
时间:2013-03-10 12:30:05

标签: c++ visual-c++ visual-studio-2012



  1. 包括预编译的头文件stdafx.h
  2. #include pragma once
  3. 完成了所有ifndef以及define
  4. 此外,我也会遇到奇怪的错误:

    Error   507 error C2275: '_iobuf' : illegal use of this type as an expression 


    我喜欢10 .h和.cpp文件所以我只复制粘贴2对它们有上面提到的错误。有人可以帮我这个吗?谢谢!

    // storage.h文件

        #pragma once
        #ifndef STORAGE_H
        #define STORAGE_H
        #include <iostream>
        #include <fstream>
        #include <sstream>
        #include <string>
        #include <vector>
        #include <cstdio>
        #include <cstdlib>
        #include "settings.h"
        #include "Catalogue.h"
        #include "paymentModeList.h"
        #include "user.h"
        using namespace std;
        class Storage
            //for userInformation.txt
            static const string KEYWORD_USERNAME;
            static const string KEYWORD_PASSWORD;
            //for settingsInfo.txt
            static const string KEYWORD_ACCTALERT;
            static const string KEYWORD_PAYMENTALERT;
            static const string KEYWORD_ITEMALERT;
            //for catalogueInfo.txt
            static const string KEYWORD_TITLENAME;
            static const string KEYWORD_CATLINES;
            static const string KEYWORD_ITEMNAME;
            static const string KEYWORD_PRICE;
            static const string KEYWORD_PAYMENTMODE;
            static const string KEYWORD_PAYMENTACCOUNT;
            static const string KEYWORD_CATEGORY;
            static const string KEYWORD_DATE;
            static const string KEYWORD_REMARKS;
            static const string KEYWORD_ONNOTIFICATIONS;
            static const string KEYWORD_PAIDSTATUS;
            static const string KEYWORD_DAYSBEFORE;
            //for paymentModeInfo.txt 
            //for accountInfo.txt
            Storage(); // empty constructor
            //reading from files
            vector<User*> getVectorUser();
            vector<Catalogue*> getCatalogueList(int);
            vector<Item*> getNotificationList(int);
            //not done
            vector<PaymentMode*> getPaymentModeList(int);
            Settings* getSettings(int);
            //writing to files
            void writeVectorUser(vector<User*>);
            void writeCatalogueList(vector<Catalogue*>, int);
            void writeNotificationList(vector<Item*>, int);
            void writeSettings(Settings*, int);
            //not done
            void writePaymentModeList(vector<PaymentMode*>, int);
            //checking & misc
            string getTaskInfo(string& task, string infoStart, string infoEnd);
            bool checkEmpty(ifstream &readFile);

    // user.h文件

    #pragma once
    #ifndef _USER_H
    #define _USER_H
    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>
    #include "item.h"
    #include "account.h"
    #include "accountList.h"
    #include "settings.h"
    #include "paymentModeList.h"
    #include "NotificationList.h"
    #include "catalogueList.h"
    using namespace std;
    class User
        string username;
        string password;
        int user_index;
        //implement sorting method under private
        User(string, string, int);
        string GetUsername();
        string GetPassword();
        void makeSettings(string, string);
        Settings* makeSettings(string, string, bool, bool, bool);
        void enterSettings(Settings*, PaymentModeList*, AccountList*);
        void enterUser();
        void addExpenses(CatalogueList*, NotificationList*, PaymentModeList*, AccountList*);
        void deleteEdit(CatalogueList*, NotificationList*);
        void deleteCategory(string, CatalogueList*, NotificationList*);
        void retrieve(CatalogueList*, NotificationList*, PaymentModeList*, AccountList*);
        void viewSummary(Settings*, PaymentModeList*, AccountList*);

