群发电子邮件时,使用Microsoft Access查询跳过空白条目?

时间:2013-03-12 01:16:34

标签: vba ms-access salesforce

我已将许多Excel工作表导入Access准备导入Salesforce.com(统一并将不同的字段名称映射到SFDC将识别的字段),因此我可以从任何一个表批量发送电子邮件( Excel表格)通过VBA和Outlook。





希望我很清楚......我正在使用Access 2013和Outlook 2010。


Option Compare Database

Public Function SendEMail()

Dim db As DAO.Database

Dim MailList As DAO.Recordset

Dim MyOutlook As Outlook.Application

Dim MyMail As Outlook.MailItem

Dim Subjectline As String

Dim BodyFile As String

Dim fso As FileSystemObject

Dim MyBody As TextStream

Dim MyBodyText As String

Set fso = New FileSystemObject

' First, we need to know the subject.

Subjectline$ = InputBox$("Please enter the subject line for this mailing.", _

"We Need A Subject Line!")

' If there??s no subject, call it a day.

If Subjectline$ = "" Then

MsgBox "No subject line, no message." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _

"Quitting...", vbCritical, "E-Mail Merger"

Exit Function

End If

' Now we need to put something in our letter...

BodyFile$ = InputBox$("Please enter the filename of the body of the message.", _

"We Need A Body!")

' If there??s nothing to say, call it a day.

If BodyFile$ = "" Then

MsgBox "No body, no message." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _

"Quitting...", vbCritical, "I Ain??t Got No-Body!"

Exit Function

End If

' Check to make sure the file exists...

If fso.FileExists(BodyFile$) = False Then

MsgBox "The body file isn??t where you say it is. " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _

"Quitting...", vbCritical, "I Ain??t Got No-Body!"

Exit Function

End If

' Since we got a file, we can open it up.

Set MyBody = fso.OpenTextFile(BodyFile, ForReading, False, TristateUseDefault)

' and read it into a variable.

MyBodyText = MyBody.ReadAll

' and close the file.


' Now, we open Outlook for our own device..

Set MyOutlook = New Outlook.Application

' Set up the database and query connections

Set db = CurrentDb()

Set MailList = db.OpenRecordset("MyEmailAddresses")

' now, this is the meat and potatoes.

' this is where we loop through our list of addresses,

' adding them to e-mails and sending them.

Do Until MailList.EOF

' This creates the e-mail

Set MyMail = MyOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

' This addresses it

MyMail.To = MailList("email")

'This gives it a subject

MyMail.Subject = Subjectline$

'This gives it the body

MyMail.HTMLBody = MyBodyText

'If you want to send an attachment

'uncomment the following line

'MyMail.Attachments.Add "c:myfile.txt", olByValue, 1, "My Displayname"

' To briefly describe:

' "c:myfile.txt" = the file you want to attach

' olByVaue = how to pass the file. olByValue attaches it, olByReference creates a shortcut.

' the shortcut only works if the file is available locally (via mapped or local drive)

' 1 = the position in the outlook message where to attachment goes. This is ignored by most

' other mailers, so you might want to ignore it too. Using 1 puts the attachment

' first in line.

' "My Displayname" = If you don??t want the attachment??s icon string to be "c:myfile.txt" you

' can use this property to change it to something useful, i.e. "4th Qtr Report"

'This sends it!


'Some people have asked how to see the e-mail

'instead of automaticially sending it.

'Uncomment the next line

'And comment the "MyMail.Send" line above this.


'And on to the next one...



'Cleanup after ourselves

Set MyMail = Nothing

'Uncomment the next line if you want Outlook to shut down when its done.

'Otherwise, it will stay running.


Set MyOutlook = Nothing


Set MailList = Nothing


Set db = Nothing

End Function

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Set MailList = db.OpenRecordset("MyEmailAddresses")


Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
Set qd = db.CreateQueryDef("")
qd.SQL = "SELECT * FROM MyEmailAddresses WHERE email IS NOT NULL And Len(Trim(email)) > 0 And OptOut <> 1"
Set MailList = qd.Openrecordset()

' adding them to e-mails and sending them.

Do Until MailList.EOF
  ... your emailing code ...

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我不是百分之百确定这是正确的,因为我在VBA中生锈了 您需要确保字段的名称正确,因为我猜了。


If (MailList("email") <> "" AND MailList("opt_out") <> 1) Then




(该位在我粘贴的代码块之前)确保该查询包含opt out字段。

Do Until MailList.EOF
    If (MailList("email") <> "" AND MailList("opt_out")) Then
        ' This creates the e-mail
        Set MyMail = MyOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

        ' This addresses it
        MyMail.To = MailList("email")

        'This gives it a subject
        MyMail.Subject = Subjectline$

        'This gives it the body
        MyMail.HTMLBody = MyBodyText

        'If you want to send an attachment
        'uncomment the following line
        'MyMail.Attachments.Add "c:myfile.txt", olByValue, 1, "My Displayname"
        ' To briefly describe:
        ' "c:myfile.txt" = the file you want to attach
        ' olByVaue = how to pass the file. olByValue attaches it, olByReference creates a shortcut.
        ' the shortcut only works if the file is available locally (via mapped or local drive)
        ' 1 = the position in the outlook message where to attachment goes. This is ignored by most
        ' other mailers, so you might want to ignore it too. Using 1 puts the attachment
        ' first in line.
        ' "My Displayname" = If you don??t want the attachment??s icon string to be "c:myfile.txt" you
        ' can use this property to change it to something useful, i.e. "4th Qtr Report"

        'This sends it!

        'Some people have asked how to see the e-mail
        'instead of automaticially sending it.
        'Uncomment the next line
        'And comment the "MyMail.Send" line above this.
        'And on to the next one...
    End If

答案 2 :(得分:0)


在“电子邮件”列类型的“条件”行中:不是空 在“标准”字段中,OptOut列类型:&lt;&gt; 1

将查询视图更改为“数据表”。所有没有电子邮件地址的记录(1)以及(2)具有电子邮件地址但在OptOut字段中具有1的记录将不会出现在数据表中。如果您对结果满意,请执行以下操作: 更改回设计视图,单击“设计”选项卡,然后单击“MakeTable”输入与原始表相同的名称,但为其添加“X”。请注意不要输入与原始表格相同的名称。如果出现此错误,则在运行make table查询时将替换原始表。在输入表名称的小窗口中单击“确定”。我们称这个表名为“Y”。要运行此查询,请单击“设计”,然后单击“运行”。您可能会收到警告消息。通过允许创建新表来响应。保存您的查询


替代选择 如果您需要删除不需要的记录,则无需创建新表也不需要更改代码。要创建将删除不需要的记录的查询,请执行与Make Table查询相同的步骤,但不要单击“Make Table”图标,而是单击“Delete”图标。保存删除查询,关闭它并在此阶段不运行它。而是首先制作原始表的副本,为副本提供另一个名称,如果删除查询可能导致任何问题,则为您提供副本。完成复制后,双击删除查询并通过允许删除来响应警告。然后检查你的原始表。不需要的记录应该不再存在。同样被删除了。然后运行原始代码而不以任何方式改变它。
