
时间:2013-03-20 23:34:55

标签: c# .net winapi asynchronous nfs

我正在编写一个C#应用程序(限于.NET framework 4.0或更低版本(即没有Read / WriteAsync)),负责在Windows(7或更高版本)机器和NFS安装的Unix之间读/写文件基于服务器。



出现问题的原因是在超时的情况下清理我的溪流。在断开连接时,似乎在流上调用private int PerformRead (FileStream readStream, byte [] buffer, int nBytes) { IAsyncResult readResult = null; try { readResult = readStream.BeginRead (buffer, 0, nBytes, null, null); // If the read was completed, return # of bytes read. if (readResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne (1000)) { return readStream.EndRead (readResult); } // Otherwise, the timeout has elapsed. else { throw new TimeoutException (); } } finally { if (null != readResult) { readResult.AsyncWaitHandle.Close (); } } } Dispose()会无限期挂起。为了解决这个问题,我在超时时明确地在文件句柄上调用Win32的Close()。在切断连接时,此功能似乎也会阻塞。以下代表我对读取流的处理。


是否有推荐的方法为不再可用的文件正确处理FileStream?请注意,如果连接已断开,对private void ReadNewFile (string path, byte [] buffer) { IntPtr readHandle = IntPtr.Zero; FileStream readStream = null; try { readHandle = CreateFile (path 0xc0000000, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 3, 0x40000000, IntPtr.Zero); SafeFileHandle safeReadHandle = new SafeFileHandle (readHandle, true); if (safeReadHandle.IsInvalid) { throw new Exception (); } readStream = new FileStream (safeReadHandle, FileAccess.Read, 4092, true); while (true) { // Read part of the file into the buffer. int bytesRead = PerformRead (readStream, buffer, buffer.Length); // If EOF reached, break. if (bytesRead == 0) { break; } } } catch (TimeoutException) { // NOTE: Hangs indefinitely if the network cable is unplugged. CloseHandle (readHandle); } finally { if (null != readStream) { // NOTE: Hangs indefinitely if both of the following are true: // - Network cable is unplugged (resulting in TimeoutException) // - The body of the caught TimeoutException is commented out. readStream.Close (); } } } 的任何调用也将无限期挂起。

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