    // user.cpp


    using namespace std;
    User :: User(string givenUser, string givenPassword, int index)
        username = givenUser;
        password = givenPassword;
        user_index = index;
    string User :: GetUsername()
        return username;
    string User :: GetPassword()
        return password;
    Settings* User :: makeSettings(string user, string pass, bool paymentAlert, bool accountAlert, bool itemAlert)
        Settings* mySettings = new Settings(user, pass, paymentAlert, accountAlert, itemAlert);
        return mySettings;
    void User :: enterUser()
        //Once enter, user need to construct all the list and store data gotten from database to their respective location
        CatalogueList* myCatalogueList = new CatalogueList();
        NotificationList* myNotificationList = new NotificationList();
        Settings* mySettings = new Settings(username, password, true, true, true); //NEED TO REVISE
        PaymentModeList* myPayModeList = new PaymentModeList();
        AccountList* myAcctList = new AccountList();
        //user selects settings button
        enterSettings(mySettings, myPayModeList, myAcctList);
        //user select add button
        addExpenses(myCatalogueList, myNotificationList, myPayModeList, myAcctList);
        //user select summary
        viewSummary(mySettings,myPayModeList, myAcctList);
        //user select retrieve
        //user select delete/edit
        //user select viewReport
        //user gets notification
        //user gets alert
        //user chooses undo
    void User :: addExpenses(CatalogueList* myCL, NotificationList* myNL, PaymentModeList* myPL, AccountList* myAL)
        string itemName;
        double price;
        string paymentMode;
        string account;
        string category;
        int date;
        string remarks;
        bool onNotification;
        bool paidStatus;
        int daysBefore;
        //assume user pass in correct details
        cin >> itemName >> price >> paymentMode >> account >> category >> date >> remarks >> onNotification >> paidStatus >> daysBefore;
        Item* itemToAdd = new Item(itemName, price, paymentMode, account, category, date, remarks, onNotification, paidStatus, daysBefore);
        //add to respective catalogue
        //Create Account or PaymentMode if they are not existing
        //update paymentModeList and accountList
        Account* toAddAcct = new Account(account);
        PaymentMode* toAddPayMode = new PaymentMode(paymentMode);
        int indexAcct = (*myAL).findAcct(toAddAcct);
        if(indexAcct == -1)
        vector<Account*> tempVA = (*myAL).getVectorAcctList();
        //Create Account or PaymentMode if they are not existing
        //update paymentModeList and accountList
        int indexPM = (*myPL).findPaymentMode(toAddPayMode);
        if( indexPM == -1 )
        vector<PaymentMode*> tempVPM = (*myPL).getVectorPayModeList();
        //update balance at respective account
        //find respective account
        //update balance at respective paymetmode
        //find respective paymentMode
        //add to notificationlist if necessary
        if( (onNotification == true) && ( (*myNL).findItem(itemToAdd) == -1) ) //NEED TO REVISE FIND FUNCTION: Remarks
    void User:: enterSettings(Settings* mySettings, PaymentModeList* myPL, AccountList* myAL)
        //user selects change username
        //user selects change password
        //user selects to change Account Threshold
        string toFindAcct;
        cin >> toFindAcct;
        Account* tempA = new Account(toFindAcct);
        int indexA = (*myAL).findAcct(tempA);
        double newAcctThreshold;
        cin >> newAcctThreshold;
        vector<Account*> tempVA = (*myAL).getVectorAcctList();
        //user selects to change PaymentMode Threshold
        string toFindPM;
        cin >> toFindPM;
        PaymentMode* tempPM = new PaymentMode(toFindPM);
        int indexP = (*myPL).findPaymentMode(tempPM);
        double newPMThreshold;
        cin >> newPMThreshold;
        vector<PaymentMode*> tempVPM = (*myPL).getVectorPayModeList();
        //user selects change budgetAlert
        //user selects change repeated items notifications
    void User :: viewSummary(Settings* mySet, PaymentModeList* myPL, AccountList* myAL)
        //display username
        string userN = (*mySet).getUsername();
        cout << userN << endl;
        //display budget for account/paymentMode?
        //display total expenditure by account
        double sumAcctBal = (*myAL).getSumOfAllAcctBal();
        cout << sumAcctBal;
        //display total expenditure by paymentMode
        double sumPayModeBal = (*myPL).getSumOfAllPayModeBal();
        cout << sumPayModeBal << endl;
    void User :: retrieve(CatalogueList* myCL, NotificationList* myNL, PaymentModeList* myPL, AccountList* myAL)
        //user input any of the following itemName, price, paymentMode, account, category, date
        //output the information for user to view
        vector< vector<Item*> > retrieveOutput;
        string itemName;
        string paymentMode;
        string account;
        string category;
        string date; //can be a range
        double price;//can be a range
        //Search by item name
        cin >> itemName;
        retrieveOutput = (*myCL).retrieveItem(itemName);
        //search by paymentMode
        cin >> paymentMode;
        vector<Catalogue*> catList = (*myCL).getVCatList();
        for(int i = 0; i < catList.size(); i++)
        /*void User :: deleteEdit(Expenses* myPriceList, Expenses* myCatalogueList)
        string categoryToDelete;
        cin >> categoryToDelete;
        //user choose to delete by category
        deleteCategory(categoryToDelete, myPriceList, myCatalogueList);
        //*****user can choose to delete single or multiple items******////
        //call for retrieve function
        //user select items
        //search through every list to delete the items
        //*******user can choose to edit single item*******//
        //call for retrieve function
        //user select single item
        //search through every list to edit the particular item*/
        void User :: deleteCategory(string categoryToDelete, Expenses* myPriceList, Expenses* myCatalogueList)
        myCatalogueList -> deleteCat(categoryToDelete);
        myPriceList -> deleteCat(categoryToDelete);

