
时间:2013-03-21 01:04:18

标签: freepascal lazarus

根据Marco在this thread中的建议,我有一个情况,我有一个原始字节数据缓冲区,4096字节,从文件循环读取。

然后我想在该缓冲区中搜索已知的4字节十六进制字符串。我有以下编译好的代码,我知道缓冲区中有数据字节,包括我寻找的十六进制字符串,但IndexDWord总是返回false(-1),我看不出原因。奇怪的“再次读取读取”行为是因为我需要两个单独的缓冲区 - 一个包含原始字节数据,另一个包含char数据。

 Buffer               : array [1..4096] of char;
 Buffer2              : array [1..4096] of byte;

 const BinaryMarker : DWord = ($54435054); // (instead of Hex, Hex, Hex, etc. It now compiles)

// Code relating to opening the file etc....then
   BytesRead := SourceFile.Read(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer));         // Read a buffer as an array of chars
   SourceFile.Position := SourceFile.Position - BytesRead;       // Go back to where you just were
   BinaryBytesRead := SourceFile.Read(Buffer2, SizeOf(Buffer2)); // And read it again as byte buffer

   J := IndexDWord(Buffer2, SizeOf(Buffer2), BinaryMarker);
   if J > 0 then  // this is never true, even though I know the byte hex pattern exists in the buffer
     ShowMessage('Found at offset ' + IntToStr(J));    

帮助!我使用的是FPC 2.7.1和Lazarus 1.1。 IndexDWord的页面是here

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