
时间:2013-03-12 05:11:01

标签: runtime-error text-to-speech voice




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设置硬件 注意:我假设您使用控制面板中的经典视图。要更改视图,请按以下步骤操作:

Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
In Control Panel, click Switch to Classic View or Switch to Category View.

设置发言人 扬声器的设计和用途各不相同。有关硬件和软件的详细信息,请参阅扬声器手册。但是,大多数型号都可以以类似的方式安装。


Locate the sound connections and connect the speaker jack to the computer. Most computers use an internal sound card and often the connections are in the back of the computer. These are a series of connections the same size and diameter as the speaker jack. In many cases there are two sound out connections:
    One will be labeled as a line-out connection. Most speakers that require a separate power supply (such as an electrical (AC) adapter or batteries) should use this connection. It is also used to export amplified sound to recording devices including recordable CDs and tape cassette systems.
    The other connection is for the non-powered speakers. Because the signal is boosted by the computer, powered speakers may be damaged if connected. 
Plug the speaker into the proper connection.
To test the connection, follow these steps:
    Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Speech.
    On the Text-to-Speech tab, click Preview Voice to hear the currently selected voice. The text is spoken and the words are highlighted as they are spoken. If the speakers are working properly, you will hear the spoken words. 
If you do not hear sound after you connect the speakers, see the "Possible Text-to-Speech Problems" section of this article for troubleshooting procedures. 

选择音频输出设备 要选择音频输出设备,请按以下步骤操作:

Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Speech.
On the Text-to-Speech tab, click Audio Output.
Select either Use preferred audio output device or Use this audio output device.
    Use preferred audio device sets the output device as the default for the system. Select this option if you want to use the same output device for speech as all other sound for the system. It is also the default option for Speech properties. Often, computers will have only one output device, such as a pair of speakers. The default device is designated in the appropriate sounds or multimedia properties in Control Panel for each operating system. Additional information for the specific panel is available through the associated Help files.
    Use this audio output device allows you to select another device for speech programs only. The drop-down list is active if other devices are available. In this drop-down list, select the device that you want. This does not change the default device for other audio programs. For example, you may want all speech output to go through your headset rather than the speakers.

设置音频输出设备选项 默认情况下,禁用此选项。但是,其他语音引擎可能包括音频线路输出选项的高级属性。如果是这样,音频输出将可用。按照屏幕上的说明或针对特定引擎单独记录的说明。


Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Speech.
On the Text-to-Speech tab, click Audio Output.
Follow the instructions presented on the screen. 

配置文字转语音选项 确定选定的TTS语音或引擎 要确定所选的文字转语音,请按以下步骤操作:

Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Speech.

On the Text-to-Speech tab, the displayed name in the Voice selection drop-down list is the currently active voice.
Click Preview Voice to hear the active voice. The text is spoken and the words are highlighted as they are spoken. 

预览TTS语音 要预览文字转语音,请按以下步骤操作:

Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Speech.

On the Text-to-Speech tab, the displayed name in the Voice selection drop-down list is the active voice.
Click Preview Voice to hear the currently selected voice. The text is spoken and the words are highlighted as they are spoken.
During playback, Preview Voice will change to Stop. Click Stop to interrupt the voice playback. 


更改TTS语音或引擎 要更改文字转语音或引擎,请按以下步骤操作:

Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Speech.
On the Text-to-Speech tab, the name displayed in the Voice selection drop-down list is the active voice.
Click the active voice inside the drop-down list, or use the arrow to display a list of available voices.
Click a new voice to select it.

The newly selected voice speaks the text in Preview Voice box.
Click OK or Apply to accept the new voice. 


A Text-to-Speech voice is closely associated with a particular speech engine. It may not be clear from the displayed name which language a voice is using. After selecting a speech engine or voice, test the voice and language by clicking Preview Voice.
The language or voices supported by a speech engine may not be obvious from the engine's displayed name. Refer to the specific user's guide for detailed information about the engine. This includes not only the language supported, but also the lexicon purpose. The lexicon purpose indicates whether it is a general grammar or jargon specific to a profession such as legal or medical.
Microsoft does not provide additional speech engines (voices), but a number of third-party products are available that support the new Microsoft Speech API. For information on these products, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

更改TTS语音费率 *要更改文字转语音速率,请按以下步骤操作:*

Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Speech.
Select the Text-to-Speech tab.
Move the Voice speed slider to change the rate of the Text-to-Speech voice. By default, it is set to Normal.
Click Preview Voice to hear the currently selected voice at the new rate. The text is spoken and the words are highlighted as they are spoken. 

更改文字转语音量 要调节音量输出电平,请按照以下步骤操作。请注意,并非所有设备都以相同的方式支持此选项。某些设备不支持音量控制,音量按钮将不可用。其他设备可以使用自己的显示器。在这些情况下,请按照屏幕上显示的说明或与发动机分开记录。

Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Speech.
On the Text-to-Speech tab, click Audio Output, and then click Volume.
A volume control mixer will be displayed. Adjust the appropriate device to the required level. 