    // storage.cpp

    #include "storage.h"
    using namespace std;
    //for userInformation.txt
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_USERNAME = " -username ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_PASSWORD = " -password ";
    //for settings.txt
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_ACCTALERT = " -acctAlert ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_PAYMENTALERT = " -payModeAlert ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_ITEMALERT = " -itemAlert ";
    //for catalogueInfo.txt & notificationList.txt
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_TITLENAME = " -titlename ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_CATLINES = " -catlines ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_ITEMNAME = " -itemname ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_PRICE = " -price ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_PAYMENTMODE = " -paymentmode ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_PAYMENTACCOUNT = " -paymentaccount ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_CATEGORY = " -category ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_DATE = " -date ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_REMARKS = " -remarks ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_ONNOTIFICATIONS = " -onNotifications ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_PAIDSTATUS = " -paidstatus ";
    const string Storage::KEYWORD_DAYSBEFORE = " -daysbefore ";
    Storage :: Storage()
    bool Storage :: checkEmpty(ifstream &readFile)
            if(readFile.peek() == std::ifstream::traits_type::eof())
                return true;
                return false;
            return false;
    string Storage::getTaskInfo(string& task, string infoStart, string infoEnd)
        int startPos = 0, endPos = 0;
            startPos = task.find(infoStart);
            if(startPos == string::npos)
                return "";
            startPos += infoStart.length();
        endPos = task.rfind(infoEnd);
        if(endPos == string::npos)
            return task.substr(startPos).c_str();
        return task.substr(startPos, endPos-startPos).c_str();
    vector<User*> Storage :: getVectorUser()
        vector<User*> userList;
        ifstream readFile("userInformation.txt"); 
        string oneUser;
        string username;
        string password;
        int index =0;
            getline(readFile, oneUser);
            username = getTaskInfo(oneUser, "", KEYWORD_USERNAME);
            password = getTaskInfo(oneUser, "", KEYWORD_PASSWORD);
            User* toAdd = new User(username, password, index);
        return userList;
    void Storage :: writeVectorUser(vector<User*> allMyUsers)
        ofstream storeFile;
        for(int i=0; i<allMyUsers.size(); i++)
            string username = allMyUsers[i] -> GetUsername();
            string password = allMyUsers[i] -> GetPassword();
            storeFile << username
                << KEYWORD_USERNAME
                << password
                << KEYWORD_PASSWORD
                << endl;
    vector<Item*> Storage :: getNotificationList(int index)
        string finalName = "notificationInfo";
        string indexName;
        ostringstream convert;
        convert << index;
        indexName = convert.str() + ".txt";
        finalName = finalName + indexName;
        char* cstr_fileName = new char[finalName.length() + 1];
        strcpy(cstr_fileName, finalName.c_str());
        ifstream readFile(cstr_fileName);
        string oneItem;
        string itemname;
        string price;
        string paymentMode;
        string paymentAccount;
        string category;
        string date;
        string remarks;
        string onNotifications;
        string paidStatus;
        string daysBefore;
        vector<Item*> notifyList;
            getline(readFile, oneItem);
            itemname = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_ITEMNAME);
            price = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PRICE);
