我想在PHP和GD库中混合两个图像 - 如乘法,叠加和其他混合模式。
我的图片=İmage1.jpg - imageblend.jpg或image3.png
答案 0 :(得分:8)
// GD images can be true-color or indexed color. This makes a difference for getting
// and setting pixels so we'll take note of each image.
// Load the base image. For overlays, this should be the template ("overlay.png" in source)
$baseImage = imagecreatefrompng("base.png");
$baseIsTrueColor = imageistruecolor($baseImage);
// Load the image to blend on top.
$topImage = imagecreatefrompng("top.png");
$topIsTrueColor = imageistruecolor($topImage);
// Get image dimensions
$baseWidth = imagesx($baseImage);
$baseHeight = imagesy($baseImage);
$topWidth = imagesx($topImage);
$topHeight = imagesy($topImage);
// Destination X and Y - these values will center $topImage within $baseImage:
$destX = ($baseWidth - $topWidth) / 2;
$destY = ($baseHeight - $topHeight) / 2;
// This line causes all GD operations to use the overlay algorithm
// when blending pixels together.
imagelayereffect($baseImage, IMG_EFFECT_OVERLAY);
// Blend the top image onto the base image.
$baseImage, // destination
$topImage, // source
// destination x and y
$destX, $destY,
// x, y, width, and height of the area of the source to copy
0, 0, $topWidth, $topHeight);
// Because we can't just use imagecopy, we have to iterate over all the pixels in
// the entire image in order to apply the multiply algorithm to each individual pixel.
// There is probably an easier way to handle true-color vs. indexed color in this
// section but without testing the code this was the most likely to work. Depending on
// how `imagecolorsforindex` and `imagecolorclosestalpha` work this section might work
// a lot simpler.
for ($x = 0; $x < $topWidth; ++$x) {
for ($y = 0; $y < $topHeight; ++$y) {
// First get the colors for the base and top pixels.
$color = imagecolorat($baseImage, $x + $destX, $y + $destY);
// If the image is true-color, we simply use bitwise operations to separate out
// red, green, blue, and alpha from the result of imagecolorat above.
if ($baseIsTrueColor) {
$baseColor = array(
'red' => ($color >> 16) & 0xFF,
'green' => ($color >> 8) & 0xFF,
'blue' => $color & 0xFF,
'alpha' => ($color & 0x7F000000) >> 24,
// If the image uses indexed color, we can get the color components by looking up
// the color index in the image's color table.
else {
$baseColor = imagecolorsforindex($baseImage, $color);
$color = imagecolorat($topImage, $x, $y);
// If the image is true-color, we simply use bitwise operations to separate out
// red, green, blue, and alpha from the result of imagecolorat above.
if ($topIsTrueColor) {
$topColor = array(
'red' => ($color >> 16) & 0xFF,
'green' => ($color >> 8) & 0xFF,
'blue' => $color & 0xFF,
'alpha' => ($color & 0x7F000000) >> 24,
// If the image uses indexed color, we can get the color components by looking up
// the color index in the image's color table.
else {
$topColor = imagecolorsforindex($topImage, $color);
// Now perform the multiply algorithm.
$destColor = array(
'red' => intval($baseColor['red'] * ($topColor['red'] / 255.0)),
'green' => intval($baseColor['green'] * ($topColor['green'] / 255.0)),
'blue' => intval($baseColor['blue'] * ($topColor['blue'] / 255.0)),
'alpha' => intval($baseColor['alpha'] * ($topColor['alpha'] / 127.0)),
// Now set the destination pixel.
$colorIndex = imagecolorallocatealpha($baseImage, $destColor['red'], $destColor['green'], $destColor['blue'], $destColor['alpha']);
// If we failed to allocate the color, try to find the already allocated color
// that is closest to what we want.
if ($colorIndex === FALSE) {
$colorIndex = imagecolorclosestalpha($baseImage, $destColor['red'], $destColor['green'], $destColor['blue'], $destColor['alpha']);
// Now that we have a valid color index, set the pixel to that color.
imagesetpixel($baseImage, $x + $destX, $y + $destY, $colorIndex);
// Set type of image and send the output
header("Content-type: image/png");
// Release memory