
时间:2013-03-08 20:27:59

标签: xcode arrays cocos2d-iphone ccsprite

在下面的代码中我怎么能说在一个数组中有5个苹果,它们会在它们之间以几秒钟(或随机秒数)逐个落下。每次苹果落下时,阵列变为5-1 = 4然后4-1 = 3等等,当它达到1-1 = 0时,它应该在掉落苹果时停止。


@interface xyz : CCLayer {
        CCArray *appleArray;

@property (nonatomic, retain) CCArray *appleArray;


@synthesize appleArray;

-(id) init
        if( (self=[super init])) {

            // Init CCArray
            self.appleArray = [CCArray arrayWithCapacity:5];

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                CCSprite *Apple = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"Apple4.png"];
                [self addChild:Apple];
                int positionX = arc4random()%450;
                [Apple setPosition:ccp(positionX, 768)];

                // Add CCSprite into CCArray
                [appleArray addObject:Apple];

            [self scheduleUpdate];
        return self;

    -(void) update: (ccTime) dt
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

            // Retrieve 
            CCSprite *Apple = ((CCSprite *)[appleArray objectAtIndex:i]);

            Apple.position = ccp(Apple.position.x, Apple.position.y -300*dt);
            if (Apple.position.y < -100+64)
                int positionX = arc4random()% 450; //not 1000
                [Apple setPosition:ccp(positionX, 768)];


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



int _lastSpawn;
double _mediaTime;
int _mediaTimeInt;
int _lastIndex;
BOOL _randomTimeSet;
int _randomTime;

在.m init方法中添加以下行:

_mediaTime = CACurrentMediaTime();
_lastSpawn = (int)_mediaTime;


-(void) update: (ccTime) dt

    // Get Random Time Interval between 0 and 10 seconds.
    if(!_randomTimeSet) {
        _randomTime = arc4random() % 11;
        _randomTimeSet = YES;

    // Set current time
    _mediaTime = CACurrentMediaTime();
    _mediaTimeInt = (int)_mediaTime;

    // Check to see if enough time has lapsed to spawn a new Apple.
    if(_mediaTimeInt < (_lastSpawn + _randomTime)) { return; }

    // Check if first apple has been added or last apple has been added.
    NSNumber *num = [NSNumber numberWithInt:_lastIndex];
    if(num == nil) {
        _lastIndex = 0;
    } else if(num == [appleArray count]-1) {
        _lastIndex = 0;

    CCSprite *Apple = ((CCSprite *)[appleArray objectAtIndex:_lastIndex]);

    Apple.position = ccp(Apple.position.x, Apple.position.y -300*dt);
    if (Apple.position.y < -100+64)
        int positionX = arc4random()% 450; //not 1000
        [Apple setPosition:ccp(positionX, 768)];
    _lastIndex += 1;
    _randomTimeSet = NO;
    _mediaTime = CACurrentMediaTime();
    _lastSpawn = (int)_mediaTime;