            double price_double = atof(price.c_str());
            paymentMode = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PAYMENTMODE);
            paymentAccount = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PAYMENTACCOUNT);
            category = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_CATEGORY);
            date = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_DATE);
            int date_int = atoi(date.c_str());
            remarks = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_REMARKS);
            onNotifications = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_ONNOTIFICATIONS);
            bool onNotify_bool;
            if(onNotifications == "true")
                onNotify_bool = true;
                onNotify_bool = false;
            paidStatus = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PAIDSTATUS);
            bool paidStatus_bool;
            if(paidStatus == "true")
                paidStatus_bool = true;
                paidStatus_bool = false;
            daysBefore = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_DAYSBEFORE);
            int daysBefore_int = atoi(daysBefore.c_str());
            Item* itemAdd = new Item(itemname, price_double, paymentMode, paymentAccount, category, date_int, remarks, onNotify_bool, paidStatus_bool, daysBefore_int);
        return notifyList;
    void Storage :: writeNotificationList(vector<Item*> notifyList, int index)
        string finalName = "notificationInfo";
        string indexName;
        ostringstream convert;
        convert << index;
        indexName = convert.str() + ".txt";
        finalName = finalName + indexName;
        char* cstr_fileName = new char[finalName.length() + 1];
        strcpy(cstr_fileName, finalName.c_str());
        ofstream storeFile;
        for(int j=0; j<notifyList.size(); j++)
            string itemname = notifyList[j] -> getName();
            double price = notifyList[j] -> getPrice();
            int priceInCents = price * 100;
            ostringstream convertPrice;
            convertPrice << priceInCents;
            string price_str = convertPrice.str();
            string paymentmode = notifyList[j] -> getPaymentMode(); 
            string paymentaccount = notifyList[j] -> getPaymentAccount();
            string category = notifyList[j] -> getCat();
            int date = notifyList[j] -> getDate();
            ostringstream convertDate;
            convertDate << date;
            string date_str = convertDate.str();
            string remarks = notifyList[j] -> getRemarks();
            bool onNotification = notifyList[j] -> getNotification();
            string onNotification_str;
            if(onNotification == true)
                onNotification_str = "true";
                onNotification_str = "false";
            bool paidstatus = notifyList[j] -> getPaidStatus();
            string paidStatus_str;
            if(paidstatus == true)
                paidStatus_str = "true";
                paidStatus_str = "false";
            int daysbefore = notifyList[j] -> getDaysBefore();
            ostringstream convertDaysBefore;
            convertDaysBefore << daysbefore;
            string daysbefore_str = convertDaysBefore.str();
            storeFile << itemname 
                << KEYWORD_ITEMNAME
                << price_str
                << KEYWORD_PRICE
                << paymentmode
                << KEYWORD_PAYMENTMODE
                << paymentaccount
                << category
                << KEYWORD_CATEGORY
                << date_str
                << KEYWORD_DATE
                << remarks
                << KEYWORD_REMARKS
                << onNotification_str
                << paidStatus_str
                << KEYWORD_PAIDSTATUS
                << daysbefore_str
                << KEYWORD_DAYSBEFORE
                << endl;
    void Storage :: writeSettings(Settings* mySettings, int index)
        string finalName = "settingsInfo";
        string indexName;
        ostringstream convert;
        convert << index;
