Elastic Beanstalk无法更新本地Git配置 - Windows

时间:2013-03-13 18:33:50

标签: amazon-web-services elastic-beanstalk

> eb init
(Answered all questions)

Failed to update local Git configuration. Follow the instructions at "http://doc
.html" to set up your Git repository, and then try again.
local variable 'fullpath' referenced before assignment


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您必须将PATH设置为 eb 的位置。如下:

C:\> set PATH=%PATH%;<path_to_unzipped_EB_CLI_package>\eb\windows\

对我来说,我把AWS Sample Code & Libraries文件夹放在我的C盘上,所以上面的链接必须是


确保您拥有所有 AWS-ElasticBeanstalk-CLI-2.5.1 文件夹内容; eb api 文件夹