
时间:2013-03-20 12:45:20

标签: java




import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class JewelleryStore

    public static void main(String[] args)

        double stateRate = 0.1;
        double luxuryRate = 0.2;
        double laborRate = 0.05;
        double extraCharge;
        int numOrdered;
        double diamondCost;
        double settingCost;
        double baseCost;
        double totalCost;
        double laborCost;
        double stateTax;
        double luxuryTax;
        double finalAmountDue;

        Scanner keyInput = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.println("What is the cost of the diamond?");
        diamondCost = keyInput.nextDouble();
        System.out.println("What is the cost of the setting?");
        settingCost = keyInput.nextDouble();
        System.out.println("How many rings are you ordering?");
        numOrdered = keyInput.nextInt();

        baseCost = diamondCost + settingCost;
        calcExtraCost(baseCost, laborRate);
        laborCost = extraCharge;
        calcExtraCost(baseCost, stateRate);
        stateTax = extraCharge;
        calcExtraCost(baseCost, luxuryRate);
        luxuryTax = extraCharge;
        totalCost = baseCost + laborCost + stateTax + luxuryTax;
        finalAmountDue = numOrdered*totalCost;
        DecimalFormat dollar = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Jasmine Jewelry INC:  TOTAL COST  BREAKDOWN" + "\nDiamond Cost: $" +dollar.format(diamondCost) + "\nSetting Cost: $" + dollar.format(settingCost) + "\nState Tax @ 10%: $" + dollar.format(stateTax) + "\nLuxury Tax  @ 20%: $" + dollar.format(luxuryTax)+"\nLabor Charge @ 5%: $"+dollar.format(laborCost)+"\nTotal Price: $" + dollar.format(diamondCost+settingCost+stateTax+luxuryTax+laborCost) +"\n\nNumberOrdered: " + numOrdered + "\n\nAmount Due $" + dollar.format(finalAmountDue));

    public static double calcExtraCost(double diamond, double rate)
        double extraCharge = diamond*rate;
        double diamond = baseCost;
        double rate = laborCost;

    public static double calcExtraCost(double diamond2, double rate2)
        double extracharge = diamond2*rate2;
        double diamond = baseCost;
        double rate2 = stateTax;
    public static double calcExtraCost(double diamond2, double rate3)
        double extracharge = diamond1*rate3;
        double diamond2 = baseCost;
        double rate3 = luxuryTax;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




 public static double calcExtraCost(double value, double rate)
    return value*rate;


baseCost = baseCost + calcExtraCost(baseCost, laborRate);

我也推荐Head First Java!

答案 1 :(得分:0)

你基本上是一次又一次地创建相同的方法,这是不需要的...只需创建一个方法,方法可以在运行时获得不同的值 的伪代码:

public static double calcExtraCost(double diamond, double rate)
       // do something
return somedouble value computed

在调用方法时,您需要将不同的速率作为输入calcExtraCost(diamond,rate1) or calcExtraCost(diamond,rate2) or calcExtraCost(diamond,rate3 )等传递,JVM足够聪明,可以调用相应的方法。另外你的逻辑没有意义请阅读http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/


答案 2 :(得分:0)


import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class JewelleryStore

    public static void main(String[] args)

        double stateRate = 0.1;
        double luxuryRate = 0.2;
        double laborRate = 0.05;
        double extraCharge;
        int numOrdered;
        double diamondCost;
        double settingCost;
        double baseCost;
        double totalCost;
        double laborCost;
        double stateTax;
        double luxuryTax;
        double finalAmountDue;

        Scanner keyInput = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.println("What is the cost of the diamond?");
        diamondCost = keyInput.nextDouble();
        System.out.println("What is the cost of the setting?");
        settingCost = keyInput.nextDouble();
        System.out.println("How many rings are you ordering?");
        numOrdered = keyInput.nextInt();

        baseCost = diamondCost + settingCost;
        extraCharge=calcExtraCost(baseCost, laborRate);
        laborCost = extraCharge;
        extraCharge=calcExtraCost(baseCost, stateRate);
        stateTax = extraCharge;
        extraCharge=calcExtraCost(baseCost, luxuryRate);
        luxuryTax = extraCharge;
        totalCost = baseCost + laborCost + stateTax + luxuryTax;
        finalAmountDue = numOrdered*totalCost;
        DecimalFormat dollar = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Jasmine Jewelry INC:  TOTAL COST  BREAKDOWN" + "\nDiamond Cost: $" +dollar.format(diamondCost) + "\nSetting Cost: $" + dollar.format(settingCost) + "\nState Tax @ 10%: $" + dollar.format(stateTax) + "\nLuxury Tax  @ 20%: $" + dollar.format(luxuryTax)+"\nLabor Charge @ 5%: $"+dollar.format(laborCost)+"\nTotal Price: $" + dollar.format(diamondCost+settingCost+stateTax+luxuryTax+laborCost) +"\n\nNumberOrdered: " + numOrdered + "\n\nAmount Due $" + dollar.format(finalAmountDue));

    static double calcExtraCost(double diamond, double rate)
        double extraCharge = diamond*rate;
        return extraCharge;