        indexName = convert.str() + ".txt";
        finalName = finalName + indexName;
        char* cstr_fileName = new char[finalName.length() + 1];
        strcpy(cstr_fileName, finalName.c_str());
        ofstream storeFile;
        string username = mySettings -> getUsername;
        string password = mySettings -> getPassword;
        bool onAcctBudgetAlert = mySettings -> getOnAcctBudgetAlert;
        string onAcctBudgetAlert_str;
        if(onAcctBudgetAlert == true)
            onAcctBudgetAlert_str = "true";
            onAcctBudgetAlert_str = "false";
        bool onPayModeBudgetAlert = mySettings -> getOnPayModeBudgetAlert;
        string onPayModeBudgetAlert_str;
        if(onPayModeBudgetAlert == true)
            onPayModeBudgetAlert_str = "true";
            onPayModeBudgetAlert_str = "false";
        bool onRepeatedItemsNotification = mySettings -> getOnRepeatedItemsNotification;
        string onRepeatedItemsNotification_str;
        if(onRepeatedItemsNotification == true)
            onRepeatedItemsNotification_str = "true";
            onRepeatedItemsNotification_str = "false";
        storeFile << username
            << KEYWORD_USERNAME
            << password
            << KEYWORD_PASSWORD
            << onAcctBudgetAlert_str
            << KEYWORD_ACCTALERT
            << onPayModeBudgetAlert_str
            << onRepeatedItemsNotification_str
            << KEYWORD_ITEMALERT
            << endl;
    vector<Catalogue*> Storage :: getCatalogueList(int index)
        vector<Catalogue*> catList;
        string finalName = "catalogueInfo";
        string indexName;
        ostringstream convert;
        convert << index;
        indexName = convert.str() + ".txt";
        finalName = finalName + indexName;
        char* cstr_fileName = new char[finalName.length() + 1];
        strcpy(cstr_fileName, finalName.c_str());
        ifstream readFile(cstr_fileName);
        string oneCat;
        string titlename;
        string catlines;
        int catlines_int;
        string oneItem;
        string itemname;
        string price;
        string paymentMode;
        string paymentAccount;
        string category;
        string date;
        string remarks;
        string onNotifications;
        string paidStatus;
        string daysBefore;
            getline(readFile, oneCat);
            titlename = getTaskInfo(oneCat, "", KEYWORD_TITLENAME);
            catlines = getTaskInfo(oneCat, "", KEYWORD_CATLINES);
            Catalogue* CatAdd = new Catalogue(titlename);
            catlines_int = atoi(catlines.c_str());
            for(int i=0; i<catlines_int; i++)
                getline(readFile, oneItem);
                itemname = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_ITEMNAME);
                price = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PRICE);
                double price_double = atof(price.c_str());
                paymentMode = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PAYMENTMODE);
                paymentAccount = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PAYMENTACCOUNT);
                category = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_CATEGORY);
                date = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_DATE);
                int date_int = atoi(date.c_str());
                remarks = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_REMARKS);
                onNotifications = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_ONNOTIFICATIONS);
                bool onNotify_bool;
                if(onNotifications == "true")
                    onNotify_bool = true;
                    onNotify_bool = false;
                paidStatus = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PAIDSTATUS);
                bool paidStatus_bool;
                if(paidStatus == "true")
                    paidStatus_bool = true;
                    paidStatus_bool = false;
                daysBefore = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_DAYSBEFORE);
                int daysBefore_int = atoi(daysBefore.c_str());
