
时间:2013-03-19 17:00:31

标签: asp.net-mvc-3 c#-4.0 webgrid

我使用MVC3开发系统,并且为了渲染Grid,有必要使用WebGrid。 我有一个ActionResult,它返回包含空网格的Index页面。 我有另一个ActionResult接收这些过滤器参数,执行过滤器查询并返回填充的网格。 当我分页这个网格时,网格返回空,因为它调用了Index ActionResult。

  • 所以我的问题是如何在分页webgrid时保留这些过滤结果?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


神奇的技巧发生在你的Index ActionResult(或你的默认ActionResult,它将使网格页面呈现其默认行为)。


public ActionResult Index()//My default action result that will render the grid at its default situation
    SearchViewModel model = new SearchViewModel(); 

    if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) //First trick is here, this verification will tell you that someone sorted or paged the grid.
        if (Session["SearchViewModel"] != null) //If session is not empty, you will get the last filtred values from it.
            model = (SearchViewModel)Session["Filtro"];
    else // If it is not an AjaxRequest, you have to clear your Session, so new requests to Index with default behavior won't display filtred values.
        Session["SearchViewModel"] = null;

    model.GridResult = ExecuteFilter(model); // OPITIONAL! This code dependes on how is your real world situation. Just remember that you need to return a default behavior grid if the request was not called by the WebGrid, or return filtred results if WebGrid requested.
    return View(model);


下一步是搜索POST ActionResult:

public ActionResult Index(SearchViewModel pesquisa) // IMPORTANT!! It is necessary to be the SAME NAME of your GET ActionResult. The reason for that I know, but won't discuss here because it goes out of the question.
    SearchViewModel model = new SearchViewModel();
    model.GridResult = ExecuteFilter(pesquisa); // Execute your filter
    Session["SearchViewModel"] = model; //Save your filter parameters on Session.
    return View("Index", model);

多数民众赞成。 Index.cshtml没有任何技巧。只是一个SearchForm到ActionResult索引,将我的SearchViewModel作为参数传递。



$('#yourGrid')。load('它传递用于显示当前页面的URL,以及一些分页或排序参数,但这些参数由WebGrid使用') 因为它执行.load()方法,所以请求将是一个GET,并且会命中你的Index GET ActionResult。但它是一个AJAX调用,所以我们的魔术技巧将使用你在Session上保存的参数再次执行过滤器。

我提醒的唯一细节是关于您的默认网格行为。 GET索引ActionResult必须返回有效的网格结果,无论是否有会话过滤器。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这应该对你有所帮助。 Link本文介绍了如何进行分页,并允许您保持数据源相同。



function onDataBinding(e) {
    var searchModel = {
        SearchName: $('#@Html.FieldIdFor(model => model.SearchName")').val(),
    e.data = searchModel;


    [GridAction(EnableCustomBinding = true)]
    public ActionResult BackordersList(GridCommand command, SearchModel model)
        var searchName = model.SearchName;
        var gridData = _service.GetData(searchName);

        model.GridData = new GridModel<Data>
            Data = gridData.Select(PrepareModelForGrid),
            Total = gridData.TotalCount

        return new JsonResult
            Data = model.GridData