadOne) "
                            +"   waiting on the monitor of -[StaticClassReferenceClass.class]....");
                    StaticClassReferenceClass.class.notifyAll(); // threadTwo who owns the monitor on the class literal notifies all 
                                     // threads waiting on it and releases the monitor
        public static void main(String [] args) {
            StaticClassReferenceClass mc  = new StaticClassReferenceClass();
            Thread threadOne = new Thread(() -> {mc.synchronizedBlockInstanceMethod();});
            Thread threadTwo = new Thread(() -> {mc.synchronizedBlockNotifierForAllThreads();});
            threadOne.start(); // Start the waiting of Thread one
            threadTwo.start(); // Notify the waiting threadOne