                Item* itemAdd = new Item(itemname, price_double, paymentMode, paymentAccount, category, date_int, remarks, onNotify_bool, paidStatus_bool, daysBefore_int);
                CatAdd -> pushItem(itemAdd);
        return catList;
    void Storage :: writeCatalogueList(vector<Catalogue*> catList, int index)
        string finalName = "catalogueInfo";
        string indexName;
        ostringstream convert;
        convert << index;
        indexName = convert.str() + ".txt";
        finalName = finalName + indexName;
        char* cstr_fileName = new char[finalName.length() + 1];
        strcpy(cstr_fileName, finalName.c_str());
        ofstream storeFile;
        for(int i=0; i<catList.size(); i++)
            vector<Item*> itemCat = catList[i] -> getVCatItems();
            string titleName = catList[i] -> getCatName();
            int catLines = itemCat.size();
            ostringstream convertCatLines;
            convertCatLines << catLines;
            string catLines_str = convertCatLines.str();
            storeFile << titleName
                << KEYWORD_TITLENAME
                << catLines_str
                << KEYWORD_CATLINES
                << endl;
            for(int j=0; j<itemCat.size(); j++)
                string itemname = itemCat[j] -> getName();
                double price = itemCat[j] -> getPrice();
                int priceInCents = price * 100;
                ostringstream convertPrice;
                convertPrice << priceInCents;
                string price_str = convertPrice.str();
                string paymentmode = itemCat[j] -> getPaymentMode(); 
                string paymentaccount = itemCat[j] -> getPaymentAccount();
                string category = itemCat[j] -> getCat();
                int date = itemCat[j] -> getDate();
                ostringstream convertDate;
                convertDate << date;
                string date_str = convertDate.str();
                string remarks = itemCat[j] -> getRemarks();
                bool onNotification = itemCat[j] -> getNotification();
                string onNotification_str;
                if(onNotification == true)
                    onNotification_str = "true";
                    onNotification_str = "false";
                bool paidstatus = itemCat[j] -> getPaidStatus();
                string paidStatus_str;
                if(paidstatus == true)
                    paidStatus_str = "true";
                    paidStatus_str = "false";
                int daysbefore = itemCat[j] -> getDaysBefore();
                ostringstream convertDaysBefore;
                convertDaysBefore << daysbefore;
                string daysbefore_str = convertDaysBefore.str();
                storeFile << itemname 
                    << KEYWORD_ITEMNAME
                    << price_str
                    << KEYWORD_PRICE
                    << paymentmode
                    << KEYWORD_PAYMENTMODE
                    << paymentaccount
                    << KEYWORD_PAYMENTACCOUNT
                    << category
                    << KEYWORD_CATEGORY
                    << date_str
                    << KEYWORD_DATE
                    << remarks
                    << KEYWORD_REMARKS
                    << onNotification_str
                    << KEYWORD_ONNOTIFICATIONS
                    << paidStatus_str
                    << KEYWORD_PAIDSTATUS
                    << daysbefore_str
                    << KEYWORD_DAYSBEFORE
                    << endl;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


  • error C2653: 'User' : is not a class or namespace name是您的一种用户定义类型。检查发生此错误的行,看看是否可以发现问题(顺便说一下,如果你告诉我们错误发生在哪一行而不是给我们4个文件,它可能非常有帮助并说它在那里的某个地方!)。如果没有,那么......
  • ......你可能面临一些#include /命名空间的噩梦。
  • 摆脱using namespace std;。作为临时解决方案,您可以导入using std::string;等所需的内容,但为了实现可持续的长期方法,请阅读Herb Sutter的文章:http://www.gotw.ca/gotw/053.htm
  • 从文件中删除所有不必要的#include。只包括你真正需要的东西!
  • #pragma once和手册的组合包括警卫对我来说似乎很奇怪。我不认为这会导致问题,但我会坚持使用其中一个。
  • 从包含中删除stadfx.h禁用项目选项中的预编译标头。重建您的项目。 (我不是说预编译的标题很糟糕,但我会把它们拿出去,直到你解决了问题为止。)