Java EnumMap;不能将密钥转换为他们的枚举

时间:2013-03-17 22:11:22

标签: java casting enum-map


_playerActionTimeout = (Integer) config.get( Config.Table.PLAYER_TIMEOUT );

但这告诉我,我无法将Config.Table转换为Config.Table。 Config位如下所示:

static public enum Table
    PLAYER_TIMEOUT( "playerTimeout", Integer.class ),
    PLAYER_STARTCHIPS( "playerStartChips", Integer.class ),
    INITIAL_SMALLBLIND( "initialSmallBlind", Integer.class ),
    INITIAL_BIGBLIND( "initialBigBlind", Integer.class ),
    BLIND_INCREASE( "blindIncrease", SortedMap.class ),
    ROUND_STARTTIMEOUT( "roundStartTimeout", Integer.class );
    private final String _xmlTag;
    private final Class _classType;

    Table( String xmlTag, Class classType )
        _xmlTag = xmlTag;
        _classType = classType;

    public final String getXmlTag()
        return _xmlTag;

    public final Class getParameterClass()
        return _classType;



private EnumMap<Config.Table, Object> _tableConfig;

public void init()
if ( _tableConfig == null )
        _tableConfig = new EnumMap<Config.Table, Object>( Config.Table.class );
private void parseConfigFile( String definedZoneName ) throws Exception
        /** START of read config file **/
        IXMLElement config = this.loadConfig( "config.xml" );
        if ( config == null )
            throw new Exception( "No config file was found! or XML zones configuration invalid : no zone found" );
        IXMLElement zones = config.getFirstChildNamed( "Zones" );
        //So far so good
        for ( int zoneIndex = 0; zoneIndex < zones.getChildrenCount(); ++zoneIndex )
            IXMLElement xmlZone = zones.getChildAtIndex( zoneIndex );
            if ( xmlZone.getAttribute( "name" ).equalsIgnoreCase( definedZoneName ) )
            //Table config
                IXMLElement tableConfig = xmlZone.getFirstChildNamed( "TableConfig" );
                for ( int tableElIndex = 0; tableElIndex < tableConfig.getChildrenCount(); ++tableElIndex )
                    IXMLElement zoneElement = tableConfig.getChildAtIndex( tableElIndex );

                    for ( Config.Table configTable : Config.Table.values() )
                        if ( zoneElement.getName().equals( configTable.getXmlTag() ) )
                            String value = zoneElement.getContent();
                            Class parameterClass = configTable.getParameterClass();
                            if ( parameterClass.equals( Integer.class ) )
                                _tableConfig.put( configTable, Integer.parseInt( value ) );
                            else if ( parameterClass.equals( SortedMap.class ) )
                                SortedMap<Integer, Config.Blinds> increaseBlinds = new TreeMap<Integer, Config.Blinds>();
                                //Loop through all <increase> elements
                                for ( int increaseElIndex = 0; increaseElIndex < zoneElement.getChildrenCount(); ++increaseElIndex )
                                    IXMLElement increaseElement = zoneElement.getChildAtIndex( increaseElIndex );

                                    String sTime = increaseElement.getFirstChildNamed( "time" ).getContent();
                                    String sSmallBlind = increaseElement.getFirstChildNamed( "smallBlind" ).getContent();
                                    String sBigBlind = increaseElement.getFirstChildNamed( "bigBlind" ).getContent();

                                    Integer time = Integer.parseInt( sTime );
                                    Integer smallBlind = Integer.parseInt( sSmallBlind );
                                    Integer bigBlind = Integer.parseInt( sBigBlind );

                                    Config.Blinds blinds = new Config.Blinds( smallBlind, bigBlind );

                                    increaseBlinds.put( time, blinds );

                                _tableConfig.put( configTable, increaseBlinds );
                            else //if ( parameterClass.equals( String.class ) )
                                _tableConfig.put( configTable, value );
    Stack<String> missingFields = new Stack<String>();

    for ( Config.Zone configZone : Config.Zone.values() )
        if ( !_zoneConfig.containsKey( configZone ) )
            missingFields.add( configZone.getXmlTag() );

    if ( missingFields.size() > 0 )
        throw new Exception( "We were not able to read these Zone settings from the config.xml : " + missingFields.toString() + ". Please check your setup." );

    for ( Config.Table configTable : Config.Table.values() )
        if ( !_tableConfig.containsKey( configTable ) )
            missingFields.add( configTable.getXmlTag() );

    if ( missingFields.size() > 0 )
        throw new Exception( "We were not able to read these Table settings from the config.xml : " + missingFields.toString() + ". Please check your setup." );

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