
时间:2013-03-14 20:08:20

标签: assembly formatting x86 memory-address sys




    Pid: resb 4


global start

    mov eax, 0x14       ; System call 20 - Get PID
    push eax            ; Push to stack for BSD
    int 0x80            ; Call
    mov edx, eax        ; Save return value in EDX
    add esp, 0x4        ; Clean up the stack

    push 0x4            ; Push lenth of 4 bytes
    mov [Pid], edx      ; Move address to Pid Buffer
    push Pid
    push 0x1            ; Set file descriptor as 1 (stdout)
    mov eax, 0x4        ; Set system call 4 - Write
    push eax            ; Push the system call to stack
    int 0x80            ; Call
    add esp, 0x10       ; Clean up the stack

    mov eax, 1          ; Set call 1 - sys_exit
    mov ebx, 0          ; All went well
    int 0x80            ; Call


String:  0x2016 <Pid>:  "z\035"
Hex:     0x2016 <Pid>:  0x00001d7a
Integer: 0x2016 <Pid>:  7546



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您可以将整数转换为字符串,然后打印字符串(使用mov eax,4 ... int 0x80,就像现在一样),或者,您可以printf使用{ {1}},需要call printf(而非global main),global start,并与extern printf进行关联。

关于如何将整数转换为十进制数字(字符串)的示例: How do I print an integer in Assembly Level Programming without printf from the c library?

如何在x86程序集中使用gcc的示例: nasm displaying a dword with printf

请注意,您需要 printf extern printf extern _printf global main,具体取决于您的设置。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


以下版本的James Parker代码转换为在 x86 / x86_64 Linux 上运行。


    LookUpDig db "0123456789"             ; Translation Table
    PIDString db "PID: "
    PIDLength equ $-PIDString


    PID: resb 8                           ; Reserve space for result


            global _start

            mov     eax, 0x14             ; GET_PID call
            int     0x80                  ; Call
            mov     ebx, 0xA              ; Set divider to 10
            mov     ebp, PID+6            ; Save the address of PID+6 to EBP
            jnz     LoopMe                ; Run the loop to convert int to string

            div     ebx                   ; Divide the PID by 10
            mov     cl, [LookUpDig+edx]   ; Copy ASCII value to CL
            mov     [ebp], cl             ; Copy CL to PID buffer
            dec     ebp                   ; Move to next byte in the buffer
            xor     edx, edx              ; Clear the remainder, else weird results :)
            inc     eax                   ; Increase EAX tricking JNZ
            dec     eax                   ; Decrease to get back to original value
            jnz     LoopMe                ; Loop until EAX is zero (all integers converted)
            jz      PrintOut              ; When done call the print out function

            mov     edx, PIDLength        ; Push PIDString Length
            mov     ecx, PIDString        ; Push PIDString
            mov     ebx, 0x1              ; FD stdout
            mov     eax, 0x4              ; sys_write call
            int     0x80                  ; Call kernel

            mov     [PID+7], byte 0xA     ; Push a newline to PID string

            mov     edx, 0x8              ; Max length of 8 bytes
            mov     ecx, PID              ; Push PID value
            mov     ebx, 0x1              ; FD stdout
            mov     eax, 0x4              ; sys_write call
            int     0x80                  ; Call kernel

            mov     eax, 0x1              ; Set system_call
            xor     ebx,ebx               ; Exit_code 0
            int     0x80                  ; Call kernel


nasm -f elf -o prnpid_32.o prnpid_32.asm
ld -o prnpid_32 prnpid_32.o                 # On native 32-bit machine
ld -m elf_i386 -o prnpid_32 prnpid_32.o     # On x86_64


$ prnpid_32
PID: 1387

答案 2 :(得分:0)




Returned PID: 60015 - Grab each integer own its own i.e. 5 1 0 0 6



LookUpDig db "0123456789"


mov cl, [LookUpDig+edx]


mov [ebp], cl



; Date    : 02/04/2013                                       *
; Compile : nasm -f macho -o pid.o space.asm                 *
; Link    : ld -macosx_version_min 10.7 -o pid pid.o         *          
; Descr.  : Prints the process PID, could be used in a       *
;           larger program.                                  *
; Nasm v. : NASM version 0.98.40                             *


    LookUpDig db "0123456789"         ; Translation Table
    PIDString db "PID: "
    PIDLength equ $-PIDString


    PID: resb 8                       ; Reserve space for result


global start

    mov eax, 0x14             ; GET_PID call
int 0x80                  ; Call  
mov ebx, 0xA              ; Set divider to 10
mov ebp, PID+6            ; Save the address of PID+6 to EBP
jnz LoopMe                ; Run the loop to convert int to string

div ebx                   ; Divide the PID by 10
mov cl, [LookUpDig+edx]   ; Copy ASCII value to CL
mov [ebp], cl             ; Copy CL to PID buffer
dec ebp                   ; Move to next byte in the buffer
xor edx, edx              ; Clear the remainder, leave in for some weird results :)
inc eax                   ; Increase EAX tricking JNZ
dec eax                   ; Decrease to get back to original value
jnz LoopMe                ; Keep looping until EAX is zero (all integers converted)
jz PrintOut               ; When done call the print out function

push PIDLength            ; Push PIDString Length
push PIDString            ; Push PIDString
push 0x1                  ; FD stdout
mov eax, 0x4              ; sys_write call
push eax                  ; Push call (BSD)
int 0x80                  ; Call
add esp, 0x10             ; Clear up the stack

mov [PID+7], byte 0xA     ; Push a newline to PID string

push 0x8                  ; Max length of 8 bytes
push PID                  ; Push PID value
push 0x1                  ; FD stdout
mov eax, 0x4              ; sys_write call
push eax                  ; Push call (BSD)
int 0x80                  ; Call
add esp, 0x10             ; Clean up stack

mov eax, 0x1              ; Set system_call
push 0x0                  ; Exit_code 0
int 0x80                  ; Call
