中将子列表 listb
替换为另一个子列表 listo
let replace_sublist listo lista listb =
在listo中,如果有sublist = lista,则用listb替换此子列表。
链接: Replacing a sublist with another sublist in python
答案 0 :(得分:2)
type 'a strip_result =
| No_match
| Too_short
| Tail of 'a list
(** [try_strip li subli] tries to
remove the prefix [subli] from the list [li] *)
let rec try_strip li subli = match li, subli with
| _, [] -> Tail li
| [], _ -> Too_short
| hli::tli, hsub::tsub ->
if hli <> hsub then No_match
else try_strip tli tsub
let rec replace_sublist li from_sub to_sub =
match li with
| [] -> []
| head::tail ->
match try_strip li from_sub with
| Too_short -> li
| No_match -> head :: replace_sublist tail from_sub to_sub
| Tail rest -> to_sub @ replace_sublist rest from_sub to_sub
let test =
(* simple replace *)
assert (replace_sublist [1;2;3;4] [2;3] [-2;-3] = [1;-2;-3;4]);
(* multiple replace *)
assert (replace_sublist [1;2;3;2;4] [2] [0] = [1;0;3;0;4]);
(* stop while partial match *)
assert (replace_sublist [1;2;3;4] [3;4;5] [0] = [1;2;3;4]);
(* stop at match *)
assert (replace_sublist [1;2;3;4] [3;4] [2;1] = [1;2;2;1]);
(* tricky repeating sublist case *)
assert (replace_sublist [2;2;3] [2;3] [0] = [2;0]);
(* tail-rec version: instead of concatenating elements before
the recursive call
head :: replace_sublist ...
to_sub @ replace_sublist ...
keep an accumulator parameter `acc` to store the partial result,
in reverse order
replace (t :: acc) ...
replace (List.rev_append to_sub acc) ...
let replace_sublist li from_sub to_sub =
let rec replace acc li = match li with
| [] -> List.rev acc
| head::tail as li ->
match try_strip li from_sub with
| Too_short -> List.rev (List.rev_append li acc)
| No_match -> replace (head :: acc) tail
| Tail rest -> replace (List.rev_append to_sub acc) rest
in replace [] li
失败后移动,不仅仅是列表中的下一个元素,而是通过我们知道无法启动新匹配的一些元素,可以改进此算法。但是,要跳过的这些元素数量并不像List.length from_sub - 1
答案 1 :(得分:1)
let replace listo lista listb =
let rec loop listo lista listb accu =
match listo with
[] -> List.rev accu
| x :: xs ->
if xs = lista then List.rev_append (x :: accu) listb
else loop xs lista listb (x :: accu) in
loop listo lista listb []
答案 2 :(得分:1)
(我打算写一些代码,bug gasche已经做得很好。)